David Burge ear training method

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David Burge ear training method

Post by suoyung »

Hello. I love this program! It helped me lot. But recently I have discovered David Burge's ear training method, and I thought I could use this program for training with it. First 5 exercises went fine, but in 6th I started to have problem. For that exercise I just need option, that I can select notes and computer with play chords and intervals only with that notes. Do this program have option like that and I just can't find it?
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Re: David Burge ear training method

Post by Quentin »


If what you need is to specify one single root tone for all intervals/chords of an exercise, then yes, it's possible:

1. Choose Customized Activity --> Interval ID or Chord ID and click Begin
2. In the exercise setup, fopr the Transposition setting, select User-defined and click Edit...
3. In the ransposition option window, select Choose root tone instead of Choose key, and select the specific root tones you would like to use.
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Re: David Burge ear training method

Post by suoyung »

Thanks for reply!
But it is a bit different from what you say. I just need option, that it will play chord inside selected notes. For example, I select C D F H E. I need it to play chords from this notes, it could be CDH chord, or maybe FEC or whatever. So I don't need to select specific chords, it will make new chords from these notes.
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Re: David Burge ear training method

Post by Quentin »

I understand better now, thanks for these details.

This type of setup is not possible, because it is not the pedagogical approach and concept used by EarMaster.
What you describe is ear training based on absolute pitch, whereas EarMaster helps you train your relative pitch skills primarily. EarMaster will teach you to hear chords and tones relative to each other, which makes it extremely easy to play in any key or transpose on the fly once your skills are trained enough. Absolute pitch skills serve a different purpose.
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Re: David Burge ear training method

Post by suoyung »

Oh, okay. But I think that relative and absolute pitch should train together :)
Thank you anyway, I think earmaster is great program! It helped me alot!
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Re: David Burge ear training method

Post by Quentin »

You can test your absolute pitch skills with EarMaster with the "Customized Activity" mode, but there are no course helping you to train them from the ground and up. For example, you can make a melodic dictation exercise with only one tone and no cadence plaayed before the questions. The problem is that as soon as you have answered the first question, your ear will be "calibrated" by the first tone it has heard, and you will probably hear the other tones in relation to that first tone, i.e. as intervals, thus using relative pitch skills.
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Re: David Burge ear training method

Post by suoyung »

Yes, I know about that, but I use mostly interval identification with unison ;D Or chords identifications. It is harder to find the tone with relative pitch, if you listen to chords, so with that I am training both relative and absolute pitch.
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Re: David Burge ear training method

Post by Michael Music »

Hello - I recently created an Excel based VBA tool which can be customized for virtually any desired ear training exercise. I used the tool to create the exercises required in the David Burge course, and plan to release them on YouTube in the coming days. These videos can be trained "passively", meaning you can practice while driving, running, etc.

Currently one series of "passive" ear training videos using my VBA tool is already up and running on YouTube - in this case designed to train the user to visualize an interval in their mind (and perhaps to sing it!) before the interval is played.

Please subscribe below if you are interested in the David Burge training video series:

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Re: David Burge ear training method

Post by tambling »

Michael Music wrote:
> Hello - I recently created an Excel based VBA tool which can be customized
> for virtually any desired ear training exercise. I used the tool to create
> the exercises required in the David Burge course.

Wow, this is GREAT! I first purchased the David L. Burge course back in the 80s. Your Excel based VBA tool really replicates the basic quizzes taught in the Burge recordings.

I would LOVE to use this with my community college music students (who can't afford the full David L Burge course.) Are you planning to release (sell, share) the actual Excel tool? So users can program whatever they want to focus on?

Suggestion ===>>>
Is it possible to get the spelling correct? For example Bb to C# is not a "minor third."
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