Where is classical 4-part harmony?

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Where is classical 4-part harmony?

Post by jonzbiz »

I am evaluating this product to see if it will help me in learning to sightread for a choir. In the demo video, singing the bass part of a 4-part harmony song was demonstrated. I cannot find these exercises anywhere. I see "jazz" and I see "custom" but "classical" is missing and unless you can point me in the right direction for this, I may not purchase an otherwise pretty good training program. Also, it would be nice if when singing melodies my voice was recorded so I could actually hear whether I was early or flat rather than simply seeing the screen diagnostics on the playback.

Thank you! I hope you can tell me how to do the things I would like to be able to do in Ear Master!
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Re: Where is classical 4-part harmony?

Post by Quentin »


Thank you for getting in touch, and for your kind words on EarMaster.

The Bach 4-voice example of the video was to show how EarMaster can be set up. There are no built-in exercises featuring classical pieces yet unfortunately. BUT it is possible to train with 4-voiced pieces like in the video by importing music XML files. You will find a library of such files freely available at: http://musescore.com/sheetmusic

In the near future, we will be adding new content to EarMaster, and our first priority is to add more sight-singing exercises featuring music written by actual composers, be they classical, jazz or other.

In Melody Imitation and Sight-Singing, you will be able to listen to your recorded performance by clicking on the "Play my answer" button.

Best regards,
- Because in Music, We're All Ears... -
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