I am having trouble loading the exercises my teacher has created on ear master.
I click on the link he sends us and ear master opens. My teacher's exercise shows up on the training mode list and I click on this, and the music note appears next to his exercise. Then I click begin.
But instead of loading my teacher's exercise, ear master loads the customized exercise. When I click the home button from the exercise screen, the customized exercise is highlighted with the music note next to it instead of my teacher's exercise. Help please!
Help Loading a Teacher's exercise
Moderator: Quentin
Re: Help Loading a Teacher's exercise
I also tried loading the exercise from the exercise page, the one with the piano on it. But when I tried to load it this way, it says that the file is not an ear master file. I know that student's in my class have successfully loaded his file, so I'm not sure why it's not working for me.
Re: Help Loading a Teacher's exercise
Hi Haley
I believe i have answered your email regarding the same issue?
Let me know if this is not the case.
I believe i have answered your email regarding the same issue?
Let me know if this is not the case.