Tutoriels EarMaster Cloud pour les professeurs

  • Connecter EarMaster au Cloud
  • Prise en main
  • Création d'exercices
  • Distribution des devoirs
  • Stratégies pédagogiques
  • Suivi des élèves
  • Ajout de partitions en MusicXML
  • Included courses
  • Video guides

Connecter EarMaster au Cloud

Guide pas à pas

Vos identifiants de connexion vous ont été envoyés par email immédiatement après que l'administrateur du compte EarMaster Cloud de votre école a créé un compte utilisateur pour vous. Vous aurez besoin de ces identifiants pour connecter le logiciel ou l'application EarMaster au Cloud. 

Vos identifiants EarMaster Cloud se composent de 3 éléments :

  • Identifiant de l'école*
  • Nom d'utilisateur
  • Mot de passe

* Si vous payez votre propre accès à l'aide d'un abonnement personnel, laissez ce champ vide.  

cloud login ipadTéléphone, tablette et Chromebook (élèves uniquement)

  1. Téléchargez EarMaster depuis l'App Store (iOS) ou Google Play (Android et Chromebook)
  2. Appuyez sur l'icône en forme de nuage en haut à gauche dans l'écran d'accueil, entrez vos identifiants EarMaster Cloud, puis appuyez sur "Se connecter".

PC Windows ou Mac (élèves et professeurs)

  1. Téléchargez EarMaster sur votre PC ou votre Mac à l'aide du lien indiqué dans l'email reçu après la création de votre compte d'utilisateur.
  2. Cliquez sur l'icône en forme de nuage en haut à gauche dans l'écran d'accueil, entrez vos identifiants EarMaster Cloud, puis cliquez sur "Se connecter".

Si vous avez un profil "Professeur", vous aurez accès à deux modes d'utilisation : 

  • un mode "professeur" vous donnant accès à 4 outils éducatifs (résultats des élèves, gestion des devoirs, éditeur de cours, et bibliothèque)
  • Un mode "normal" qui vous permet d'utiliser le logiciel comme un élève

Vous avez perdu vos identifiants ?

Pas de panique. Visitez cette page et entrez l'email lié à votre compte d'utilisateur EarMaster Cloud afin de recevoir de nouveaux identifiants de connexion. 

Pas d'accès à internet temporairement ?

Aucun problème. Vous pouvez utiliser l'application hors-ligne pendant un maximum de 7 jours. Tous vos résultats et progrès seront sauvegardés localement dans l'appli jusqu'à ce que vous démarriez EarMaster tout en étant connecté à internet. L'ensemble des résultats obtenus hors-ligne seront alors synchronisés avec le cloud.

Outils éducatifs

Découvrez les outils pédagogiques d'EarMaster en vidéo :

Lorsque vous utilisez EarMaster avec un profil professeur sur PC ou Mac, vous avez accès à 4 outils éducatifs :


  • Résultats des élèves - les résultats de vos élèves aux exercices d'EarMaster
  • Gestion des devoirs - une interface vous permettant de distribuer des devoirs à vos élèves.
  • Éditeur de cours - un outil vous permettant de configurer des ensembles d'exercices pour vos élèves (cours, devoirs, révisions, etc.) 
  • Bibliothèque - tous les éléments disponibles pour configurer vos exercices : mélodies, accords, gammes, progressions harmoniques, etc.


  1. Créez un "cours EarMaster" à l'aide de l'Éditeur de cours et sauvegardez-le localement sur votre ordinateur.
  2. Ouvrez l'outil de Gestion des devoirs, sélectionnez une classe ou un élève dans la colonne de gauche, puis cliquez sur "Ajouter un devoir" afin d'assigner un cours EarMaster à la classe ou l'élève sélectionné.
  3. Au fur et à mesure que les élèves complètent les leçons, vous pourrez consulter leurs résultats dans l'espace intitulé Résultats des élèves.

Consultez les autres onglets de cette page pour obtenir plus de détails sur les 3 étapes décrites ci-dessus. 

Création d'exercices

Ouvrez l'Éditeur de Cours

Vous pouvez créer des exercices destinés à vos élèves à l'aide de l'Éditeur de Cours disponible depuis l'écran d'accueil d'EarMaster lorsque vous êtes connecté avec un profil Professeur. Vos exercices sont contenus dans un Cours EarMaster sauvegardé sur votre ordinateur et distribuable à vos élèves via le Gestionnaire de devoirs.

work edit


Structure d'un Cours EarMaster

Un Cours EarMaster est se structure autour de 2 axes : modules et leçons.

workbook struct

Un module est un groupe de leçons, et le titre du module a la même fonction que le titre d'un chapitre. Lorsque vous structurez votre Cours EarMaster, vous pouvez faire usage de ces modules pour organiser vos leçons en fonction d'un thème, d'un niveau de difficulté, des chapitres d'un livre de théorie musicale, ou bien de toute autre progression.

Les Leçons contiennent le contenu réel de votre Cours EarMasterUne leçon peut être un exercice pur et dur, un texte théorique accompagné d'exemples audiovisuels, ou bien encore un mélange des deux. 

Vous pouvez organiser votre Cours EarMaster en incluant dans vos modules des leçons abordant un même thème. Par exemple des leçons portant sur les intervalles dissonants, sur les accords de septième ou bien sur une période historique particulière. Vous pouvez aussi choisir d'organiser vos modules en fonction d'un niveau de difficulté, du tempo des exercices, etc. Vous pouvez configurer le barème  sur un pourcentage très faible pour les première leçons afin de ne pas interrompre la progression du module, puis faire de la dernière leçon un test en faisant passer le barème à une valeur plus élevée, comme par exemple 90%.

Nommez et décrivez votre Cours EarMaster

Vous pouvez nommer votre Cours EarMaster en cliquant deux fois sur "Cours sans titre".

wb title

Ajoutez un module

Pour ajouter un module au cours, cliquez sur l'icône + dans  barre d'outil intitulée "Module".

Ajoutez une leçon

Pour ajouter une leçon au cours, cliquez sur l'icône + dans  barre d'outil intitulée "Leçon". Ensuite, sélectionnez une activité dans la partie Configuration des activités dans la partie inférieure droite de l'écran, sous le champ destiné à la description de votre leçon.

En fonction de l'activité sélectionnée, vous trouverez différentes options vous permettant de configurer la leçon.

Importer des leçons depuis des Cours EarMaster existants

Outre la possibilité de configurer vos propres exercices, vous avez aussi la possibilité de créer des devoir constitués de leçons tirées de Cours EarMaster existants. Pour ce faire, allez au menu Options puis cliquez sur Importer leçons. Si le cours que vous recherchez ne figure pas dans la liste, cliquez sur Parcourir pour le localiser sur votre ordinateur.


Une fois le cours de votre choix sélectionné, cliquez sur suivant pour en voir la liste des leçons. Cochez les leçons que vous souhaitez ajouter à votre Cours EarMaster et cliquez sur OK pour valider l'importation.


Enregistrer votre Cours EarMaster

Pour enregistrer votre Cours EarMaster, allez au menu Fichier-->Enregistrer Cours ou bien Enregistrer Cours sous…

Les Cours EarMaster doivent être enregistrés localement sur votre ordinateur. Ils sont transférés vers le Cloud lorsque vous les distribuez aux élèves.

Notez que les cours EarMaster situés dans le Cloud ne peuvent pas être modifiés. Vous ne pouvez modifier que la copie locale située sur votre ordinateur. Si le cours modifié a déjà été assigné à une classe ou des élèves, il est nécessaire d'annuler l'assignation du devoir avoir de pouvoir assigner de nouveau le fichier à une classe ou des élèves. Le nouveau devoir sera traité comme un cours à part dans les résultats pour la simple et bonne raison qu'il ne contiendra pas strictement les mêmes exercices et configurations que le fichier précédent. 

Essayer votre Cours EarMaster

Pour essayer votre cours dans EarMaster, allez dans le menu FICHIER en haut de la fenêtre et choisissez "Ouvrir Cours". Recherchez le fichier de votre Cours sur votre ordinateur, puis cliquez sur Ouvrir. Votre COurs sera alors chargé dans le "mode normal de l'écran d'accueil d'EarMaster. Le Cours sera mis à jour automatiquement à chaque fois que vous en aurez enregistré une nouvelle version dans l'éditeur de classeurs et que vous enregistrez vos modifications.

Faire de vos Cours EarMaster des devoirs assignés aux élèves

Vous pouvez assigner vos cours EarMaster à des classes entières ou bien à des élèves individuels à l'aide du Gestionnaire de devoirs d'EarMaster. Pour plus de détails, lisez la section suivante intitulée Distribution des devoirs.

Distribution de devoirs 

Dans EarMaster Cloud, un "devoir" est un Cours EarMaster créé avec l'outil de création de Cours. Vous pouvez distribuer un devoir à vos classes et à vos élèves à l'aide du Gestionnaire de devoirs.

assignment manager

Le gestionnaire de devoirs

Pour envoyer un devoir à des élèves, ouvrez le gestionnaire de devoirs depuis l'écran d'accueil d'EarMaster sur PC/Mac. Le gestionnaire de devoirs est disponible uniquement lorsque vous utilisez EarMaster avec un compte professeur. 

Dans la colonne de gauche, vous trouverez toutes les classes dans lesquelles vous avez été ajouté en tant qu'enseignant par l'administrateur du compte de votre école. Si vous ne voyez pas vos classes ici, cliquez sur l'icône "Actualiser" en haut de la liste tout en maintenant la touche ALT du clavier de votre ordinateur. Si vos cours n'apparaissent toujours pas, veuillez demander à l'administrateur de votre école d'ajouter votre compte enseignant à vos cours.

EarMaster Cloud permet d'assigner un devoir de classe par classe et un devoir personnel par élève.

Assigner un devoir à une classe entière

Sélectionnez une classe dans la colonne de gauche (dans l'exemple ci-dessous, la classe "Class B" est sélectionnée), puis cliquez sur Ajouter un devoir. Vous pourrez alors sélectionner l'un des Cours disponible dans le Cloud, ou bien en transférer un vers le Cloud puis l'assigner à votre classe.

add assignment

Tous les élèves de la classe sélectionnée verront maintenant le devoir que vous venez de leur assigner la prochaine fois qu'ils démarreront EarMaster sur leur PC, Mac, iPad ou iPhone.

Remplacer le devoir actuel par un nouveau devoir

Si vous souhaitez que vos élèves utilisent un nouveau devoir, vous pouvez annuler l'assignation actuelle pour une classe donnée en cliquant sur l'icône en forme de croix comme illustré ci-dessous. Vous pourrez ensuite assigner un nouveau devoir à la classe en cliquant sur Ajouter un devoir.

remove assignment

Le devoir de classe sera mis à jour automatiquement sur les appareils des élèves la prochaine fois qu'ils ouvriront EarMaster. 

Supprimer un devoir

Supprimer un devoir pour une classe ou un élève le fera disparaître de l'écran d'accueil des élèves au prochain démarrage d'EarMaster. Pour supprimer un devoir, cliquez sur l'icône en forme de croix à la droite du titre du devoir, comme illustré dans la section ci-dessus.

Assigner plusieurs devoirs à une classe

Pour le moment, EarMaster ne permet d'assigner qu'un seul devoir par classe. Mais il existe une méthode permettant d'assigner plusieurs devoirs à une classe en détournant certaines fonctions du système :

Pour assigner 3 devoirs simultanément, créez 3 classes via le site administratif d'EarMaster Cloud. Ajoutez ensuite les mêmes élèves dans ces 3 classes. Vous pourrez maintenant assigner un devoir pour chacune de ces 3 classes, et commes vos élèves en font partie, ils recevront 3 devoirs d'un coup (un par classe).

Inconvénient : Si vous avez déjà beaucoup de classes, les multiplier risque de rendre votre compte ingérable. Il s'agit donc d'une solution adaptée avant tout aux comptes avec un nombre réduit de classes.

Vous pouvez nommer les classes en suivant une stratégie de votre choix - thématique pédagogique, calendrier, etc. :

- Semaine 1
- Semaine 2
- Semaine 3

ou bien 

- Intervalles
- Chant à vue 
- Déchiffrage rythmique

Stratégies pédagogiques

Il existe plusieurs stratégies pédagogiques possibles pour intégrer EarMaster dans vos cours. En voici quelques-unes :

Stratégies d'enseignement avec EarMaster

Un devoir par semaine, mois ou trimestre

Attribuez un Cours à chaque classe chaque semaine, mois, trimestre ou semestre. Vous pouvez préparer le prochain devoir à l'avance en travaillant sur un nouveau Cours enregistré localement, ou bien en ajoutant de nouvelles leçons à un Cours maître (voir plus bas).

Dès que les élèves sont censés passer au devoir suivant, assignez un nouveau Cours à votre classe via le Gestionnaire de devoirs d'EarMaster, et le logiciel chargera automatiquement le nouveau devoir dans l'application des élèves.

