Downloading To MacBook Pro

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Downloading To MacBook Pro

Post by scprindiville »


My students (who have brand new Macbook Pro's) are unable to install the EarMaster 5 Home program onto their computers at home. What steps should they take (step by step guide) so they can get the program onto their computers?

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Post by martijn »

For your students to use EarMaster 5, your school needs a "Home user site" license of EarMaster Pro, or your students need to buy the program themselves.

They can download EarMaster Pro 5 from this link:
(Make sure they choose the third option under the "EarMaster Pro 5.0" section)

After downloading they can run the installation program which explains them what to do in every step.

If this procedure does not work you are welcome to write to, and tell us what goes wrong in the installation process. We can then clarify that particular situation with some screenshots and instructions.
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