correctly sung intervals marked incorrect

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correctly sung intervals marked incorrect

Post by peg »

Much of the time when I sing an asked-for interval, I can see on the keyboard that i have the right interval, but it is marked incorrect. I have tried singing do followed by the interval, but it is still marked incorrect. What is going on? I am new to this program and being able to sing intervals correctly is really important since I am a singer!!!
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Re: correctly sung intervals marked incorrect

Post by Quentin »


In the interval singing activity, the default tone naming system used is called Relative Solmization, where Do is the tonic of the key, exactly like the first degree of a scale. So in the key of D for instance, D will be Do, E will be Re, etc. This shouldn't be confused with Absolute Solmization where Do is always C.

If you don't wish to work with Relative solmization, you can easily change the tone naming system from the Exercise Settings menu, under "Tone Naming".
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Re: correctly sung intervals marked incorrect

Post by peg »

Quentin, I understand that and I am singing the fifth above, third above, octave above whatever note is marked as do. When I sing the interval correctly, I can see for myself whether or not the interval is correct by looking at the keyboard. But much of the time (not all of the time) the program tells me the answer is incorrect and that it shows the correct note, which is exactly what I sang!
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Re: correctly sung intervals marked incorrect

Post by Quentin »

I see, sorry I misunderstood your first post it seems.
Are you on Mac or Windows?
Have you perhaps noticed whether this is happening when the mouse pointer is placed over the keyboard (which is a bug we just fixed, and which will be available in the next update)?
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Re: correctly sung intervals marked incorrect

Post by peg »

Quentin, No, the mouse never goes near the keyboard. The only thing I use the mouse for is to check the correctness of the answer. I use Windows 7.
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Re: correctly sung intervals marked incorrect

Post by peg »

I tried singing the note more loudly, and that seemed to help, but only a little. I also see on the right side of this screen that flash is off (I have a flash blocker). Could this be the problem?
Also today, when the note is played, it disappears immediately from the keyboard! This is the first time that has happened. Don't really need it there except it helps me see on the screen whether I sang the correct note, so i have to remember what the note was! Sigh....
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Re: correctly sung intervals marked incorrect

Post by Quentin »


EarMaster doesn't use Flash at all so we can rule that out.
It could sound like a problem with the settings used to calibrate your microphone. When running the Microphone Calibration Tool (from the Tools menu), are the notes displayed correctly in there when you sing them?

If you can, could you perhaps send us a screen recording video of the error so that we may identify the possible problem more easily?
(you can send it to

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Re: correctly sung intervals marked incorrect

Post by peg »

I think the problem was with me. Unless I hit the note square on without the faintest hint of a slide, it will mark the interval as incorrect. This will be good for me because one of my weak points in singing is my laziness in onsets. Sigh......
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Re: correctly sung intervals marked incorrect

Post by Onemoretime »

Hi Peg,

In case this is still troubling you, you might check the microphone sensitivity settings. I had to crank mine all the way up in order to have the beginning on the first note recognized.

I discover this by pressing the "Play your Answer" button. Frequently, the s/w would miss the first half of the note I sang.

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