Hi Folks,
I'm a new user of EarMaster Pro 5.
I've been creating customized exercises, but EM Pro 5 doesn't seem to be saving the data. My basic question is: How do we close out a customized exercise and have EM Pro 5 save the data?
For example, let's say we create an interval recognition exercise with a certain set of intervals. We run through 50 of those intervals, but then we'd like to exit, save the data, and move to another exercise.
If I choose "Results | Restart Lesson", then EM asks me if I want to save the data, but does not do so even after I click "Yes." (I can go back into "Results | Statistics", and that exercise won't be there.)
If I switch to another exercise, EM does not close out the current one.
I'm sure I'm missing a simple option somewhere. Can someone help?
Best, and thanks...
Saving customized exercises
Moderator: Quentin