Un Cours par discipline ou sujet

Dans l'interface d'administration Web (https://cloud.earmaster.com), créez une classe par discipline, sujet ou thématique (par exemple : formation de l'oreille, harmonie, chant à vue, etc.). Ajoutez ensuite tous vos élèves à chacune de ces classes, puis attribuez un fichier Cours spécialisé par classe. Ainsi, vos élèves pourront travailler avec plusieurs devoirs en même temps.

Notez que cette solution ne fonctionne que pour les petits comptes. Si vous avez un grand nombre de classes, cette solution peut vite rendre votre compte ingérable.

Un "Cours maître" pour les gouverner tous

Afin de compiler une année entière d'exercices dans un seul fichier Cours, vous pouvez tenir à jour un «Cours maître» enregistré localement sur votre ordinateur auquel vous ajouterez des leçons au fil de l'année. Chaque fois que vous souhaitez envoyer un devoir à vos élèves, vous pouvez créer un nouveau Cours vierge et y importer certaines des leçons ou des modules à partir de ce "Cours maître" à l'aide du menu Outils --> Importer cours dans l'Éditeur de Cours.

De cette façon, une fois l'année passée, vous aurez tous les devoirs de l'année écoulée rassemblés dans un seul fiuchier Cours, prêt à être réutilisé l'année suivante.

Suivi des élèves

Dans la section Résultats des élèves d'EarMaster, vous pouvez consulter les résultats obtenus par vos élèves lors de l'utilisation de vos devoirs ou des exercices inclus dans EarMaster. Chaque fois qu'un élève termine une leçon, les résultats sont stockés en ligne dans votre compte EarMaster Cloud et consultables immédiatement.



Lorsque l'options TOUS LES RÉSULTATS est sélectionnée dans le menu déroulant RÉSULTATS, vous verrez les statistiques des élèves inscrits dans la classe sélectionnée. Vous aurez également accès à des filtres pour afficher différentes sélections de résultats. Les filtres disponibles sont :

  1. Le groupe d'élèves à afficher (c'est-à-dire la classe), sur le côté gauche de la barre d'outils.

  2. La période à afficher (disponible uniquement lors de l'affichage de TOUS LES RÉSULTATS)
  3. Le Cours à afficher (par exemple, un devoir de classe ou un Cours EarMaster), sur le côté droit de la barre d'outils.

student results

Lorsque vous avez sélectionné des filtres, toutes les statistiques correspondantes sont affichées à côté de chaque élève. Pour entrer plus en détail, vous pouvez naviguer dans la structure des Courds, de module en module et de leçon en leçon. Vous pouvez également double-cliquer sur le nom d'un élève pour voir une liste approfondie de ses scores



Dans EarMaster, un MODULE est un chapitre contenant un ensemble de leçons. Dans la capture d'écran ci-dessous, le module 4 se compose de 4 leçons: 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 et 4.4. La colonne SCORE de chaque MODULE est basée sur la moyenne des meilleurs scores de chaque leçon du module.

Le score de chaque LEÇON correspond à celui de la meilleure tentative. En cliquant sur la flèche à côté du nom d'une leçon, vous pouvez voir toutes les tentatives de l'élève pour compléter la leçon. La meilleure est symbolisée par un marque-page avec un pouce en l'air.

résultats tentatives


Vous pouvez exporter les résultats de vos élèves sous forme de page HTML imprimable ou de fichier CSV à utiliser dans les éditeurs de feuilles de calcul (Excel, Numbers, Libre Office, etc.). Pour cela, configurez l'affichage résultats que vous souhaitez exporter en sélectionnant les filtres de votre choix, puis ouvrez le GÉNÉRATEUR D'EXPORTATION

results exportgenerator

Attention : les résultats obtenus par les élèves en mode Exercice personnalisé ne sont pas enregistrés dans le Cloud. Il s'agit d'un espace libre où les élèves peuvent s'entraîner sans être surveillés.


Si vous pensez que certains résultats ou élèves manquent, vous pouvez forcer le logiciel à récupérer toutes les données de votre compte dans le cloud. Pour ce faire, cliquez sur l'icône "Actualiser" tout en maintenant la touche ALT de votre clavier d'ordinateur. Cela remplacera votre cache cloud local par les données les plus récentes du cloud au lieu de simplement synchroniser les dernières modifications.

Importation MusicXML

Vous pouvez importer des partitions dans la bibliothèque de partitions d'EarMaster via le format de fichier MusicXML. Les partitions importées peuvent ensuite être utilisées pour créer des exercices EarMaster personnalisés dans ces activités :

  • Chant à vue
  • Dictée mélodique
  • Reproduction de mélodies
  • Lecture à vue rythmique
  • Dictée rythmique
  • Reproduction de rythmes
  • Dépistage d'erreurs rythmiques

Qu'est-ce que le format MusicXML?

"MusicXML est un format d'échange et de distribution de partitions numériques. [...] Les informations musicales sont conçues pour être utilisables par des programmes de notation, des séquenceurs, des programmes d'éducation musicale et des bases de données musicales. Avec le format MusicXML, vous pouvez créer de la musique dans un programme et partager vos résultats - dans les deux sens - avec des personnes utilisant d'autres programmes."

Source: https://www.musicxml.com

Comment procéder

1. Préparez vos partitions

Créez une partition dans votre logiciel de notation (par exemple, Finale, Sibelius ou Musescore), puis allez dans le menu FICHIER (généralement) pour trouver la fonction "Exporter vers MusicXML".

Vous pouvez également trouver un grand nombre de partitions MusicXML prêtes à l'emploi dans les bibliothèques de partitions en ligne, telles que :

Bibliothèque Musescore - https://musescore.com/partition
Bibliothèque musicale IMSLP Petrucci - https://imslp.org/
ChoralWIKI - https://www.cpdl.org/wiki/
Hymnary - https://hymnary.org
NEUMA - http://neuma.huma-num.fr

Exigences relatives aux fichiers:
- Une signature rythmique par partition.
- Une signature clé par partition avec un maximum de 6 bémols et 5 dièses.
- Voix monophoniques uniquement (pas d'harmonies, une hauteur par valeur de note). Pour utiliser des harmonies, répartissez les notes sur plusieurs voix / portées.
- Maximum 8 voix monophoniques, dont l'une peut consister en des symboles d'accord (e.g. Lead sheet).
- Clés prises en charge: Sol, Fa et Ut Alto.
- Valeurs de note prises en charge: de la ronde à la triple-croche

EarMaster peut transposer automatiquement vos mélodies, vous pouvez donc les définir dans une clé spécifique, puis sélectionner les tonalités dans lesquelles vous souhaitez qu'EarMaster les transpose lorsque vous configurez vos exercices.

Seules les fonctionnalités prises en charge par EarMaster peuvent être importées. Les fonctionnalités non prises en charge seront soit ignorées par EarMaster, soit converties en valeurs similaires (par exemple, la signature rythmique 6/4 non prise en charge sera importée en tant que 12/8).

2. Importez votre partition dans EarMaster

Recherchez la bibliothèque musicale d'EarMaster via le menu Outils éducatifs. Ouvrez ensuite l'onglet Partitions et cliquez sur "Importer MusicXML" pour ajouter votre partition à la liste des partitions du logiciel.

3. Utilisez vos partitions dans des exercices personnalisés

Lorsque vous créez votre exercice personnalisé dans l'Éditeur de cours, vous pouvez sélectionner "Bibliothèque de partitions" dans "Source du matériel musical", puis ajouter des extraits de vos partitions à l'exercice via la section "Liste de questions".

Dans la section "Liste des questions", cliquez sur +pour voir la liste des partitions disponibles. Sélectionnez une partition puis définnez un intervalle de mesure à inclure, sélectionnez les voix qui seront jouées, celle qui sera évaluée, et celle qui servira d'accompagnement. Enfin, cliquez sur "OK" pour l'ajouter comme première question de votre exercice.

Pour ajouter une autre question, vous pouvez soit répéter la procédure décrite ci-dessus, soit cliquer sur l'icône Dupliquer pour copier la question précédente et modifier l'intervalle de mesure ou les options de voix.

Répétez l'opération jusqu'à ce que vous ayez obtenu le nombre de questions désiré pour votre exercice.


Q: Puis-je exporter la bibliothèque de partitions d'EarMaster?
R: Oui, votre bibliothèque de partitions peut être exportée en tant que fichier de base de données EarMaster, puis importée dans une autre installation d'EarMaster. Pour ce faire, utilisez les boutons d'importation / exportation dans le coin supérieur droit de la liste des partitions dans la bibliothèque de partitions d'EarMaster.

Q: J'ai importé une partition mais elle ne ressemble et / ou ne sonne pas comme le fichier d'origine. Pourquoi?
R: Le standard MusicXML est énorme et couvre des tonnes de fonctionnalités et d'aspects qui ne sont pas utiles dans EarMaster. Par conséquent, certaines importations peuvent entraîner une modification des partitions au-delà de la reconnaissance. Nous améliorons constamment la fonctionnalité d'importation MusicXML, donc si vous rencontrez un tel problème, veuillez nous envoyer votre fichier MusicXML et une description du problème afin que nous puissions essayer d'améliorer cette fonctionnalité d'EarMaster.

Q: Puis-je importer des partitions MusicXML sur iPad?
R: Malheureusement non. Cette fonctionnalité n'est disponible que sur PC et Mac.

Q: Puis-je enregistrer un exercice personnalisé basé sur la bibliothèque de partitions d'EarMaster?
R: Oui, mais uniquement lors de l'utilisation de l'éditeur de cours, qui est disponible pour les utilisateurs d'EarMaster Cloud avec un compte Professeur.

Courses and workshops available in EarMaster

Click on a course or workshop title to view its full content.

Notice that the availability of the courses and workshops listed below depends on the license that you purchased. For more information, please refer to this Version comparison.

 Beginner's Course

1: Welcome to the Beginner's Course

1.1 Introduction to the course

2: Pitch

2.1 Musical Pitch
2.2 Pitch Matching: One Note (any note in range)
2.3 Introduction to Pitch Intervals
2.4 More Pitch Intervals
2.5 Pitch Interval Names
2.6 Pitch Matching: Two Notes (C, D)
2.7 Module Recap

3: Pulse

3.1 Beat (Pulse)
3.2 Tapping with the Metronome
3.3 Skipping Beats
3.4 Introduction to Beat Notation
3.5 Beat Error Detections
3.6 Beat Dictation
3.7 Module Recap

4: Pitch Notation

4.1 Pitch Sight-Singing
4.2 Pitch Dictation with 2 notes
4.3 Pitch Dictation with 3 notes
4.4 Pitch Dictation with 4 notes
4.5 Melodic Dictation
4.6 Module Recap

5: Duration

5.1 Rhythmic Duration
5.2 Performing Note Onsets and Offsets
5.3 Rhythm Error Detection
5.4 Rhythm Sight-Reading
5.5 Rhythm Dictation
5.6 Clapping Back Rhythms with Half Rests
5.7 Half Rest Error Detection
5.8 Sight-Reading Rhythms with Half Rests
5.9 Rhythmic Dictation with Half Rests
5.10 Module Recap

6: Tonality

6.1 Tonality
6.2 Pitch Matching
6.3 Three Melodic Intervals
6.4 Interval Identification
6.5 Interval Singing
6.6 Tonal Threads (3 notes)
6.7 Pitch Dictation
6.8 Singing Melodic Fragments by ear
6.9 Singing Melodic Fragments by sight
6.10 Melodic Dictation
6.11 Singing a Tune: Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture
6.12 Module Recap

7: Measures

7.1 Whole Notes & Rests
7.2 Whole notes & whole rests
7.3 Whole Note Error Detection
7.4 Whole Note Sight-Reading
7.5 Whole Note Rhythmic Dictation
7.6 Two Beat Measures: Clapback
7.7 Two Beat Measures: Error detection
7.8 Two Beat Measures: Sight-Reading
7.9 Two Beat Measures: Dictation
7.10 Singing a Tune
7.11 Module Recap

8: The Sub-dominant

8.1 The Sub-dominant Scale Degree
8.2 Interval Learning (Perfect 4th)
8.3 Melodic Interval Identification
8.4 Singing within the Major Scale
8.5 Tonal Threads (3 notes)
8.6 Pitch Dictation (4 notes)
8.7 Singing Melodic Fragments (by ear)
8.8 Singing Melodic Fragments (by sight)
8.9 Dictating Melodies
8.10 Singing A Tune
8.11 Module Recap

9: Dotted Half Note Rhythms

9.1 Dotted Rhythms
9.2 Dotted Half Notes & Dotted Half Rests
9.3 Dotted Half Note Error Detection
9.4 Dotted Half Note Sight-Reading
9.5 Dotted Half Note Rhythmic Dictation
9.6 Three Beat Measures: Clapback
9.7 Three Beat Measures: Error Detection
9.8 Three Beat Measures: Sight-Reading
9.9 Three Beat Measures: Dictation
9.10 Module Recap

