I cant sing notes

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I cant sing notes

Post by Sypie »

I bought earmaster to improve my pitch, but i have already a problem in the beginner course in the first lesson.
I must hear the notes and sing them but the problem is i cant sing the notes i dont hit them i tried it already for 3hours my best score was 30% but in the most time its only about 15%. I have a very good microphone on the computer and i tried it on the smartphone too so its not because of the microphone that i dont hit the notes.
I need 75% but im only getting about 15 % im just to bad.
Can anyone please help me there given me advice or smth
Im 15 btw if it matters
English isnt my first language so sorry if its bad
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Re: I cant sing notes

Post by Quentin »

Hi, maybe the problem is not that you can't sing but the there is a misunderstanding about how the app works. Can you please send us a video where you answer a few of the singing exercises that you are referring so that we may find a way to help you? You can send the video to support@earmaster.com
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