Melody Dictation Answer Playback Sluggish

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Melody Dictation Answer Playback Sluggish

Post by stevehumus »

Version 6. Using Melody Dictation Exercise, I am entering the answer with mouse on the staff or piano keyboard..

The sound is normal when EarMaster is playing the question, but when I play back my answer the sound is very sluggish and irregular. Much too slow. If I change the metronome setting, the question audio speeds up and slows down as expected. The reply audio speeds up and slows down but is still wrong in the same way.

I am using custom settings. Changing the settings makes no difference.

I just un-installed the beta of version 6 and installed the new one. The audio was normal in this exercise in the beta as it is in version 5.

There are no problems with Rhythm Imitation or Rhythm Dictation. They both were fine with the default settings.

Thanks, Steve.
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Post by Quentin »

Hi Steve,
Could you please write to and mention your operative system and system specs so that our developers may try to investigate that issue.
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