Is there a way to select unison with a MIDI keyboard?
I press it numerous times, even with sustain pedal and it just registers a single tone.
All the other intervals select absolutely fine.
Selecting unison on MIDI keyboard...
Moderator: Quentin
The ways to answer Unison with a MIDI keyboard are, like you said, to have the "Show first Tone" option selected and then only hitting the second tone of the interval, or to have the "One-by-one tone input" option selected (in TOOLS>MIDI DEVICES). The latest will force the input tone by tone of your answer.
The ways to answer Unison with a MIDI keyboard are, like you said, to have the "Show first Tone" option selected and then only hitting the second tone of the interval, or to have the "One-by-one tone input" option selected (in TOOLS>MIDI DEVICES). The latest will force the input tone by tone of your answer.
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