There are no concrete plans to make EarMaster available on other platforms right now, as we are focused 100% on making a terrific EarMaster 6, but we would be very interested to know if our users - you - would be also using EarMaster on other platforms/OS.
It is the only Linux distribution I have tried, and I must say it is really pleasant to use and quite nice looking. I actually have an old Pentium IV PC in my rehearsal room running Ubuntu Studio, whcih I use to record sessions.
Hi all,
i didn't know about this forum!! I've just started using earmaster pro, it's a wonderful program! it would be awesome to make it working on linux too!!
I'm actually using it through wine and it seems to work...but native application, or platform independent would be the best!
I'm dragging my laptop around so that I can use this on the train. Even a version that is not fully featured would be great - at least to start with. Right now I have an iPhone - but android would be cool too... i'd actually change my mobile to have this!
And because I can't vote twice, the guitar trainer would also be amazing. But if i had to choose one first - it would be the mobile.
Definitely Android
I believe that right now, there are more smartphones and tablets running Android than any other platform.
Also i've heard (maybe it's already happening) that it will become an OS for netbooks
It's definitely a winner and it's still growing everyday
Also, if you target the Linux platform, you'll have instant access to the incoming Plasma Active devices (open KDE/Linux tablets). It will just require an ARM recompilation
(what about a QT GUI and a rewrite in a mostly platform agnostic way ?)
Yes that would be very good, and I am pretty sure that most software will have to be ARM compatible in a near future since all 3 major operative systems are progressively removing barriers between tablets and desktops. But EarMaster is a big project, so a complete rewrite isn't done overnight, and perhaps quite risky. I am no developer so I wouldn't pass judgments on that. If you have specific ideas, you are welcome to send us an e-mail, I'll pass it on to Hans