Using EarMaster with synthesizer

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Using EarMaster with synthesizer

Post by BelovSergey »


I'm using synthesizer Yamaha (DGX-220) with EarMaster but all instruments I can choose from Tools->MIDI Devices->MIDI Instruments are GM ones. How can I use other voices of my synthesizer? Can I specify bank/path EarMater should use?

For example, "0 - Piano 1" (from Tools->MIDI Devices->MIDI Instruments) is mapped in GM Grand Piano in my synthesizer. But there are some other Grand Piano sounds (other banks) in the synthesizer which I prefer.
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Post by Quentin »

You can't change banks from the software, only programs. You'll have to choose the wanted bank manually in your synth and follow the GM sound list I'm afraid.
- Because in Music, We're All Ears... -
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