There is something that really gets me: The exercise where you have to write down the rhythm that was just played. I am fairly good (I can do it in real time if I write it on a piece of paper, mostly), but I can't stand that excercise here. Because when I hear something I then have to remember the key shortcuts how to produce which lenght and so on and until I've even managed to write a dotted quaver and a crotched all three bars have been played. So I painstakeingly labour through this for twenty minutes and 8 questions (on level 4!!! and I'm just 21 and no novice to the computer or music world) and then I give up. Totally frustrated.
Wouldn't it at least help a trifle, if you just clicked on the appropriate note duration, maybe use a single shortcut for dotted notes, and the clicked note instantly appears on the screen? Even if it was just a feature to turn on and over so that people who need to think a bit longer don't produce loads of notes... I'd love to see that.
Feature Requests
Moderator: Quentin