Better German translation for the 4th button (F8).

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Better German translation for the 4th button (F8).

Post by Thomas »

The text Antwort zeigen let the user assume that the right answer is shown, but nothing is evaluated like the right mouse click on a multiple-choice button when the selected answer is played (when option play notes on mouse click is selected).

Replace Antwort zeigen or Antwort with Antwort Eingeben or Auswerten in all lessons without interval comparison and rhythm reading.
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Post by Quentin »

Both the correct and the wrong answers are shown (isn't it what zeigen means?) at the screen when you click on that button. It seems to me that antwort eingeben would sound more like what you describe (showing the answer without evaluating), whereas antwort zeigen is just neutral.
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Better German translation for the 4th button (F8).

Post by Thomas »

I don't agree with you. Let me explain:

The translation of Antwort zeigen is show the answer. When I have selected staff as the input source and made my answer on the screen there is no need to press F8 (to show the answer) because my answer is already displayed on the screen. Because I know my answer, it need not to be displayed again. What I want is an evaluation of my answer.
Therefore Antwort eingeben has the meaning of finishing the input mode and to give the note values to the programm to evaluate. It’s like pressing the enter button to set a value on a field in a formular. Auswerten means evaluate my answer to TRUE or FALSE.
You can find Antwort eingeben already in the program as Antworteingabe as the 4th menu point from the left. Here you can choose for example staff or multiple-choice as the input source.
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