Search found 5 matches

by scprindiville
25 Feb 2013, 07:11
Forum: Support
Topic: Unable To Open Assignment
Replies: 1
Views: 4819

Unable To Open Assignment

Hi, My students, who are using the program at home, are unable to open the assignment I gave them. I have them download the assignment, but then they can't open that particular assignment. Am I downloading it wrong? Because it works on my computer (the original computer that I create the links on). ...
by scprindiville
25 Feb 2013, 06:58
Forum: Support
Topic: Downloading To MacBook Pro
Replies: 1
Views: 5073

Downloading To MacBook Pro


My students (who have brand new Macbook Pro's) are unable to install the EarMaster 5 Home program onto their computers at home. What steps should they take (step by step guide) so they can get the program onto their computers?

by scprindiville
03 Jan 2013, 06:40
Forum: Support
Topic: Students Having Trouble Installing Full EarMaster At Home
Replies: 1
Views: 4696

Students Having Trouble Installing Full EarMaster At Home

I purchased the Home User Site License EarMaster 5 so my students could use this product at home. I followed the instructions and told the parents that when they install the software, to type in the activation code (which I assume is the bold letters/numbers that are on the sticker of the Home User ...
by scprindiville
07 Dec 2012, 09:54
Forum: General discussion
Topic: Create Lessons For Tests
Replies: 1
Views: 5438

Create Lessons For Tests

I want to give a test using do I create a lesson so everyone has the same exact questions in the same exact order?
by scprindiville
07 Nov 2012, 15:27
Forum: General discussion
Topic: Creating Lessons Using EarMaster 5 Home Site/School Site
Replies: 1
Views: 5234

Creating Lessons Using EarMaster 5 Home Site/School Site

I am trying to create custom exercises and am having difficulty doing so, so I have a couple of questions. 1) When I create a lesson for my students to complete (I create the lessons on the School Site License), how do I save it so it is accessible on both the School Site License and the Home User S...