by and large this works very nicely and is really helping me improve.
i like to play scales whilst reading the rhythms and also like to have evaluate note length turned on.
i'm finding that if i hold a note (note 1) a little too long and it overlaps with the next (note 2) then it's dropping the duration of note 2. or rather, it's probably taking the release of note 1 to be the duration of note 2.
i'd be grateful if you could look into this.
ps. i've found a workaround. you have to be using a vst host and have a virtual midi driver. if you use pizmidi's midipolyphony plugin then you can config it to make the midi data monophonic. ie. it will send a note off for the previous note when you hit a new note. pm me if anyone would like a fuller explanation.
rhythm reading MIDI input note duration problem....
Moderator: Quentin
Re: rhythm reading MIDI input note duration problem....
You are right. This is how it works right now. If you use multiple tones to play the rhythms AND you have the "Evaluate note length" turned on, then you will experience this problem. We will look further into this and see if we can fix it in a future update.
Great that you found a workaround!
Great that you found a workaround!