Rhythm Reading and Note Lengths

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Rhythm Reading and Note Lengths

Post by hyphus »

When I do a rhythm reading exercise, the checking of my answer does not seem to account for whether I've held down a key through the whole length of the note or not. For example, if I am given in (4/4), a quarter note, a half note, and a quarter note, it appears to suffice to press the space bar or control key on beats 1, 2, and 4 and releasing the key after each press, whereas the program should require me to hold down the key on beat 2 up to beat 4.

This problem is really affecting my ability to learn to distinguish between lengths of notes and rests for my exercises involving more complicated rhythms with smaller notes. If I hit the notes at the right times but I screw up on holding through the length of a note, I don't have a chance to redo it because the program immediately gives me a new question. The distinction is crucial for applying what I'm trying to learn to my keyboard playing.

Is my set-up just incorrect? Is this part of the "Severe" evaluation mode? Severe mode is too hard for me to get right, so I really can't tell if it's checking this, since I'm wrong in this mode anyway. I can handle Normal evaluation mode, however.
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Post by Quentin »

By default, EarMaster trains you with percussion sounds, which do not have sustain. However, if you would like to include note length as part of your evaluation, you can simply activate the corresponding option:

To do that, simply go to the EXERCISE SETTINGS menu, and click on EVALUATE NOTE LENGTH. You can also have a piano sound instead of claps for rhythm exercises: TOOLS>PROGRAM SETTINGS>MIDI INSTRUMENTS
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The "Evaluate Note Length" Menu Item Won't Activat

Post by hyphus »

When I try to check that "Evaluate Note Length" menu item, nothing happens. A check does not appear. Other Menu items check and uncheck, for example, the "Play Rhythm with Metronome" item checks and unchecks.

I would prefer to leave the sounds as percussion sounds. As this is a reading exercise, I want to train myself to look to the notes alone for the length.
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Post by Quentin »

A check should indeed appear, and it has already been fixed (it will be part of the next update in a couple of weeks).

With percussion (clap, snare drum, etc.), only hits are played. There are no, or there can't be any, sustained notes. Therefore, if you activate Evaluate Note Length, a sound with sustain is picked instead (piano).

When using percussion sounds, hitting a half note simply means that the next hit will come two beats later. With a piano sound, the note has to be held for two beats.
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Note Durations

Post by medownes »

First of all I have to say that EarMaster is a brilliant piece of software. I don't think I have scratched the surface of what it can do but it is rare to find a genuinely educational software product that is also such tremendous fun to use. I have it on a 7 day trial at the moment but will definitely be purchasing a copy.

I have a question about the note durations feature. I am using Ear Master 5 with a MIDI equipped digital piano. When doing the rhythm reading exercise, I am consistently told that the notes are right but some are of the wrong duration (believe me if you heard me play, you wouldn't be in the least bit surprised either). :-?

Is there a way of highlighting the notes which are of the wrong duration? At the moment you get green lines under each note that represent the duration but it isn't always clear which are the offending note or notes if my timing is slightly out. (to my ears anyway :-? ) Perhaps a different colour line (red) for the duff notes or a plus or minus percentage of accuracy for each individual note would give more feedback to the (time deaf) user like me. :-)

I am sorry if this feature has already been implemented but I have looked in the Help section and have been unable to find how to do this so far.

Again congratulations on an excellent piece of software.
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Post by Quentin »

Thanks a lot for your compliments, I will let the developers know.
To check which notes didn't have the correct duration, you should be able to see which green lines don't stretch all the way out to the next note. Your idea of giving color codes to the lines is very good. I hope it will make it to v6.

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Post by medownes »

Quentin wrote:Hi,
To check which notes didn't have the correct duration, you should be able to see which green lines don't stretch all the way out to the next note. Your idea of giving color codes to the lines is very good. I hope it will make it to v6.

Best regards,
Hi Quentin,

Thank you for your response.

The trouble is when all the green lines don't stretch to the next note and yet only some are singled out for criticism. For example:


To my eyes, the second crotchet in bar 3 is too short but I can't tell which of the other notes is the offending one.

It isn't a huge problem. As long as the end result sounds musical it doesn't really matter to me if notes are slightly detached but for ear training purposes it would be great to have more accurate feedback about which notes are out of time.

On the subject of V6, is it imminent? I wouldn't want to buy version 5 and then have to upgrade to V6 in just a few weeks time. ;-(

Will owners of V5 be able to purchase V6 at a reduced price compared to new customers?

Thank you again for your time.

Kind regards,

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Post by Quentin »

Hi Michael,

V6 should be out by the end of 2011 at the earliest, if things go as planned. Owners of a V5 license will be able to upgrade to V6 at a discounted price.

The evaluation lines should indeed be displayed using color codes. In the screenshot you sent, it is rather difficult to tell which notes were wrong. I also think the last eighth note was wrong, as well as the following quarter note. EarMaster has a threshold for when it considers a duration to be wrong, and leaves some time to release the note before playing the next.
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Post by medownes »

Thanks, Quentin.
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