custom exercise limitations

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custom exercise limitations

Post by rbrantg »

As far as I can tell from my own experimenting and from the very timely and courteous tech support replies, there are a couple of major limitations to building custom exercises and tutors in EarMaster:

1 - In the chord progression exercise, roman numerals are always displayed on the keyboard and fretboard and they will always correspond to whether the exercise being played is in major or minor key. That means that if your exercise is geared towards helping the listener learn the difference between progressions in major and minor key, you need to force-disable all methods of entry except for multiple choice.

2 - There appears to be no way of creating melodic dictation exercises in minor key with a custom scale. In other words, all custom scales are considered variants on a major scale. If a cadence is played before the exercise, it will always be in major key.
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Post by Hans »

1) Yes, this is a limitation in EarMaster. The question is how it should work if it should be different?
One possibility could be an option in the chord progression exercise setup to choose how the roman numerals should be shown. For example these 3 options:
1-No roman numerals
2-always major diatonic
3-auto major/minor

2) Yes this is a limitation in EarMaster, which we consider to change in the next version of EarMaster.

Best regards,
Hans Jakobsen
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