Can I run metronome 10 continous min with 'clap' response

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Can I run metronome 10 continous min with 'clap' response

Post by kingtut »

I downloaded the EM Essential free trial.
I would like: set a metronome for ~60 bpm and have my child clap or press a keyboard key (keyboard through MIDI) and match the beat. I would like it to run for 5-15 continuously and get a score at the end so I may see his progress over a month or so. I would like to also modify/tighten the allowed error window around the acceptable response/clap.

What I have tried: I used the 'custom' option to get ~1 min (48 beats) in custom mode where my child can 'clap' into the microphone. I do not know if I can run it longer (5-10 min).

If possible, which version do I have to buy?

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Post by Quentin »

You can't set it up to create 10-15 minute long questions, but you can use a workaround:
1) Go into the customized exercise setup window for the rhythm reading exercise.
2) Choose 4/4 signature, 4ter notes only, 12 bars, adjust the severity of the evaluation and other parameters of your choice and click OK.
3) In the Exercise Settings menu, go to Auto New Question, choose "Always" and set the delay to 0.
4) If you hear a slight delay between the questions, unselect the correct answer sounds in TOOLS>PROGRAM SETTINGS>EFFECTS
5) Have your son run daily sessions. The results will be summed up into daily result entries.

I hope that I understood your question well and that this method correponds to what you would like to achieve.

Best regards,
- Because in Music, We're All Ears... -
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