Saving customized exercises

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Saving customized exercises

Post by chasdl »

Hi Folks,

I'm a new user of EarMaster Pro 5.

I've been creating customized exercises, but EM Pro 5 doesn't seem to be saving the data. My basic question is: How do we close out a customized exercise and have EM Pro 5 save the data?

For example, let's say we create an interval recognition exercise with a certain set of intervals. We run through 50 of those intervals, but then we'd like to exit, save the data, and move to another exercise.

If I choose "Results | Restart Lesson", then EM asks me if I want to save the data, but does not do so even after I click "Yes." (I can go back into "Results | Statistics", and that exercise won't be there.)

If I switch to another exercise, EM does not close out the current one.

I'm sure I'm missing a simple option somewhere. Can someone help?

Best, and thanks...

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Post by Quentin »

After you have answered a certain number of questions (I think it's 5), the program asks you if you want to save your results when you choose another exercise area or if you close EarMaster.
Have fun training with EarMaster!
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