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by SomeGuyWithAName
23 Sep 2020, 19:58
Forum: General discussion
Topic: How to determine perfect pitch?
Replies: 21
Views: 55642


ZeroZero wrote: > Quentin, > I do like your explanation of perfect pitch particularly the signifiers > bit, quite the best I have read anywhere, but It does leave me with a > question. > > I always thought that perfect pitch was useful because you could not only > tell that the chord was say a domin...
by SomeGuyWithAName
23 Sep 2020, 19:42
Forum: General discussion
Topic: How to determine perfect pitch?
Replies: 21
Views: 55642


Quentin wrote: > You are talking of perfect pitch being a musical gift, but there is not > much music about perfect pitch. Let me explain: > > Perfect Pitch is the ability to recognized isolated tones: a frequency is > played, you identify it instantly without any musical context. BUT music > starts...
by SomeGuyWithAName
23 Sep 2020, 19:28
Forum: General discussion
Topic: How to determine perfect pitch?
Replies: 21
Views: 55642

Re: How to determine perfect pitch?

I'm not sure why some people are saying you need to have appropriately timed childhood training, but from my experience this is ridiculous. I was told I had perfect pitch by my uncle, who happened to be a piano instructor. This happened at 10 when I played an instrument for the first time. I was pla...