Rhythym Reading and Rhythym Imitation

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Rhythym Reading and Rhythym Imitation

Post by FridgeVader »

There is a delay in the sound when I press the space bar. They are not in sync. It is very confusing. Help me.
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Post by Quentin »


EarMaster has a delay compensation to bypass the latency caused by
Windows' sound device.

Go to the "TOOLS" menu and select "MIDI Devices..."
On the right side of the window, you will be able to adjust the delay compensation. Start with a value of 120ms, start the flash/clap and adjust until the flashing and the clapping are synchronized.
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Re: Rhythym Reading and Rhythym Imitation

Post by briesmith »

Adjust which way? Up or down? Bigger or smaller?

And what do you mean by the "start the flash/clap"? There is no such button or option I can see.

Synchronisation is such a key element of the rhythm trainer operation and I am frustrated that I can't get it to work.

I press the space bar to indicate a "clap" and a moment later I hear a clap. It's very disconcerting and makes it very hard to follow the metronome.

I appreciate that English isn't your first language but references to features like flash/clap that don't exist are very confusing.
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Re: Rhythym Reading and Rhythym Imitation

Post by Quentin »


This post is about EarMaster 5. The options described in the previous posts are not available in version 6, as the latency compensation is handled automatically by EarMaster.
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