How many licenses?

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How many licenses?

Post by STITCH »

I have two desktop PCs: one at home and another at work. I have successfully bought and installed the downloadable versiom of Earmaster at work ( good for lunchtime and breaks between clients). Furthermore I have a keyboard at home and I thought I could muddle through the training without the program on my home PC.
I now realise this is harder than I thought .
Do I need to pay for another licence to install one at home?
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Post by Patricio »


no, you don´t have to pay extra to install EarMaster in your PC at home. Actually, EarMaster´s personal licence allows to install a maximum of two computers for user.

Best regards,

Patricio Obel
EarMaster Aps
Patricio Moya Obel
EarMaster Aps

"Porque en música todos somos oídos"
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