rhythm reading aid

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rhythm reading aid

Post by Guest »


Many people who is into music, don't have any formal instruction, wich means not everyone knows how to read the staff. This is a problem in some of the rhythm exercises. I think this could be a solution:


What I mean, is something similar to the piano roll you see in MIDI sequencers, this way anyone can read ryhtms.

Could EarMaster include something like this?
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Posts: 278
Joined: 24 May 2005, 00:54
Location: Denmark

Post by Hans »

Thank you for the suggestion. I think it is a great idea. We will put it on the list of suggestions and consider it for a future version of EarMaster.

Best regards,
Hans Jakobsen
another guest :)

Post by another guest :) »

And another suggestion.
I think it will be great if in the rytm reading section the user can choose two or more rythm lines for simultan. reading.
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