The program NEEDS a ZOOM button.

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Moderator: Quentin

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Willie L. Johnson
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The program NEEDS a ZOOM button.

Post by Willie L. Johnson »

I am a "Legally Blind Teacher and Student. " I work with people with visually impairments. I can not tell if your program is good or not. In order for one to use the program, one must be able to read the program. All your information on the internet is usable to the visually impaired because it uses Windows. However! the program that I paid for (EAR MASTER 5) is of no use to me because there is no way to make it accessable to the visually impaired. The only thing you need to add is a "ZOOM" button so that we can incress the size of the print on the screen. Will you please add this to your next UPDATE? It would be very much appreciated. In the United States of America, it is a violation of Federal law not to make programs accessable to people with disabilities. It is call "The America's with Disabilities Act, (ADA). Thank you and I will be lookig to hear from you. You may phone me at (702) 443-3292.
I am a legally Blind Teacher and Student. I teach people with visuall impairments. Please add a Zoom button to your next UPDATE?
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Post by Quentin »


We are very sorry that you are having difficulties using the program. Why aren't you using the Windows Magnifier, which is provided to cover the requirements of the ADA?

Alternatively, you could also run the program in 800x600 screen resolution, which would make everything bigger on the screen, and therefore easier to read.
- Because in Music, We're All Ears... -
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