10: The Dominant

10.1 The Dominant
10.2 The Perfect 5th
10.3 Interval Identification
10.4 Interval Singing
10.5 Tonal Threads (3 notes)
10.6 Pitch Dictation (4 notes)
10.7 Pitch Dictation (5 notes)
10.8 Singing Melodic Fragments (by ear)
10.9 Singing Melodic Fragments (by sight)
10.10 Dictating Melodies
10.11 Singing A Tune: Frère Jacques
10.12 Module Recap

11: Consonance & Dissonance

11.1 Hearing Harmonically
11.2 Dissonance & Consonance
11.3 Dissonance & Consonance
11.4 Consonant & Dissonant Chords
11.5 Chords in context
11.6 Chords in context (3 chord progressions)
11.7 Singing a Tune: Beethoven's Ode to Joy
11.8 Module Recap

12: Simple Subdivisions

12.1 Subdivisions of the Beat
12.2 Constant Subdivisions
12.3 Eighth Note Clapback
12.4 Eighth Note Error Detection
12.5 Eighth Note Sight-Reading
12.6 Eighth Note Rhythmic Dictation
12.7 Rhythmic Dictation: Joy to the World
12.8 Singing a Tune: Simple Gifts
12.9 Module Recap

13: The Leading Tone

13.1 The Leading Tone
13.2 Interval Comparison
13.3 Interval Identification
13.4 Interval Singing
13.5 Tonal Threads (3 notes)
13.6 Pitch Dictation (4 notes)
13.7 Pitch Dictation (5 notes)
13.8 Singing Melodic Fragments (by ear)
13.9 Singing Melodic Fragments (by sight)
13.10 Transcribing Melodies
13.11 Singing a Tune: Haydn's Surprise Symphony
13.12 Module Recap

14: Triads

14.1 Triads
14.2 Ascending Melodic Thirds
14.3 Ascending Melodic Thirds: Identification
14.4 Ascending Melodic Triads
14.5 Descending Melodic Thirds: Learning
14.6 Descending Melodic Thirds: Identification
14.7 Descending Melodic Triads: Identification
14.8 Harmonic Thirds: Learning
14.9 Harmonic Thirds: Identification
14.10 Harmonic Triads: Identification
14.11 Singing A Tune: Rossini's William Tell Overture
14.12 Module Recap

15: Syncopation

15.1 Syncopation
15.2 Basic Syncopated Rhythms
15.3 Syncopation Clapback
15.4 Syncopation Error Detection
15.5 Syncopation Error Detection (2)
15.6 Syncopated Sight-Reading
15.7 Syncopation Rhythmic Dictation
15.8 Tapping a Tune: Panama
15.9 Singing A Tune: Mozart's Eine Kleine Nachtmusik
15.10 Module Recap

16: The Submediant

16.1 The Submediant
16.2 The Submediant Scale Degree
16.3 Interval Identification
16.4 Interval Singing
16.5 Tonal Threads (3 notes)
16.6 Pitch Dictation (4 notes)
16.7 Pitch Dictation (5 notes)
16.8 Singing Melodic Fragments (by ear)
16.9 Singing Melodic Fragments (by sight)
16.10 Transcribing Melodies
16.11 Singing a Tune: Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star
16.12 Module Recap

17: Other Triad Types

17.1 Augmented and Diminished Triads
17.2 Review of Ascending Thirds
17.3 The Four Triads (ascending)
17.4 Review of Descending Thirds
17.5 The Four Triads (descending)
17.6 Review of Harmonic Thirds
17.7 The Four Triads (harmonic)
17.8 Review of thirds (mixed)
17.9 The Four Triad types (mixed)
17.10 Singing a Tune: Home on the Range
17.11 Module Recap

18: Ties

18.1 Rhythmic Ties
18.2 Clapping Back Rhythms with Ties
18.3 Clapping Back Rhythms with Ties (2)
18.4 Detecting Errors in Rhythms with Ties
18.5 Detecting Errors in Rhythms with Ties (2)
18.6 Sight-Reading Rhythms with Ties
18.7 Transcribing Rhythms with Ties
18.8 Tapping a Tune: All the Girls Go Crazy
18.9 Singing a Tune: Rock-A My Soul
18.10 Module Recap

19: Harmonic Progressions

19.1 Introduction to Harmonic Progressions
19.2 Singing Bass Patterns
19.3 Bass Pattern Dictation
19.4 Singing a Tune: Pachabel's Canon in D
19.5 Chord Quality Review (Major & Minor)
19.6 Chord Progressions (I, ii, V)
19.7 Chord Progressions (I, ii, V)
19.8 Subdominant Bass Patterns
19.9 Subdominant Bass Pattern Dictation
19.10 Two-Chord Progressions (I, ii, IV, V)
19.11 Chord Progressions (I, ii, IV, V)
19.12 Module Recap

20: Compound Subdivisions

20.1 Compound Beat Subdivisions
20.2 Introduction to Compound Beat Subdivisions
20.3 Clapping Back Compound Beat Subdivisions
20.4 Detecting Errors in Compound Beat Subdivisions
20.5 Detecting Errors in Compound Beat Subdivisions (2)
20.6 Sight-Reading Rhythms with Compound Subdivisions
20.7 Transcribing Rhythms with Compound Subdivisions
20.8 Tapping a Tune: Courenta dei Butei
20.9 Singing a Tune: Bach's Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring
20.10 Module Recap

21: The Complete Major Scale

21.1 The Complete Major Scale
21.2 Interval Comparison
21.3 Interval Identification
21.4 Interval Singing
21.5 Tonal Threads (3 notes)
21.6 Pitch Dictation (4 notes)
21.7 Pitch Dictation (5 Notes)
21.8 Singing Melodic Fragments (by ear)
21.9 Singing Melodic Fragments (by sight)
21.10 Transcribing Melodies
21.11 Singing a Tune: Row, Row, Row Your Boat
21.12 Module Recap

22: Course Mastery Tests

22.1 The Mastery Module
22.2 Interval Comparison Mastery
22.3 Interval Identification Mastery
22.4 Triad Identification Mastery
22.5 Chord Progression Mastery
22.6 Rhythmic Sight-reading Mastery
22.7 Rhythmic Dictation Mastery
22.8 Pitch Sight-Singing Mastery
22.9 Pitch Dictation Mastery
22.10 Melodic Sight-Reading Mastery
22.11 Melodic Dictation Mastery
22.12 Tapping a Tune: Mastery
22.13 Learning A Tune: Mastery
22.14 Course Completion

 Vocal Trainer

1: Foreword

1.1 Welcome

2: Level 1: Technical Exercises

2.1 Technical Exercise 1 (preparatory lesson)
2.2 Technical Exercise 1
2.3 Technical Exercise 2 (preparatory lesson)
2.4 Technical Exercise 2
2.5 Technical Exercise 3 (preparatory lesson)
2.6 Technical Exercise 3
2.7 Technical Exercises 1–3 (preparatory lesson)
2.8 Technical exercises 1–3

3: Level 1: Clapback

3.1 2/4 Rhythms: one measure, no syncopation
3.2 2/4 Rhythms: one measure, with syncopation
3.3 2/4 Rhythms: three measures, no syncopation
3.4 2/4 Rhythms: three measures, with syncopation
3.5 2/4 Melodies: four measures
3.6 3/4 Rhythms: one measure
3.7 3/4 Melodies: two measures
3.8 3/4 Melodies: three measures
3.9 2/4 and 3/4 melodies

4: Level 1: Intervals

4.1 Ascending Intervals: major 3rd, perfect 5th, perfect octave
4.2 Ascending Interval: major 3rd
4.3 Ascending Interval: major 3rd
4.4 Ascending Interval: perfect 5th
4.5 Ascending Interval: perfect 5th
4.6 Ascending Interval: perfect octave
4.7 Ascending Interval: perfect octave
4.8 Ascending intervals: all intervals
4.9 Ascending Intervals: all intervals
4.10 Descending intervals: minor 3rd, perfect 4th, perfect octave
4.11 Descending Interval: minor 3rd
4.12 Descending Interval: minor 3rd
4.13 Descending Interval: perfect 4th
4.14 Descending Interval: perfect 4th
4.15 Descending Interval: perfect octave
4.16 Descending Interval: perfect octave
4.17 Descending Intervals: all intervals
4.18 Descending Intervals: all intervals
4.19 All intervals
4.20 All intervals

5: Level 1: Sight Singing

5.1 2/4 Melodies: three measures
5.2 2/4 Melodies: four measures
5.3 3/4 Melodies: three measures
5.4 2/4 and 3/4 melodies

6: Level 1: Final Step

6.1 Technical Exercises
6.2 Clapback
6.3 Intervals
6.4 Sight Singing

7: Level 2: Technical Exercises

7.1 Technical Exercise 1 (preparatory lesson)
7.2 Technical Exercise 1
7.3 Technical Exercise 2 (preparatory lesson)
7.4 Technical Exercise 2
7.5 Technical Exercise 3 (preparatory lesson)
7.6 Technical Exercise 3
7.7 Technical Exercise 4 (preparatory lesson)
7.8 Technical Exercise 4
7.9 Technical Exercises 1–4 (preparatory lesson)
7.10 Technical exercises 1–4

8: Level 2: Clapback

8.1 2/4 Melodies (review)
8.2 2/4 Rhythms
8.3 2/4 Melodies
8.4 3/4 Melodies (review)
8.5 3/4 Rhythms
8.6 3/4 Melodies
8.7 2/4 and 3/4 melodies

9: Level 2: Intervals

9.1 Ascending intervals: major 2nd, major 3rd
9.2 Ascending Interval: major 3rd (review)
9.3 Ascending Interval: major 2nd
9.4 Ascending Interval: major 2nd
9.5 Ascending intervals: perfect 4th, perfect 5th, perfect octave
9.6 Ascending Interval: perfect 5th (review)
9.7 Ascending Interval: perfect octave (review)
9.8 Ascending Interval: perfect 4th
9.9 Ascending Interval: perfect 4th
9.10 Ascending Intervals: all intervals
9.11 Ascending Intervals: all intervals
9.12 Descending intervals: minor 3rd, perfect 4th, perfect octave (review)
9.13 Descending Interval: minor 3rd (review)
9.14 Descending Interval: perfect 4th (review)
9.15 Descending Interval: perfect octave (review)
9.16 Descending Intervals: all intervals
9.17 Descending Intervals: all intervals
9.18 All intervals
9.19 All intervals

10: Level 2: Sight Singing

10.1 2/4 Melodies (review)
10.2 2/4 Melodies
10.3 3/4 Melodies (review)
10.4 3/4 Melodies
10.5 2/4 and 3/4 melodies

11: Level 2: Final Step

11.1 Technical Exercises
11.2 Clapback
11.3 Intervals
11.4 Sight Singing

12: Level 3: Technical Exercises

12.1 Technical Exercise 1 (preparatory lesson)
12.2 Technical Exercise 1
12.3 Technical Exercise 2 (preparatory lesson)
12.4 Technical Exercise 2
12.5 Technical Exercise 3 (preparatory lesson)
12.6 Technical Exercise 3
12.7 Technical Exercise 4 (preparatory lesson)
12.8 Technical Exercise 4
12.9 Technical Exercise 5 (preparatory lesson)
12.10 Technical Exercise 5
12.11 Technical Exercises 1–5 (preparatory lesson)
12.12 Technical exercises 1–5

13: Level 3: Clapback

13.1 2/4 Melodies (review)
13.2 2/4 Rhythms
13.3 2/4 Melodies
13.4 3/4 Melodies (review)
13.5 3/4 Rhythms
13.6 3/4 Melodies
13.7 2/4 and 3/4 melodies

14: Level 3: Intervals

14.1 Ascending intervals: major 2nd, major 3rd, major 6th
14.2 Ascending Interval: major 2nd (review)
14.3 Ascending Interval: major 3rd (review)
14.4 Ascending Interval: major 6th
14.5 Ascending Interval: major 6th
14.6 Ascending intervals: perfect 4th, perfect 5th, perfect octave (review)
14.7 Ascending Intervals: perfect 4th, perfect 5th, perfect octave (review)
14.8 Ascending Intervals: all intervals
14.9 Ascending Intervals: all intervals
14.10 Descending intervals: perfect 4th, perfect 5th
14.11 Descending intervals: all intervals
14.12 Descending Interval: minor 3rd (review)
14.13 Descending Interval: perfect 4th (review)
14.14 Descending Interval: perfect 5th
14.15 Descending Interval: perfect 5th
14.16 Descending Interval: perfect octave (review)
14.17 Descending Intervals: all intervals
14.18 Descending Intervals: all intervals
14.19 All intervals
14.20 All intervals

15: Level 3: Sight Singing

15.1 2/4 Melodies (review)
15.2 3/4 Melodies (review)
15.3 4/4 Melodies: two measures
15.4 Final Step: 4/4 Melodies: four measures

