Chord recognition - ambiguity and question

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Chord recognition - ambiguity and question

Post by saxmaam »

Custom Chord Identification ...

I've been trying to understand why I do better at recognizing major versus minor than I do with mi7 versus maj7. Finally I got this closed voicing which helped me understand:

(from lowest note) E G A C

According to EarMaster this is an Am7. To my ear it sounds very "major". I think the C, E, and G are all pointing to C as the root note.

Anyway, then I went into exercise setup and tried to add a deep root tone. But the option is grayed out and I cant figure out how to make it available. Can you tell me how to do that?


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Post by Quentin »

The "Add deep root tone" option is available in Chord Progressions only. But you could simply add a user-defined chord and modify the chord to your liking. To add a user-defined chord, you can simply double-click on an empty slot in the list of chords displayed in the exercise setup window.
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Post by saxmaam »

Hey, that's cool. I didn't think EM would change the voicings for a user defined chord, but it does.
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