I'm evaluating Earmaster 7 (yet the demo) on my Ubuntu 22.04.
The UI basically runs and I can hear sound in the lessons ... the micro works too. so some basic tutorials work already.
Which is pretty cool, I was less lucky with an older Wine+Ubuntu version some months ago.
However, there seems to be an issue with font rendering. Especially the EarmasterJazz.ttf and EarMasterJazzText.ttf seem not to work or being rendered at all.
Not so important on the front-screen. But I can't read any music sheets if these fonts are not supported.
Wine-Log on Level Warning is full of logs like these:
Code: Select all
0034:warn:font:unix_face_create unable to parse font, falling back to FreeType
0034:warn:font:opentype_get_ttc_sfnt_v1 unsupported sfnt font: embedded bitmap data.
0064:warn:font:opentype_get_ttc_sfnt_v1 unsupported sfnt font: missing OS/2 table.
My system:
- Ubuntu 22.04 / XFCE (Linux Light)
- Wine 6.03
- Emulating Windows 7 (32)
- CoreFonts + DirectX (vulken) installed via WineGui configuration
The full wine-log: https://pastebin.com/1YN83BJM