16: Level 3: Final Step

16.1 Technical Exercises
16.2 Clapback
16.3 Intervals
16.4 Sight Singing

17: Level 4: Technical Exercises

17.1 Technical Exercise 1 (preparatory lesson)
17.2 Technical Exercise 1
17.3 Technical Exercise 2 (preparatory lesson)
17.4 Technical Exercise 2
17.5 Technical Exercise 3 (preparatory lesson)
17.6 Technical Exercise 3
17.7 Technical Exercise 4 (preparatory lesson)
17.8 Technical Exercise 4
17.9 Technical Exercise 5 (preparatory lesson)
17.10 Technical Exercise 5
17.11 Technical Exercises 1–5 (preparatory lesson)
17.12 Technical exercises 1–5

18: Level 4: Clapback

18.1 2/4 Melodies (review)
18.2 2/4 Rhythms
18.3 2/4 Melodies
18.4 6/8 Rhythms
18.5 6/8 Melodies
18.6 2/4 and 6/8 melodies

19: Level 4: Intervals

19.1 Ascending Intervals: minor and major 3rds
19.2 Ascending Interval: major 2nd (review)
19.3 Ascending Interval: major 3rd (review)
19.4 Ascending Interval: minor 3rd
19.5 Ascending Interval: minor 3rd
19.6 Ascending Interval: major 6th (review)
19.7 Ascending Intervals: perfect 4th, perfect 5th, perfect octave (review)
19.8 Ascending Intervals: all intervals
19.9 Ascending Intervals: all intervals
19.10 Ascending Intervals: all intervals
19.11 Descending intervals: perfect 5th, minor 6th
19.12 Descending Interval: minor 3rd (review)
19.13 Descending Interval: minor 6th
19.14 Descending Interval: minor 6th
19.15 Descending Interval: perfect 4th, perfect 5th, perfect octave (review)
19.16 Descending intervals: all intervals
19.17 Descending Intervals: all intervals
19.18 Descending Intervals: all intervals
19.19 All intervals
19.20 All intervals

20: Level 4: Sight Singing

20.1 6/8 Melodies: two measures
20.2 Final Step: 6/8 Melodies: four measures

21: Level 4: Final Step

21.1 Technical Exercises
21.2 Clapback
21.3 Intervals
21.4 Sight Singing

22: Level 5: Technical Exercises

22.1 Technical Exercise 1 (preparatory lesson)
22.2 Technical Exercise 1
22.3 Technical Exercise 2 (preparatory lesson)
22.4 Technical Exercise 2
22.5 Technical Exercise 3 (preparatory lesson)
22.6 Technical Exercise 3
22.7 Technical Exercise 4 (preparatory lesson)
22.8 Technical Exercise 4
22.9 Technical Exercise 5 (preparatory lesson)
22.10 Technical Exercise 5
22.11 Technical Exercises 1–5 (preparatory lesson)
22.12 Technical exercises 1–5

23: Level 5: Singback

23.1 6/8 Melodies
23.2 3/4 Melodies
23.3 6/8 and 3/4 melodies

24: Level 5: Intervals

24.1 Ascending Intervals: minor and major 6ths
24.2 Ascending Interval: major 2nd (review)
24.3 Ascending Interval: minor and major 3rds (review)
24.4 Ascending Interval: major 6th (review)
24.5 Ascending Interval: minor 6th
24.6 Ascending Interval: minor 6th
24.7 Ascending Intervals: perfect 4th, perfect 5th, perfect octave (review)
24.8 Ascending intervals: all intervals
24.9 Ascending Intervals: all intervals
24.10 Ascending Intervals: all intervals
24.11 Descending intervals: minor and major 3rds
24.12 Descending intervals: major 2nd, minor and major 3rds
24.13 Descending intervals: minor and major 6ths
24.14 Descending Interval: minor 3rd (review)
24.15 Descending Interval: minor 6th (review)
24.16 Descending Interval: perfect 4th, perfect 5th, perfect octave (review)
24.17 Descending Interval: major 2nd
24.18 Descending Interval: major 2nd
24.19 Descending Interval: major 3rd
24.20 Descending Interval: major 3rd
24.21 Descending Interval: major 6th
24.22 Descending Interval: major 6th
24.23 Descending intervals: all intervals
24.24 Descending Intervals: all intervals
24.25 Descending Intervals: all intervals
24.26 All intervals
24.27 All intervals

25: Level 5: Chord Identification

25.1 Major and Minor Triads: ascending/harmonic
25.2 Major and Minor Triads: harmonic

26: Level 5: Sight Singing

26.1 3/4 Melodies: two measures
26.2 3/4 Melodies: two measures
26.3 3/4 Melodies: four measures
26.4 3/4 Melodies: four measures
26.5 2/4 Melodies: three measures
26.6 2/4 Melodies: three measures
26.7 2/4 Melodies: six measures
26.8 2/4 Melodies: six measures
26.9 2/4 and 3/4 Melodies
26.10 2/4 and 3/4 Melodies

27: Level 5: Final Step

27.1 Technical Exercises
27.2 Singback
27.3 Intervals
27.4 Chord Identification
27.5 Sight Singing Part 1: rhythm
27.6 Sight Singing Part 2: melody

28: Level 6: Technical Exercises

28.1 Technical Exercise 1 (preparatory lesson)
28.2 Technical Exercise 1
28.3 Technical Exercise 2 (preparatory lesson)
28.4 Technical Exercise 2
28.5 Technical Exercise 3 (preparatory lesson)
28.6 Technical Exercise 3
28.7 Technical Exercise 4 (preparatory lesson)
28.8 Technical Exercise 4
28.9 Technical Exercise 5 (preparatory lesson)
28.10 Technical Exercise 5
28.11 Technical Exercise 6 (preparatory lesson)
28.12 Technical Exercise 6
28.13 Technical Exercises 1–6 (preparatory lesson)
28.14 Technical Exercises 1–6

29: Level 6: Singback

29.1 6/8 Melodies (review)
29.2 3/4 Melodies (review)
29.3 6/8 melodies (short)
29.4 6/8 melodies
29.5 3/4 melodies (short)
29.6 3/4 melodies
29.7 6/8 and 3/4 melodies

30: Level 6: Intervals

30.1 Ascending Intervals: minor and major 2nds
30.2 Ascending Intervals: minor and major 6ths, major 7th
30.3 Ascending interval: major 2nd (review)
30.4 Ascending Intervals: minor and major 3rds (review)
30.5 Ascending Intervals: minor and major 6ths (review)
30.6 Ascending Intervals: perfect 4th, perfect 5th, perfect octave (review)
30.7 Ascending Interval: minor 2nd
30.8 Ascending Interval: minor 2nd
30.9 Ascending Interval: minor 7th
30.10 Ascending Interval: minor 7th
30.11 Ascending intervals: all intervals
30.12 Ascending Intervals: all intervals
30.13 Ascending Intervals: all intervals
30.14 Descending intervals: minor and major 2nds
30.15 Descending intervals: minor and major 6ths, minor 7th
30.16 Descending Interval: major 2nd (review)
30.17 Descending intervals: minor and major 3rds (review)
30.18 Descending Intervals: minor and major 6ths (review)
30.19 Descending Intervals: perfect 4th, perfect 5th, perfect octave (review)
30.20 Descending Interval: minor 2nd
30.21 Descending Interval: minor 2nd
30.22 Descending Interval: minor 7th
30.23 Descending Interval: minor 7th
30.24 Descending intervals: all intervals
30.25 Descending Intervals: all intervals
30.26 Descending Intervals: all intervals
30.27 All intervals
30.28 All intervals

31: Level 6: Chord Identification

31.1 Major and Minor Triads: harmonic (review)
31.2 Major and Minor Triads, Dominant 7th: ascending/harmonic
31.3 Major and Minor Triads, Dominant 7th: harmonic

32: Level 6: Sight Singing

32.1 4/4 Melodies: two measures
32.2 4/4 Melodies: two measures
32.3 4/4 Melodies: four measures
32.4 4/4 Melodies: four measures
32.5 3/4 Melodies: three measures
32.6 3/4 Melodies: three measures
32.7 3/4 Melodies: six measures
32.8 3/4 Melodies: six measures
32.9 3/4 and 4/4 Melodies
32.10 3/4 and 4/4 Melodies

33: Level 6: Final Step

33.1 Technical Exercises
33.2 Singback
33.3 Intervals
33.4 Chord Identification
33.5 Sight Singing Part 1: rhythm
33.6 Sight Singing Part 2: melody

34: Course wrap-up

34.1 Congratulations!

 RCM Voice

1: Foreword

1.1 Welcome

2: Preparatory: Technical Tests

2.1 Technical Test 1 (Preparatory Lesson)
2.2 Technical Test 1
2.3 Technical Test 2 (Preparatory Lesson)
2.4 Technical Test 2
2.5 Technical Test 1–2 (Preparatory Lesson)
2.6 Technical Test 1–2

3: Preparatory: Clapback

3.1 Clapback: 4/4, One Bar
3.2 Clapback: 4/4, Two Bars
3.3 Clapback: 3/4, One Bar
3.4 Clapback: 3/4, Two Bars
3.5 Clapback: 3/4 and 4/4 Melody, Two Bars

4: Preparatory: Chords

4.1 Chords: Major Triad Singback
4.2 Chords: Minor Triad Singback
4.3 Chords: Major & Minor Triads

5: Preparatory: Singback

5.1 Singback: Major Scale, First Three Notes
5.2 Singback: Minor Scale, First Three Notes
5.3 Singback: Major & Minor Scales, First Three Notes

6: Preparatory: Sight-Reading

6.1 Rhythm: 4/4, One Bar
6.2 Rhythm: 4/4, Two Bars
6.3 Melody: 4/4, Two Bars

7: Preparatory: Final Step

7.1 Technical Tests
7.2 Clapback
7.3 Chords
7.4 Singback
7.5 Sight-Reading (Rhythm)
7.6 Sight-Reading (Melody)

8: Level 1: Technical Tests

8.1 Technical Test 1 (Preparatory Lesson)
8.2 Technical Test 1
8.3 Technical Test 2 (Preparatory Lesson)
8.4 Technical Test 2
8.5 Technical Test 3 (Preparatory Lesson)
8.6 Technical Test 3
8.7 Technical Test 4 (Preparatory Lesson)
8.8 Technical Test 4
8.9 Technical Test 1–4 (Preparatory Lesson)
8.10 Technical Test 1–4

9: Level 1: Clapback

9.1 Clapback: 4/4, One Bar
9.2 Clapback: 4/4, Two Bars
9.3 Clapback: 3/4, One Bar
9.4 Clapback: 3/4, Two Bars
9.5 Clapback: 3/4 or 4/4 Melody

10: Level 1: Intervals

10.1 Interval Identification: Major and Minor 3rd
10.2 Interval Singback: Major 3rd
10.3 Interval Singing: Major 3rd
10.4 Interval Singback: Minor 3rd
10.5 Interval Singing: Minor 3rd
10.6 Interval Singback: Major and Minor 3rd
10.7 Interval Singing: Major and Minor 3rd

11: Level 1: Chords

11.1 Chords: Major Triad Singback
11.2 Chords: Minor Triad Singback
11.3 Chords: Major & Minor Triads

12: Level 1: Singback

12.1 Singback: Major Scale, First Five Notes
12.2 Singback: Minor Scale, First Five Notes
12.3 Singback: Major & Minor Scales, First Five Notes

13: Level 1: Sight-Reading

13.1 Rhythm: 4/4, One Bar
13.2 Rhythm: 4/4, Two Bars
13.3 Melody: 4/4, Two Bars

14: Level 1: Final Step

14.1 Technical Tests
14.2 Clapback
14.3 Intervals (Interval ID)
14.4 Intervals (Interval Singing)
14.5 Chords
14.6 Singback
14.7 Sight-Reading (Rhythm)
14.8 Sight-Reading (Melody)

15: Level 2: Technical Tests

15.1 Technical Test 1 (Preparatory Lesson)
15.2 Technical Test 1
15.3 Technical Test 2 (Preparatory Lesson)
15.4 Technical Test 2
15.5 Technical Test 3 (Preparatory Lesson)
15.6 Technical Test 3
15.7 Technical Test 4 (Preparatory Lesson)
15.8 Technical Test 4
15.9 Technical Test 5 (Preparatory Lesson)
15.10 Technical Test 5
15.11 Technical Test 1–5 (Preparatory Lesson)
15.12 Technical Test 1–5

16: Level 2: Clapback

16.1 Clapback: 4/4, One Bar
16.2 Clapback: 4/4, Two Bars
16.3 Clapback: 3/4, One Bar
16.4 Clapback: 3/4, Two Bars
16.5 Clapback: 3/4 or 4/4 Melody

17: Level 2: Intervals

17.1 Interval Identification: Major and Minor 3rd, Perfect 5th
17.2 Interval Singback: Major and Minor 3rd
17.3 Interval Singing: Major and Minor 3rd
17.4 Interval Singback: Perfect 5th
17.5 Interval Singing: Perfect 5ths
17.6 Interval Singback: All Intervals
17.7 Interval Singing: All Intervals

