Auto "Submit answer" greyed out or not able to 'enable'

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Auto "Submit answer" greyed out or not able to 'enable'

Post by cryptostudio »

Is there a way to activate this in the exercise options? The option for Auto "submit answer" is disabled and won't let me click it to enable it. All other options are possible to change. I'm not sure if this is from the last update or not.
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Re: Auto "Submit answer" greyed out or not able to 'enable'

Post by Quentin »

It depends on where you are exactly in the app. Which workshop/course/lesson are you in?
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Re: Auto "Submit answer" greyed out or not able to 'enable'

Post by frankfrontera »

This happens in at least Interval Identification, Chord Identification, and Chord inversions.
The Auto Answer works for multiple choice, but not when the answer is input from a midi device.
Perhaps that wasn't a feature before - but would give a great feedback in stats how quickly the interval or chord can be realized on say, a midi keyboard, or keygrid.
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