Asio4All and earMaster ?

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Asio4All and earMaster ?

Post by daviddubreuil »

Hello, I have a cheap soundcard and if I want resonnable latency with this it, I need to use asio4all, otherwise I can't use an instrument for the rythm. But I m not able to choose asio driver in the set up.
Is there a way to work this around ?

Thx for help
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Post by Normann »


If I understood your question correctly, you'll like to see the ASIO4All in the MIDI output device list, but as for what I know, the ASIO4All is an audio sound driver and not a MIDI device driver, thus you don't see ASIO4All in the device list.

If it really should support MIDI, does it appear as a MIDI device on other software that uses MIDI?

You didn't write which OS you're using, but I believe this goes for both OS X and Windows.

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