18: Level 2: Chords

18.1 Chords: Major Triad Singback
18.2 Chords: Minor Triad Singback
18.3 Chords: Major & Minor Triads

19: Level 2: Singback

19.1 Singback: Major
19.2 Singback: Minor
19.3 Singback: Major, Minor

20: Level 2: Sight-Reading

20.1 Rhythm: 4/4, Two Bars
20.2 Rhythm: 4/4, Three Bars
20.3 Rhythm: 3/4, Two Bars
20.4 Rhythm: 3/4, Four Bars
20.5 Melody: 3/4
20.6 Melody: 4/4
20.7 Melody: 3/4 and 4/4

21: Level 2: Final Step

21.1 Technical Tests
21.2 Clapback
21.3 Intervals (Interval ID)
21.4 Intervals (Interval Singing)
21.5 Chords
21.6 Singback
21.7 Sight-Reading (Rhythm: 4/4)
21.8 Sight-Reading (Rhythm: 3/4)
21.9 Sight-Reading (Melody)

22: Level 3: Technical Tests

22.1 Technical Test 1 (Preparatory Lesson)
22.2 Technical Test 1
22.3 Technical Test 2 (Preparatory Lesson)
22.4 Technical Test 2
22.5 Technical Test 3 (Preparatory Lesson)
22.6 Technical Test 3
22.7 Technical Test 4 (Preparatory Lesson)
22.8 Technical Test 4
22.9 Technical Test 5 (Preparatory Lesson)
22.10 Technical Test 5
22.11 Technical Test 1–5 (Preparatory Lesson)
22.12 Technical Test 1–5

23: Level 3: Clapback

23.1 Clapback: 4/4, One Bar
23.2 Clapback: 4/4, Two Bars
23.3 Clapback: 3/4, One Bar
23.4 Clapback: 3/4, Two Bars
23.5 Clapback: 3/4 or 4/4 Melody

24: Level 3: Intervals

24.1 Interval Identification: Major and Minor 3rd
24.2 Interval Identification: Perfect 4th, Perfect 5th
24.3 Interval Identification: All Intervals
24.4 Interval Singback: Perfect 5th
24.5 Interval Singing: Perfect 5ths
24.6 Interval Singback: Perfect Fourth
24.7 Interval Singing: Perfect Fourth
24.8 Interval Singback: Perfect 4th, Perfect 5th
24.9 Interval Singing: Perfect 4th, Perfect 5th
24.10 Interval Singback: All Intervals
24.11 Interval Singing: All Intervals

25: Level 3: Chords

25.1 Chords: Major Triad Singback
25.2 Chords: Minor Triad Singback
25.3 Chords: Major & Minor Triads
25.4 Chords: Chord Tone Identification

26: Level 3: Singback

26.1 Singback: 3/4 - Major
26.2 Singback: 4/4 - Major
26.3 Singback: 3/4, 4/4 - Major
26.4 Singback: 3/4 - Minor
26.5 Singback: 4/4 - Minor
26.6 Singback: 3/4, 4/4 - Minor
26.7 Singback: 3/4, 4/4 - Major, Minor

27: Level 3: Sight-Reading

27.1 Rhythm: 4/4, Two Bars
27.2 Rhythm: 4/4, Four Bars
27.3 Rhythm: 3/4, Two Bars
27.4 Rhythm: 3/4, Four Bars
27.5 Melody: 3/4
27.6 Melody: 4/4
27.7 Melody: 3/4 and 4/4

28: Level 3: Final Step

28.1 Technical Tests
28.2 Clapback
28.3 Intervals (Interval ID)
28.4 Intervals (Interval Singing)
28.5 Chords (Chord ID)
28.6 Chords (Chord Tone ID)
28.7 Singback
28.8 Sight-Reading (Rhythm: 4/4)
28.9 Sight-Reading (Rhythm: 3/4)
28.10 Sight-Reading (Melody)

29: Level 4: Technical Tests

29.1 Technical Test 1 (Preparatory Lesson)
29.2 Technical Test 1
29.3 Technical Test 2 (Preparatory Lesson)
29.4 Technical Test 2
29.5 Technical Test 3 (Preparatory Lesson)
29.6 Technical Test 3
29.7 Technical Test 4 (Preparatory Lesson)
29.8 Technical Test 4
29.9 Technical Test 5 (Preparatory Lesson)
29.10 Technical Test 5
29.11 Technical Test 1–5 (Preparatory Lesson)
29.12 Technical Test 1–5

30: Level 4: Clapback

30.1 Clapback: 4/4, One Bar
30.2 Clapback: 4/4, Two Bars
30.3 Clapback: 3/4, Two Bars
30.4 Clapback: 3/4, Four Bars
30.5 Clapback: 6/8, One Bar
30.6 Clapback: 6/8, Two Bars
30.7 Clapback: 3/4, 4/4, or 6/8 Melody

31: Level 4: Intervals

31.1 Interval Identification: Major and Minor 3rd
31.2 Interval Identification: Perfect 4th, Perfect 5th, 8ve
31.3 Interval Identification: All Intervals
31.4 Interval Singback: 8ve
31.5 Interval Singing: 8ve
31.6 Interval Singback: Perfect 4th, Perfect 5th, 8ve
31.7 Interval Singing: Perfect 4th, Perfect 5th, 8ve
31.8 Interval Singback: All Intervals
31.9 Interval Singing: All Intervals

32: Level 4: Chords

32.1 Chords: major triad singback
32.2 Chords: minor triad singback
32.3 Chords: major & minor triads
32.4 Chords: chord tone identification

33: Level 4: Singback

33.1 Singback: 3/4 - Major
33.2 Singback: 4/4 - Major
33.3 Singback: 3/4, 4/4 - Major
33.4 Singback: 3/4 - Minor
33.5 Singback: 4/4 - Minor
33.6 Singback: 3/4, 4/4 - Minor
33.7 Singback: 3/4, 4/4 - Major, Minor

34: Level 4: Sight-Reading

34.1 Rhythm: 4/4, Two Bars
34.2 Rhythm: 4/4, Four Bars
34.3 Rhythm: 3/4, Two Bars
34.4 Rhythm: 3/4, Four Bars
34.5 Melody: 3/4
34.6 Melody: 4/4
34.7 Melody: 3/4 and 4/4

35: Level 4: Final Step

35.1 Technical Tests
35.2 Clapback
35.3 Intervals (Interval ID)
35.4 Intervals (Interval singing)
35.5 Chords (Chord ID)
35.6 Chords (Chord tone ID)
35.7 Singback
35.8 Sight-Singing (Rhythm: 4/4)
35.9 Sight-Reading (Rhythm: 3/4)
35.10 Sight-Reading (Melody)

36: Level 5: Technical Tests

36.1 Technical Test 1 (Preparatory Lesson)
36.2 Technical Test 1
36.3 Technical Test 2 (Preparatory Lesson)
36.4 Technical Test 2
36.5 Technical Test 3 (Preparatory Lesson)
36.6 Technical Test 3
36.7 Technical Test 4 (Preparatory Lesson)
36.8 Technical Test 4
36.9 Technical Test 5 (Preparatory Lesson)
36.10 Technical Test 5
36.11 Technical Test 6 (Preparatory Lesson)
36.12 Technical Test 6
36.13 Technical Test 7 (Preparatory Lesson)
36.14 Technical Test 7
36.15 Technical Test 1–7 (Preparatory Lesson)
36.16 Technical Test 1–7

37: Level 5: Intervals

37.1 Interval Identification: major and minor 3rd
37.2 Interval Identification: perfect 4th, perfect 5th, 8ve
37.3 Interval Identification: major and minor 6th
37.4 Interval Identification: All Intervals
37.5 Interval Singback: major 6th
37.6 Interval Singing: major 6th
37.7 Interval Singback: minor 6th
37.8 Interval Singing: minor 6th
37.9 Interval Singback: major and minor 6th
37.10 Interval Singing: major and minor 6th
37.11 Interval Singback: perfect 4th, perfect 5th, 8ve
37.12 Interval Singing: perfect 4th, perfect 5th, 8ve
37.13 Interval Singback: All Intervals
37.14 Interval Singing: All Intervals

38: Level 5: Chords

38.1 Chords: major triad singback
38.2 Chords: minor triad singback
38.3 Chords: dominant 7th singback
38.4 Chords: major & minor triads, dominant 7th

39: Level 5: Chord Progressions

39.1 I-IV-I and I-V-I, major key

40: Level 5: Singback

40.1 Singback: 3/4 - Major
40.2 Singback: 4/4 - Major
40.3 Singback: 3/4, 4/4, Major
40.4 Singback: 3/4 - Minor
40.5 Singback: 4/4 - Minor
40.6 Singback: 3/4, 4/4 - Minor
40.7 Singback: 3/4, 4/4 - Major, Minor

41: Level 5: Sight-Reading

41.1 Melody: 3/4 - Major
41.2 Melody: 4/4 - Major
41.3 Melody: 6/8 - Major
41.4 Melody: 3/4, 4/4, 6/8 - Major
41.5 Melody: 3/4 - Minor
41.6 Melody: 4/4 - Minor
41.7 Melody: 6/8 - Minor
41.8 Melody: 3/4, 4/4, 6/8 - Minor
41.9 Melody: 3/4, 4/4, 6/8 - Major , Minor

42: Level 5: Final Step

42.1 Technical Tests
42.2 Intervals (Interval ID)
42.3 Intervals (Interval Singing)
42.4 Chords
42.5 Chord Progressions
42.6 Singback
42.7 Sight-Reading

43: Level 6: Technical Tests

43.1 Technical Test 1 (Preparatory Lesson)
43.2 Technical Test 1
43.3 Technical Test 2 (Preparatory Lesson)
43.4 Technical Test 2
43.5 Technical Test 3 (Preparatory Lesson)
43.6 Technical Test 3
43.7 Technical Test 4 (Preparatory Lesson)
43.8 Technical Test 4
43.9 Technical Test 5 (Preparatory Lesson)
43.10 Technical Test 5
43.11 Technical Test 6 (Preparatory Lesson)
43.12 Technical Test 6
43.13 Technical Test 7 (Preparatory Lesson)
43.14 Technical Test 7
43.15 Technical Test 8 (Preparatory Lesson)
43.16 Technical Test 8
43.17 Technical Test 1–8 (Preparatory Lesson)
43.18 Technical Test 1–8

44: Level 6: Intervals

44.1 Interval Identification: major and minor 3rd
44.2 Interval Identification: perfect 4th, perfect 5th, 8ve
44.3 Interval Identification: major and minor 6th
44.4 Interval Identification: major and minor 2nd
44.5 Interval Identification: All Intervals
44.6 Interval Singback: major 2nd
44.7 Interval Singing: major 2nd
44.8 Interval Singback: minor 2nd
44.9 Interval Singing: minor 2nd
44.10 Interval Singback: major and minor 2nd
44.11 Interval Singing: major and minor 2nd
44.12 Interval Singback: major and minor 2nd, major and minor 3rd, perfect 4th
44.13 Interval Singing: major and minor 2nd, major and minor 3rd, perfect 4th
44.14 Interval Singback: perfect 5th, major and minor 6th, 8ve
44.15 Interval Singing: perfect 4th, perfect 5th, 8ve
44.16 Interval Singback: All Intervals
44.17 Interval Singing: All Intervals

45: Level 6: Chords

45.1 Chords: major triad singback
45.2 Chords: minor triad singback
45.3 Chords: dominant 7th singback
45.4 Chords: diminished 7th singback
45.5 Chords: major & minor triads, dominant & diminished 7th

46: Level 6: Chord Progressions

46.1 I-IV-I and I-V-I, major key
46.2 i-iv-i and i-V-i, minor key
46.3 All chord progressions

47: Level 6: Singback

47.1 Singback: 3/4 - Major
47.2 Singback: 4/4 - Major
47.3 Singback: 3/4, 4/4 - Major
47.4 Singback: 3/4 - Minor
47.5 Singback: 4/4 - Minor
47.6 Singback: 3/4, 4/4 - Minor
47.7 Singback: 3/4, 4/4 - Major, Minor

48: Level 6: Sight-Reading

48.1 Melody: 2/4 - Major
48.2 Melody: 3/4 - Major
48.3 Melody: 4/4 - Major
48.4 Melody: 6/8 - Major
48.5 Melody: 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, 6/8 - Major
48.6 Melody: 2/4 - Minor
48.7 Melody: 3/4 - Minor
48.8 Melody: 4/4 - Minor
48.9 Melody: 6/8 - Minor
48.10 Melody: 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, 6/8 - Minor
48.11 Melody: 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, 6/8 - Major, Minor

49: Level 6: Final Step

49.1 Technical Tests
49.2 Intervals (Interval ID)
49.3 Intervals (Interval Singing)
49.4 Chords
49.5 Chord Progressions
49.6 Singback
49.7 Sight-Reading

