Melody sight singing, sing note in different octave

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Melody sight singing, sing note in different octave

Post by berebe »


I'm trying to use the melody sight singing exercise to practice chord progressions singing arpeggios and I'm encountering some problems. Because arpeggios have a very broad span, sometimes a note is outside my vocal range, so i have to sing it an octave lower. The same progression fits differently in my vocal range depending on the key, and entering each progression for every key is very time consuming. I would like to enter it once, and then use the random key feature of earmaster to create the question in any key.

Here is an example, I-V, in C:


When this is in the key of G, transposing all the notes like earmaster does puts some notes outside of my vocal range. This has notes too hight for me:


This has notes too low for me:


This is what a I need to sing:


So being able to sing the notes in any octave is the only way I can save myself the effort of entering the progression fitting my vocal range for every key. Is it possible to add this option to the exercise?

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Re: Melody sight singing, sing note in different octave

Post by Niclas »


It is possible yes. Actually you can set your vocal range exactly how you want it. If you go to file->user properties. Then you can set your vocal range to the one the fits you, or select 'customized' and choose your exact vocal range. Then you will only get questions within this.

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Re: Melody sight singing, sing note in different octave

Post by berebe »


When using a vocal range EarMaster tries to fit the exercise transposing everything by the same interval. If you enter something that spans two octaves, and you set a vocal range of one octave, the question would require you to sing in two different octaves even if some notes are outside the vocal range that you set.

I understand why this is done that way, as a melody would be messed up if you just sing notes in whatever octave you want, but for some solfege exercises the note degree is the important thing and not the particular octave.
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Re: Melody sight singing, sing note in different octave

Post by Niclas »


Okay. As it is right now there are in most of the exercises an option to set answer input to relative, which allows you to sing the answer in a different octave. However this is not possible right now in the sight singing exercise. This is something that we will be working towards making possible, but i'm certain if we will make it work properly.

For now you can set your vocal range so it fits you, and the use customized activity, to set up the exercise to fit this.

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Re: Melody sight singing, sing note in different octave

Post by berebe »


Yes that was what I was asking for, some sort of 'answer in relative octave' setting int the sight singing exercise. I hope this something that can be added to a future release.

Thanks for your answers.
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