Which intervals and chords are the hardest for you identify?

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Which intervals and chords are the hardest for you identify?

Post by Jonespnice »

For me it seems like I have the most difficulty with the 4th and 5th interval because they sound very similar to me, and as far as chords I would say the diminished and augmented chords give me the most trouble. What do you find difficult?
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Post by msealey »

Major vs Minor Seconds (lessons 13 onwards) seem almost impossible at this stage. Persevering… :-).
Mark Sealey
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Post by Arpeggio »

If it's set to ascending and descending, then that would be telling apart minor 9th and major 7th / 14th. Both a semitone away from the root.

For chords that would be telling apart sus2 and sus4. Telling apart dim7 and min7b5 seems to be about which one has more of a "pull" (the dim7). min / maj 7 is basically "James bond".
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