50: Level 7: Technical Tests

50.1 Technical Test 1 (Preparatory Lesson)
50.2 Technical Test 1
50.3 Technical Test 2 (Preparatory Lesson)
50.4 Technical Test 2
50.5 Technical Test 3 (Preparatory Lesson)
50.6 Technical Test 3
50.7 Technical Test 4 (Preparatory Lesson)
50.8 Technical Test 4
50.9 Technical Test 5 (Preparatory Lesson)
50.10 Technical Test 5
50.11 Technical Test 6 (Preparatory Lesson)
50.12 Technical Test 6
50.13 Technical Test 7 (Preparatory Lesson)
50.14 Technical Test 7
50.15 Technical Test 8
50.16 Technical Test 1–7 (Preparatory Lesson)
50.17 Technical Test 1–7

51: Level 7: Intervals

51.1 Interval Identification: major and minor 2nd
51.2 Interval Identification: major and minor 3rd
51.3 Interval Identification: perfect 4th, perfect 5th, 8ve
51.4 Interval Identification: major and minor 6th
51.5 Interval Identification: major and minor 7th
51.6 Interval Identification: All Intervals
51.7 Interval Singback: major 7th
51.8 Interval Singing: major 7th
51.9 Interval Singback: minor 7th
51.10 Interval Singing: minor 7th
51.11 Interval Singback: major and minor 7th
51.12 Interval Singing: major and minor 7th
51.13 Interval Singback: major and minor 2nd, major and minor 3rd, perfect 4th, perfect 5th
51.14 Interval Singing: major and minor 2nd, major and minor 3rd, perfect 4th, perfect 5th
51.15 Interval Singback: major and minor 6th, major and minor 7th, 8ve
51.16 Interval Singing: major and minor 6th, major and minor 7th, 8ve
51.17 Interval Singback: All Intervals
51.18 Interval Singing: All Intervals

52: Level 7: Chords

52.1 Chords: major triad singback
52.2 Chords: minor triad singback
52.3 Chords: augmented triad singback
52.4 Chords: dominant 7th singback
52.5 Chords: diminished 7th singback
52.6 Chords: Major, Minor & Augmented Triads - Dominant & Diminished 7th

53: Level 7: Chord Progressions

53.1 I-IV-I, I-V-I, I-IV-V, major key
53.2 i-iv-i and i-V-i, i-iv-V, minor key
53.3 All chord progressions

54: Level 7: Singback

54.1 Singback: 2/4 - Major
54.2 Singback: 3/4 - Major
54.3 Singback: 6/8 - Major
54.4 Singback: 2/4, 3/4, 6/8 - Major
54.5 Singback: 2/4 - Minor
54.6 Singback: 3/4 - Minor
54.7 Singback: 6/8 - Minor
54.8 Singback: 2/4, 3/4, 6/8 - Minor
54.9 Singback: 2/4, 3/4, 6/8 - Major, Minor

55: Level 7: Sight-Reading

55.1 Melody: 2/4 - Major
55.2 Melody: 3/4 - Major
55.3 Melody: 4/4 - Major
55.4 Melody: 6/8 - Major
55.5 Melody: 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, 6/8 - Major
55.6 Melody: 2/4 - Minor
55.7 Melody: 3/4 - Minor
55.8 Melody: 4/4 - Minor
55.9 Melody: 6/8 - Minor
55.10 Melody: 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, 6/8 - Minor
55.11 Melody: 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, 6/8 - Major, Minor

56: Level 7: Final Step

56.1 Technical Tests
56.2 Intervals (Interval ID)
56.3 Intervals (Interval singing)
56.4 Chords
56.5 Chord Progressions
56.6 Singback
56.7 Sight-Singing

57: Level 8: Technical Tests

57.1 Technical Test 1 (Preparatory Lesson)
57.2 Technical Test 1
57.3 Technical Test 2 (Preparatory Lesson)
57.4 Technical Test 2
57.5 Technical Test 3 (Preparatory Lesson)
57.6 Technical Test 3
57.7 Technical Test 4 (Preparatory Lesson)
57.8 Technical Test 4
57.9 Technical Test 5 (Preparatory Lesson)
57.10 Technical Test 5
57.11 Technical Test 6 (Preparatory Lesson)
57.12 Technical Test 6
57.13 Technical Test 7 (Preparatory Lesson)
57.14 Technical Test 7
57.15 Technical Test 8 (Preparatory Lesson)
57.16 Technical Test 8
57.17 Technical Test 1–8 (Preparatory Lesson)
57.18 Technical Test 1–8

58: Level 8: Intervals

58.1 Interval Identification: perfect 4th, augmented 4th/diminished 5th, perfect 5th
58.2 Interval Identification: Major and Minor 2nd, Major and Minor 3rd
58.3 Interval Identification: Major and Minor 6th, Major and Minor 7th
58.4 Interval Identification: All Intervals
58.5 Interval Singback: Augmented 4th/Diminished 5th
58.6 Interval Singing: Augmented 4th/Diminished 5th
58.7 Interval Singback: Perfect 4th, Augmented 4th/Diminished 5th, Perfect 5th
58.8 Interval Singing: Perfect 4th, Augmented 4th/Diminished 5th, Perfect 5th
58.9 Interval Singback: Major and Minor 2nd, Major and Minor 3rd
58.10 Interval Singing: Major and Minor 2nd, Major and Minor 3rd
58.11 Interval Singback: Major and Minor 6th, Major and Minor 7th, Octave
58.12 Interval Singing: Major And Minor 6th, Major and Minor 7th, 8ve
58.13 Interval Singback: All Intervals
58.14 Interval Singing: All Intervals

59: Level 8: Chords

59.1 Chords: Major Triad Singback
59.2 Chords: Minor Triad Singback
59.3 Chords: Augmented Triad Singback
59.4 Chords: Dominant 7th Singback
59.5 Chords: Diminished 7th Singback
59.6 Chords: Major, Minor & Augmented Triads - Dominant & Diminished 7th

60: Level 8: Chord Progressions

60.1 I-IV-V-I and I-IV-V-vi, Major Key
60.2 i-iv-V-i and i-iv-V-vi, Minor Key
60.3 I-vi-IV-V and I-vi-IV-I, Major Keyy
60.4 i-vi-iv-V and i-vi-iv-i, Minor Key
60.5 All Chord Progressions

61: Level 8: Singback

61.1 Singback: 2/4 - Major
61.2 Singback: 3/4 - Major
61.3 Singback: 4/4 - Major
61.4 Singback: 6/8 - Major
61.5 Singback: 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, 6/8 - Major
61.6 Singback: 2/4 - Minor
61.7 Singback: 3/4 - Minor
61.8 Singback: 4/4 - Minor
61.9 Singback: 6/8 - Minor
61.10 Singback: 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, 6/8 - Minor
61.11 Singback: 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, 6/8 - Major, Minor

62: Level 8: Sight-Reading

62.1 Melody: 2/4 - Major
62.2 Melody: 3/4 - Major
62.3 Melody: 4/4 - Major
62.4 Melody: 6/8 - Major
62.5 Melody: 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, 6/8 - Major
62.6 Melody: 2/4 - Minor
62.7 Melody: 3/4 - Minor
62.8 Melody: 4/4 - Minor
62.9 Melody: 6/8 - Minor
62.10 Melody: 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, 6/8 - Minor
62.11 Melody: 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, 6/8 - Major, Minor

63: Level 8: Final Step

63.1 Technical Tests
63.2 Intervals (Interval ID)
63.3 Intervals (Interval singing)
63.4 Chord ID
63.5 Chord Progressions
63.6 Singback
63.7 Sight-Reading
63.8 Congratulations!

 General Workshops - Chord Identification

1: Identify the Major & the Minor Chords

1.1 Major & Minor - Ascending
1.2 Major & Minor - Descending
1.3 Major & Minor - Harmonic
1.4 Major & Minor - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending

2: Identify the Major, Minor & Sus4 Chords

2.1 Major, Minor & Sus4 - Ascending
2.2 Major, Minor & Sus4 - Descending
2.3 Major, Minor & Sus4 - Harmonic
2.4 Major, Minor & Sus4 - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending

3: Major Chords with Alternating 5th

3.1 Major, Major(b5) & Aug - Ascending
3.2 Major, Major(b5) & Aug - Descending
3.3 Major, Major(b5) & Aug - Harmonic
3.4 Major, Major(b5) & Aug - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending

4: Identify the Minor & the Minor(b5) Chords

4.1 Minor & Dim - Ascending
4.2 Minor & Dim - Descending
4.3 Minor & Dim - Harmonic
4.4 Minor & Dim - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending

5: Identify the Sus Chords

5.1 Sus2 & Sus4 - Ascending
5.2 Sus2 & Sus4 - Descending
5.3 Sus2 & Sus4 - Harmonic
5.4 Sus2 & Sus4 - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending

6: Triads with an Altered 5th

6.1 Dim, Major(b5) & Aug - Ascending
6.2 Dim, Major(b5) & Aug - Descending
6.3 Dim, Major(b5) & Aug - Harmonic
6.4 Dim, Major(b5) & Aug - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending

7: Identify All Triads

7.1 Major, Minor, Dim, Major(b5), Aug, Sus2 & Sus4 - Ascending
7.2 Major, Minor, Dim, Major(b5), Aug, Sus2 & Sus4 - Descending
7.3 Major, Minor, Dim, Major(b5), Aug, Sus2 & Sus4 - Harmonic
7.4 Major, Minor, Dim, Major(b5), Aug, Sus2 & Sus4 - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending

8: Major Triad with an Added Chord Tone

8.1 7, Maj7 & Add6 - Ascending
8.2 7, Maj7 & Add6 - Descending
8.3 7, Maj7 & Add6 - Harmonic
8.4 7, Maj7 & Add6 - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending

9: Minor Triad with an Added Chord Tone

9.1 Mi7, Mi,maj7 & Mi,add6 - Ascending
9.2 Mi7, Mi,maj7 & Mi,add6 - Descending
9.3 Mi7, Mi,maj7 & Mi,add6 - Harmonic
9.4 Mi7, Mi,maj7 & Mi,add6 - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending

10: Minor(b5) with an Added Chord Tone

10.1 Dim7, Mi7(b5) & dim,maj7 - Ascending
10.2 Dim7, Mi7(b5) & dim,maj7 - Descending
10.3 Dim7, Mi7(b5) & dim,maj7 - Harmonic
10.4 Dim7, Mi7(b5) & dim,maj7 - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending

11: Major(b5) with an Added Chord Tone

11.1 7(b5) & maj7(b5) - Ascending
11.2 7(b5) & maj7(b5) - Descending
11.3 7(b5) & maj7(b5) - Harmonic
11.4 7(b5) & maj7(b5) - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending

12: Major(#5) with an Added Chord Tone

12.1 7(#5) & maj7(#5) - Ascending
12.2 7(#5) & maj7(#5) - Descending
12.3 7(#5) & maj7(#5) - Harmonic
12.4 7(#5) & maj7(#5) - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending

13: Sus Triads with an Added Minor 7th

13.1 7(sus4) & 7(sus2) - Ascending
13.2 7(sus4) & 7(sus2) - Descending
13.3 7(sus4) & 7(sus2) - Harmonic
13.4 7(sus4) & 7(sus2) - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending

14: Sus Triads with an Added Major 7th

14.1 maj7(sus2) & maj7(sus4) - Ascending
14.2 maj7(sus2) & maj7(sus4) - Descending
14.3 maj7(sus2) & maj7(sus4) - Harmonic
14.4 maj7(sus2) & maj7(sus4) - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending

15: Sus Seventh Chords

15.1 7(sus4), 7(sus2), maj7(sus2) & maj7(sus4) - Ascending
15.2 7(sus4), 7(sus2), maj7(sus2) & maj7(sus4) - Descending
15.3 7(sus4), 7(sus2), maj7(sus2) & maj7(sus4) - Harmonic
15.4 7(sus4), 7(sus2), maj7(sus2) & maj7(sus4) - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending

16: Maj7 Chords with a Perfect or Altered 5th

16.1 Maj7, maj7(b5) & maj7(#5) - Ascending
16.2 Maj7, maj7(b5) & maj7(#5) - Descending
16.3 Maj7, maj7(b5) & maj7(#5) - Harmonic
16.4 Maj7, maj7(b5) & maj7(#5) - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending

17: 7th Chords with a Perfect or Altered 5th

17.1 7, 7(b5) & 7(#5) - Ascending
17.2 7, 7(b5) & 7(#5) - Descending
17.3 7, 7(b5) & 7(#5) - Harmonic
17.4 7, 7(b5) & 7(#5) - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending

18: Minor7 and Maj7 Chords with a Perfect or Altered 5th

18.1 Mi7, Mi,maj7, Dim7, Mi7(b5) & dim,maj7 - Ascending
18.2 Mi7, Mi,maj7, Dim7, Mi7(b5) & dim,maj7 - Descending
18.3 Mi7, Mi,maj7, Dim7, Mi7(b5) & dim,maj7 - Harmonic
18.4 Mi7, Mi,maj7, Dim7, Mi7(b5) & dim,maj7 - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending

