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Moderator: Quentin
Stage rookie
Posts: 4 Joined: 11 Feb 2006, 21:19
Location: USA
by HRSherman » 26 Sep 2010, 16:39
I have an electric piano with a good set of sounds installed on it, and I want to know if there is a way to get the sounds off it and have EarMaster use these sounds for ear training?
It is a midi capable keyboard.
Thanks for any help.
Musition In Training
Posts: 2360 Joined: 27 Apr 2007, 01:25
Location: Denmark
by Quentin » 27 Sep 2010, 01:17
You can route EarMaster's sound to your piano instead of the internal sound device of your sound card. To do that, you need to:
1) Have a MIDI interface to plug your piano to your computer.
2) Make sure your MIDI interface is properly installed on your computer
3) Choose your MIDI interface as "MIDI Out" device in EarMaster under TOOLS>MIDI DEVICES>MIDI Out
4) If you also want to answer the questions with your piano, choose your MIDI interface as "MIDI In" device in EarMaster (same place as above).
There are also more details on MIDI in/out in the help file, but you should be good to go with the instructions above.
Have fun using EarMaster!
- Because in Music, We're All Ears... -