Search found 30 matches

by empauly
09 Sep 2023, 18:23
Forum: Support
Topic: Probem with Student Lists
Replies: 4
Views: 832

Re: Probem with Student Lists

FYI - Quentin - It turns out that this is the same weUserNotExists problem I had a few years ago. I found the solution in this community, so all is good!
by empauly
09 Sep 2023, 18:21
Forum: Support
Topic: Earmaster error message -weUserNotExists
Replies: 3
Views: 3415

Re: Earmaster error message -weUserNotExists

Update 9/9/23 - For Mac Users, hold down the "option" key rather than the "alt" key.
by empauly
07 Sep 2023, 10:23
Forum: Support
Topic: Probem with Student Lists
Replies: 4
Views: 832

Re: Probem with Student Lists

I'm not sure when I deleted those students, but it would have been at least three weeks ago. I have EArmaster on three different computers - laptop, home desktop and school-issued laptop. Things are working correctly on my personal laptop, and not on the others. I will reach out to the support team....
by empauly
06 Sep 2023, 12:22
Forum: Support
Topic: Probem with Student Lists
Replies: 4
Views: 832

Probem with Student Lists

My student results do not seem to be syncing properly. Students that were in my class last year are showing up in both the assignment manager and student results in the desktop app, even though I have removed them in the cloud (they have been removed from the "manage users" area and the in...
by empauly
18 Oct 2021, 09:29
Forum: Support
Topic: Earmaster error message -weUserNotExists
Replies: 3
Views: 3415

Re: Earmaster error message -weUserNotExists

Awesome Quentin - This worked like a charm. Thank you!
by empauly
13 Oct 2021, 08:18
Forum: Support
Topic: Earmaster error message -weUserNotExists
Replies: 3
Views: 3415

Earmaster error message -weUserNotExists

Hi Quentin, I am not able to access current student grade results from my windows computer. Luckily, I am able to access on my home computer, but still, this is a concern. I am working on a Windows 10 school-issued Lenovo L350 Yoga. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the latest version of earmaster....
by empauly
07 Apr 2021, 08:30
Forum: Support
Topic: Students unable to change tempo settings for sight-playing rhythm exercises
Replies: 8
Views: 7530

Re: Students unable to change tempo settings for sight-playing rhythm exercises

This is very helpful information, and I have shared it with my students. Thank you!
by empauly
24 Mar 2021, 06:55
Forum: Support
Topic: Students unable to change tempo settings for sight-playing rhythm exercises
Replies: 8
Views: 7530

Re: Students unable to change tempo settings for sight-playing rhythm exercises

Well, since I was able to reproduce her problem, it is probably not the version number that she is using (my app is up to date). So I will send you the workbook in question.


by empauly
23 Mar 2021, 09:53
Forum: Support
Topic: Students unable to change tempo settings for sight-playing rhythm exercises
Replies: 8
Views: 7530

Re: Students unable to change tempo settings for sight-playing rhythm exercises

Thanks for the quick response Quentin. I have all exercise settings at "user may choose", so this is unfortunately not the problem. If you have other ideas or suggestions, I would greatly appreciate it.


by empauly
22 Mar 2021, 18:46
Forum: Support
Topic: Students unable to change tempo settings for sight-playing rhythm exercises
Replies: 8
Views: 7530

Students unable to change tempo settings for sight-playing rhythm exercises

Hi Quentin, At least one of my students is unable to change the tempo settings for some of the rhythmic sight-reading exercises I have built for my theory 2 class. They know how to do it, but when they change the BPM setting, the tempo for the exercises does not reflect the change. I was able to rep...
by empauly
03 Nov 2020, 20:07
Forum: General discussion
Topic: Teacher role for Earmaster Cloud
Replies: 3
Views: 6699

Re: Teacher role for Earmaster Cloud

Ah - ok. Completely understood. Thank you for clarifying,
by empauly
26 Oct 2020, 07:52
Forum: General discussion
Topic: Teacher role for Earmaster Cloud
Replies: 3
Views: 6699

Teacher role for Earmaster Cloud

I just looked over our school cloud account, and there doesn't seem to be a free teacher role, yet it looks like we have enough credits. I'm happy to share credential info via email.

Liz Pauly
by empauly
08 Oct 2020, 18:39
Forum: General discussion
Topic: Spacebar tapping inaccurate in rhythm sight reading
Replies: 1
Views: 3350

Spacebar tapping inaccurate in rhythm sight reading

Hi Quentin, I have received feedback from students that the rhythm sight playing exercises don't always work well with their computers. I tested out a few things tonight in the Beginner's Course just to check. Here is what I am finding: (On a MacBook Pro, 2019, 10.15.6) If I tap and hold the space b...
by empauly
27 Jan 2020, 08:07
Forum: Support
Topic: Assignment Editor - Can't save/edit workbooks
Replies: 3
Views: 4839

Re: Assignment Editor - Can't save/edit workbooks

Thanks Quentin - this makes perfect sense. Normally, I would have had things corrected before I assigned them, but didn't notice that there were errors until after they were assigned. Thank you for the information!