19: All the Maj7 Chords

19.1 All the Maj7 chords - Ascending
19.2 All the Maj7 chords - Descending
19.3 All the Maj7 chords - Harmonic
19.4 All the Maj7 chords - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending

20: All Chords with a Minor 7th

20.1 All chords with a minor 7th - Ascending
20.2 All chords with a minor 7th - Descending
20.3 All chords with a minor 7th - Harmonic
20.4 All chords with a minor 7th - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending

21: Chords with a Major 6th or Diminished 7

21.1 Dim7, Add6 & Mi,add6 - Ascending
21.2 Dim7, Add6 & Mi,add6 - Descending
21.3 Dim7, Add6 & Mi,add6 - Harmonic
21.4 Dim7, Add6 & Mi,add6 - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending

22: All 7th Chords

22.1 All 7th chords - Ascending
22.2 All 7th chords - Descending
22.3 All 7th chords - Harmonic
22.4 All 7th chords - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending

 General Workshops - Chord Inversions

1: Module 1

1.1 Inversions of the Major chord - Ascending
1.2 Inversions of the Major chord - Descending
1.3 Inversions of the Major chord - Harmonic
1.4 Inversions of the Major chord - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending

2: Module 2

2.1 Inversions of the Minor chord - Ascending
2.2 Inversions of the Minor chord - Descending
2.3 Inversions of the Minor chord - Harmonic
2.4 Inversions of the Minor chord - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending

3: Module 3

3.1 Inversions of the Sus4 chord - Ascending
3.2 Inversions of the Sus4 chord - Descending
3.3 Inversions of the Sus4 chord - Harmonic
3.4 Inversions of the Sus4 chord - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending

4: Module 4

4.1 Inversions of the Major(b5) chord - Ascending
4.2 Inversions of the Major(b5) chord - Descending
4.3 Inversions of the Major(b5) chord - Harmonic
4.4 Inversions of the Major(b5) chord - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending

5: Module 5

5.1 Inversions of the Dim chord - Ascending
5.2 Inversions of the Dim chord - Descending
5.3 Inversions of the Dim chord - Harmonic
5.4 Inversions of the Dim chord - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending

6: Major with Perfect or Altered 5th

6.1 Major, Aug & Major(b5) - Ascending
6.2 Major, Aug & Major(b5) - Descending
6.3 Major, Aug & Major(b5) - Harmonic
6.4 Major, Aug & Major(b5) - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending

7: Minor with Perfect or Altered 5th

7.1 Inversions of the Minor & Dim chords - Ascending
7.2 Inversions of the Minor & Dim chords - Descending
7.3 Inversions of the Minor & Dim chords - Harmonic
7.4 Inversions of the Minor & Dim chords - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending

8: Minor & Major with Altered 5th

8.1 Inversions of the Dim, Aug & Major(b5) chords - Ascending
8.2 Inversions of the Dim, Aug & Major(b5) chords - Descending
8.3 Inversions of the Dim, Aug & Major(b5) chords - Harmonic
8.4 Inversions of the Dim, Aug & Major(b5) chords - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending

9: All the Triads

9.1 Major, Minor, Dim, Aug, Sus4 & Major(b5) - Ascending
9.2 Major, Minor, Dim, Aug, Sus4 & Major(b5) - Descending
9.3 Major, Minor, Dim, Aug, Sus4 & Major(b5) - Harmonic
9.4 Major, Minor, Dim, Aug, Sus4 & Major(b5) - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending

10: Module 10

10.1 Inversions of the Maj7 & 7 chords - Ascending
10.2 Inversions of the Maj7 & 7 chords - Descending
10.3 Inversions of the Maj7 & 7 chords - Harmonic
10.4 Inversions of the Maj7 & 7 chords - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending

11: Module 11

11.1 Inversions of the Mi7 & Mi,maj7 chords - Ascending
11.2 Inversions of the Mi7 & Mi,maj7 chords - Descending
11.3 Inversions of the Mi7 & Mi,maj7 chords - Harmonic
11.4 Inversions of the Mi7 & Mi,maj7 chords - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending

12: Module 12

12.1 Inversions of the Mi7(b5), Dim7 & chords - Ascending
12.2 Inversions of the Mi7(b5), Dim7 & chords - Descending
12.3 Inversions of the Mi7(b5), Dim7 & chords - Harmonic
12.4 Inversions of the Mi7(b5), Dim7 & chords - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending

13: Module 13

13.1 Inversions of the 7(b5) & chords - Ascending
13.2 Inversions of the 7(b5) & chords - Descending
13.3 Inversions of the 7(b5) & chords - Harmonic
13.4 Inversions of the 7(b5) & chords - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending

14: Module 14

14.1 Inversions of the 7(#5) & chords - Ascending
14.2 Inversions of the 7(#5) & chords - Descending
14.3 Inversions of the 7(#5) & chords - Harmonic
14.4 Inversions of the 7(#5) & chords - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending

15: Module 15

15.1 Inversions of the 7, 7(b5) & 7(#5) chords - Ascending
15.2 Inversions of the 7, 7(b5) & 7(#5) chords - Descending
15.3 Inversions of the 7, 7(b5) & 7(#5) chords - Harmonic
15.4 Inversions of the 7, 7(b5) & 7(#5) chords - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending

16: Module 16

16.1 Inversions of the Maj7, & chords - Ascending
16.2 Inversions of the Maj7, & chords - Descending
16.3 Inversions of the Maj7, & chords - Harmonic
16.4 Inversions of the Maj7, & chords - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending

17: Module 17

17.1 Mi7, Mi7(b5), Dim7, & Mi,maj7 - Ascending
17.2 Mi7, Mi7(b5), Dim7, & Mi,maj7 - Descending
17.3 Mi7, Mi7(b5), Dim7, & Mi,maj7 - Harmonic
17.4 Mi7, Mi7(b5), Dim7, & Mi,maj7 - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending

18: All the 7 Chords

18.1 Maj7, 7, Mi7, Mi7(b5), Dim7, , 7(b5), , 7(#5), & Mi,maj7 - Ascending
18.2 Maj7, 7, Mi7, Mi7(b5), Dim7, , 7(b5), , 7(#5), & Mi,maj7 - Descending
18.3 Maj7, 7, Mi7, Mi7(b5), Dim7, , 7(b5), , 7(#5), & Mi,maj7 - Harmonic
18.4 Maj7, 7, Mi7, Mi7(b5), Dim7, , 7(b5), , 7(#5), & Mi,maj7 - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending

 General Workshops - Chord Progressions

1: Module 1

1.1 Identify major and minor tonic in V-I
1.2 Dominants with and without 7
1.3 VIIdim7 - in Major and minor
1.4 Common dominant - tonic combinations
1.5 Major/minor subdominant (IV) and supertonic (II)
1.6 Various dominant-tonic combinations
1.7 II - V - I combinations
1.8 II - V - I and II - bII - I combinations
1.9 IV - I combinations (Plagal cadences)
1.10 Two mediant combinations
1.11 Four mediant combinations
1.12 Three part plagal cadences
1.13 Extended tonal cadences
1.14 Fifth sequences
1.15 Folk progressions
1.16 Progressions with bVII7(b5)
1.17 Interrupted cadences
1.18 Modulations #1
1.19 Modulations #2
1.20 Modulations to bIII and bVI
1.21 Last step!

 General Workshops - Interval Comparison

1: Compare the Perfect Intervals - Common 1st Tone

1.1 Introduction to perfect intervals
1.2 Perfect 4th & Octave - Ascending (common tone)
1.3 Perfect 4th & Octave - Descending (common tone)
1.4 Perfect 4th & Octave - Harmonic (common tone)
1.5 Perfect 5th & Octave - Ascending (common tone)
1.6 Perfect 5th & Octave - Descending (common tone)
1.7 Perfect 5th & Octave - Harmonic (common tone)
1.8 Perfect 4th & Perfect 5th - Ascending (common tone)
1.9 Perfect 4th & Perfect 5th - Descending (common tone)
1.10 Perfect 4th & Perfect 5th - Harmonic (common tone)
1.11 Test : Perfect intervals with a common 1st tone

2: Compare the Imperfect Consonant Intervals - Common 1st Tone

2.1 Introduction to imperfect consonant intervals
2.2 Major 3rd & Minor 6th - Ascending (common tone)
2.3 Major 3rd & Minor 6th - Descending (common tone)
2.4 Major 3rd & Minor 6th - Harmonic (common tone)
2.5 Minor 3rd & Major 6th - Ascending (common tone)
2.6 Minor 3rd & Major 6th - Descending (common tone)
2.7 Minor 3rd & Major 6th - Harmonic (common tone)
2.8 Minor 3rd & Major 3rd - Ascending (common tone)
2.9 Minor 3rd & Major 3rd - Descending (common tone)
2.10 Minor 3rd & Major 3rd - Harmonic (common tone)
2.11 Minor 6th & Major 6th - Ascending (common tone)
2.12 Minor 6th & Major 6th - Descending (common tone)
2.13 Minor 6th & Major 6th - Harmonic (common tone)
2.14 Test: Imperfect consonant intervals with a common 1st tone

3: Compare the Dissonant Intervals - Common 1st Tone

3.1 Introduction to dissonant intervals
3.2 Major 2nd & Minor 7th - Ascending (common tone)
3.3 Major 2nd & Minor 7th - Descending (common tone)
3.4 Major 2nd & Minor 7th - Harmonic (common tone)
3.5 Minor 2nd & Major 7th - Ascending (common tone)
3.6 Minor 2nd & Major 7th - Descending (common tone)
3.7 Minor 2nd & Major 7th - Harmonic (common tone)
3.8 Major 2nd, Dim 5th & Minor 7th - Ascending (common tone)
3.9 Major 2nd, Dim 5th & Minor 7th - Descending (common tone)
3.10 Major 2nd, Dim 5th & Minor 7th - Harmonic (common tone)
3.11 Minor 2nd, Dim 5th & Major 7th - Ascending (common tone)
3.12 Minor 2nd, Dim 5th & Major 7th - Descending (common tone)
3.13 Minor 2nd, Dim 5th & Major 7th - Harmonic (common tone)
3.14 Minor 2nd & Major 2nd - Ascending (common tone)
3.15 Minor 2nd & Major 2nd - Descending (common tone)
3.16 Minor 2nd & Major 2nd - Harmonic (common tone)
3.17 Minor 7th & Major 7th - Ascending (common tone)
3.18 Minor 7th & Major 7th - Descending (common tone)
3.19 Minor 7th & Major 7th - Harmonic (common tone)
3.20 Test: Dissonant intervals with a common 1st tone

4: Compare All Simple Intervals - Common Common 1st Tone

4.1 All intervals from Minor 6th to Major 7th - Ascending (common tone)
4.2 All intervals from Minor 6th to Major 7th - Descending (common tone)
4.3 All intervals from Minor 6th to Major 7th - Harmonic (common tone)
4.4 All intervals from Perfect 5th to Octave - Ascending (common tone)
4.5 All intervals from Perfect 5th to Octave - Descending (common tone)
4.6 All intervals from Perfect 5th to Octave - Harmonic (common tone)
4.7 All intervals from Minor 2nd to Major 3rd - Ascending (common tone)
4.8 All intervals from Minor 2nd to Major 3rd - Descending (common tone)
4.9 All intervals from Minor 2nd to Major 3rd - Harmonic (common tone)
4.10 All intervals from Minor 2nd to Dim 5th - Ascending (common tone)
4.11 All intervals from Minor 2nd to Dim 5th - Descending (common tone)
4.12 All intervals from Minor 2nd to Dim 5th - Harmonic (common tone)
4.13 Test: Simple intervals with a common 1st tone

5: Compare Compound Intervals Up to 2 Octaves - Common 1st Tone

5.1 Introduction to Compound intervals
5.2 Perfect 11th, Perfect 12th & Two Octaves - Ascending (common tone)
5.3 Perfect 11th, Perfect 12th & Two Octaves - Descending (common tone)
5.4 Perfect 11th, Perfect 12th & Two Octaves - Harmonic (common tone)
5.5 Minor 10th, Major 10th, Minor 13th & Major 13th - Ascending (common tone)
5.6 Minor 10th, Major 10th, Minor 13th & Major 13th - Descending (common tone)
5.7 Minor 10th, Major 10th, Minor 13th & Major 13th - Harmonic (common tone)
5.8 Minor 9th, Major 9th, Perfect 12th, Minor 14th & Major 14th - Ascending (common tone)
5.9 Minor 9th, Major 9th, Perfect 12th, Minor 14th & Major 14th - Descending (common tone)
5.10 Minor 9th, Major 9th, Perfect 12th, Minor 14th & Major 14th - Harmonic (common tone)
5.11 Test: Compound intervals with a common 1st tone

6: Compare the Perfect Intervals - Common 1st or 2nd tone

6.1 Perfect 4th & Octave - Ascending (common tone)
6.2 Perfect 4th & Octave - Descending (common tone)
6.3 Perfect 4th & Octave - Harmonic (common tone)
6.4 Perfect 5th & Octave - Ascending (common tone)
6.5 Perfect 5th & Octave - Descending (common tone)
6.6 Perfect 5th & Octave - Harmonic (common tone)
6.7 Perfect 4th & Perfect 5th - Ascending (common tone)
6.8 Perfect 4th & Perfect 5th - Descending (common tone)
6.9 Perfect 4th & Perfect 5th - Harmonic (common tone)
6.10 Test : Perfect intervals with a common 1st or 2nd tone

7: Compare the Imperfect Consonant Intervals - Common 1st or 2nd tone

7.1 Major 3rd & Minor 6th - Ascending (common tone)
7.2 Major 3rd & Minor 6th - Descending (common tone)
7.3 Major 3rd & Minor 6th - Harmonic (common tone)
7.4 Minor 3rd & Major 6th - Ascending (common tone)
7.5 Minor 3rd & Major 6th - Descending (common tone)
7.6 Minor 3rd & Major 6th - Harmonic (common tone)
7.7 Minor 3rd & Major 3rd - Ascending (common tone)
7.8 Minor 3rd & Major 3rd - Descending (common tone)
7.9 Minor 3rd & Major 3rd - Harmonic (common tone)
7.10 Minor 6th & Major 6th - Ascending (common tone)
7.11 Minor 6th & Major 6th - Descending (common tone)
7.12 Minor 6th & Major 6th - Harmonic (common tone)
7.13 Test: Imperfect consonant intervals with a common 1st or 2nd tone

8: Compare the Dissonant Intervals - Common 1st or 2nd tone

8.1 Major 2nd & Minor 7th - Ascending (common tone)
8.2 Major 2nd & Minor 7th - Descending (common tone)
8.3 Major 2nd & Minor 7th - Harmonic (common tone)
8.4 Minor 2nd & Major 7th - Ascending (common tone)
8.5 Minor 2nd & Major 7th - Descending (common tone)
8.6 Minor 2nd & Major 7th - Harmonic (common tone)
8.7 Major 2nd, Dim 5th & Minor 7th - Ascending (common tone)
8.8 Major 2nd, Dim 5th & Minor 7th - Descending (common tone)
8.9 Major 2nd, Dim 5th & Minor 7th - Harmonic (common tone)
8.10 Minor 2nd, Dim 5th & Major 7th - Ascending (common tone)
8.11 Minor 2nd, Dim 5th & Major 7th - Descending (common tone)
8.12 Minor 2nd, Dim 5th & Major 7th - Harmonic (common tone)
8.13 Minor 2nd & Major 2nd - Ascending (common tone)
8.14 Minor 2nd & Major 2nd - Descending (common tone)
8.15 Minor 2nd & Major 2nd - Harmonic (common tone)
8.16 Minor 7th & Major 7th - Ascending (common tone)
8.17 Minor 7th & Major 7th - Descending (common tone)
8.18 Minor 7th & Major 7th - Harmonic (common tone)
8.19 Test: Dissonant intervals with a common 1st or 2nd tone

9: Compare All Simple Intervals - Common 1st or 2nd tone

9.1 All intervals from Minor 6th to Major 7th - Ascending (common tone)
9.2 All intervals from Minor 6th to Major 7th - Descending (common tone)
9.3 All intervals from Minor 6th to Major 7th - Harmonic (common tone)
9.4 All intervals from Perfect 5th to Octave - Ascending (common tone)
9.5 All intervals from Perfect 5th to Octave - Descending (common tone)
9.6 All intervals from Perfect 5th to Octave - Harmonic (common tone)
9.7 All intervals from Minor 2nd to Major 3rd - Ascending (common tone)
9.8 All intervals from Minor 2nd to Major 3rd - Descending (common tone)
9.9 All intervals from Minor 2nd to Major 3rd - Harmonic (common tone)
9.10 All intervals from Minor 2nd to Dim 5th - Ascending (common tone)
9.11 All intervals from Minor 2nd to Dim 5th - Descending (common tone)
9.12 All intervals from Minor 2nd to Dim 5th - Harmonic (common tone)
9.13 Test: Simple intervals with a common 1st or 2nd tone

10: Compare Compound Intervals Up to 2 Octaves - Common 1st or 2nd tone

10.1 Perfect 11th, Perfect 12th & Two Octaves - Ascending (common tone)
10.2 Perfect 11th, Perfect 12th & Two Octaves - Descending (common tone)
10.3 Perfect 11th, Perfect 12th & Two Octaves - Harmonic (common tone)
10.4 Minor 10th, Major 10th, Minor 13th & Major 13th - Ascending (common tone)
10.5 Minor 10th, Major 10th, Minor 13th & Major 13th - Descending (common tone)
10.6 Minor 10th, Major 10th, Minor 13th & Major 13th - Harmonic (common tone)
10.7 Minor 9th, Major 9th, Perfect 12th, Minor 14th & Major 14th - Ascending (common tone)
10.8 Minor 9th, Major 9th, Perfect 12th, Minor 14th & Major 14th - Descending (common tone)
10.9 Minor 9th, Major 9th, Perfect 12th, Minor 14th & Major 14th - Harmonic (common tone)
10.10 Test: Compound intervals with a common 1st or 2nd tone

11: Compare the Perfect Intervals - Nearby 1st tones

11.1 Perfect 4th & Octave - Ascending (nearby common tone)
11.2 Perfect 4th & Octave - Descending (nearby common tone)
11.3 Perfect 4th & Octave - Harmonic (nearby common tone)
11.4 Perfect 5th & Octave - Ascending (nearby common tone)
11.5 Perfect 5th & Octave - Descending (nearby common tone)
11.6 Perfect 5th & Octave - Harmonic (nearby common tone)
11.7 Perfect 4th & Perfect 5th - Ascending (nearby common tone)
11.8 Perfect 4th & Perfect 5th - Descending (nearby common tone)
11.9 Perfect 4th & Perfect 5th - Harmonic (nearby common tone)
11.10 Test : Perfect intervals with nearby first tones

12: Compare the Imperfect Consonant Intervals - Nearby 1st tones

12.1 Major 3rd & Minor 6th - Ascending (nearby common tone)
12.2 Major 3rd & Minor 6th - Descending (nearby common tone)
12.3 Major 3rd & Minor 6th - Harmonic (nearby common tone)
12.4 Minor 3rd & Major 6th - Ascending (nearby common tone)
12.5 Minor 3rd & Major 6th - Descending (nearby common tone)
12.6 Minor 3rd & Major 6th - Harmonic (nearby common tone)
12.7 Minor 3rd & Major 3rd - Ascending (nearby common tone)
12.8 Minor 3rd & Major 3rd - Descending (nearby common tone)
12.9 Minor 3rd & Major 3rd - Harmonic (nearby common tone)
12.10 Minor 6th & Major 6th - Ascending (nearby common tone)
12.11 Minor 6th & Major 6th - Descending (nearby common tone)
12.12 Minor 6th & Major 6th - Harmonic (nearby common tone)
12.13 Test: Imperfect consonant intervals with nearby first tones

13: Compare the Dissonant Intervals - Nearby 1st tones

13.1 Major 2nd & Minor 7th - Ascending (nearby common tone)
13.2 Major 2nd & Minor 7th - Descending (nearby common tone)
13.3 Major 2nd & Minor 7th - Harmonic (nearby common tone)
13.4 Minor 2nd & Major 7th - Ascending (nearby common tone)
13.5 Minor 2nd & Major 7th - Descending (nearby common tone)
13.6 Minor 2nd & Major 7th - Harmonic (nearby common tone)
13.7 Major 2nd, Dim 5th & Minor 7th - Ascending (nearby common tone)
13.8 Major 2nd, Dim 5th & Minor 7th - Descending (nearby common tone)
13.9 Major 2nd, Dim 5th & Minor 7th - Harmonic (nearby common tone)
13.10 Minor 2nd, Dim 5th & Major 7th - Ascending (nearby common tone)
13.11 Minor 2nd, Dim 5th & Major 7th - Descending (nearby common tone)
13.12 Minor 2nd, Dim 5th & Major 7th - Harmonic (nearby common tone)
13.13 Minor 2nd & Major 2nd - Ascending (nearby common tone)
13.14 Minor 2nd & Major 2nd - Descending (nearby common tone)
13.15 Minor 2nd & Major 2nd - Harmonic (nearby common tone)
13.16 Minor 7th & Major 7th - Ascending (nearby common tone)
13.17 Minor 7th & Major 7th - Descending (nearby common tone)
13.18 Minor 7th & Major 7th - Harmonic (nearby common tone)
13.19 Test: Dissonant intervals with nearby first tones

14: Compare All Simple Intervals - Nearby 1st tones

14.1 All intervals from Minor 6th to Major 7th - Ascending (nearby common tone)
14.2 All intervals from Minor 6th to Major 7th - Descending (nearby common tone)
14.3 All intervals from Minor 6th to Major 7th - Harmonic (nearby common tone)
14.4 All intervals from Perfect 5th to Octave - Ascending (nearby common tone)
14.5 All intervals from Perfect 5th to Octave - Descending (nearby common tone)
14.6 All intervals from Perfect 5th to Octave - Harmonic (nearby common tone)
14.7 All intervals from Minor 2nd to Major 3rd - Ascending (nearby common tone)
14.8 All intervals from Minor 2nd to Major 3rd - Descending (nearby common tone)
14.9 All intervals from Minor 2nd to Major 3rd - Harmonic (nearby common tone)
14.10 All intervals from Minor 2nd to Dim 5th - Ascending (nearby common tone)
14.11 All intervals from Minor 2nd to Dim 5th - Descending (nearby common tone)
14.12 All intervals from Minor 2nd to Dim 5th - Harmonic (nearby common tone)
14.13 Test: Simple intervals with nearby first tones

15: Compare Compound Intervals up to 2 octaves - Nearby 1st tones

15.1 Perfect 11th, Perfect 12th & Two Octaves - Ascending (nearby common tone)
15.2 Perfect 11th, Perfect 12th & Two Octaves - Descending (nearby common tone)
15.3 Perfect 11th, Perfect 12th & Two Octaves - Harmonic (nearby common tone)
15.4 Minor 10th, Major 10th, Minor 13th & Major 13th - Ascending (nearby common tone)
15.5 Minor 10th, Major 10th, Minor 13th & Major 13th - Descending (nearby common tone)
15.6 Minor 10th, Major 10th, Minor 13th & Major 13th - Harmonic (nearby common tone)
15.7 Minor 9th, Major 9th, Perfect 12th, Minor 14th & Major 14th - Ascending (nearby common tone)
15.8 Minor 9th, Major 9th, Perfect 12th, Minor 14th & Major 14th - Descending (nearby common tone)
15.9 Minor 9th, Major 9th, Perfect 12th, Minor 14th & Major 14th - Harmonic (nearby common tone)
15.10 Test: Compound intervals with nearby first tones

16: Compare the Perfect Intervals - No common tones

16.1 Perfect 4th & Octave - Ascending (no common tone)
16.2 Perfect 4th & Octave - Descending (no common tone)
16.3 Perfect 4th & Octave - Harmonic (no common tone)
16.4 Perfect 5th & Octave - Ascending (no common tone)
16.5 Perfect 5th & Octave - Descending (no common tone)
16.6 Perfect 5th & Octave - Harmonic (no common tone)
16.7 Perfect 4th & Perfect 5th - Ascending (no common tone)
16.8 Perfect 4th & Perfect 5th - Descending (no common tone)
16.9 Perfect 4th & Perfect 5th - Harmonic (no common tone)
16.10 Test : Perfect intervals without common tone

17: Compare the Imperfect Consonant Intervals - No common tones

17.1 Major 3rd & Minor 6th - Ascending (no common tone)
17.2 Major 3rd & Minor 6th - Descending (no common tone)
17.3 Major 3rd & Minor 6th - Harmonic (no common tone)
17.4 Minor 3rd & Major 6th - Ascending (no common tone)
17.5 Minor 3rd & Major 6th - Descending (no common tone)
17.6 Minor 3rd & Major 6th - Harmonic (no common tone)
17.7 Minor 3rd & Major 3rd - Ascending (no common tone)
17.8 Minor 3rd & Major 3rd - Descending (no common tone)
17.9 Minor 3rd & Major 3rd - Harmonic (no common tone)
17.10 Minor 6th & Major 6th - Ascending (no common tone)
17.11 Minor 6th & Major 6th - Descending (no common tone)
17.12 Minor 6th & Major 6th - Harmonic (no common tone)
17.13 Test: Imperfect consonant intervals without common tone

18: Compare the Dissonant Intervals - No common tones

18.1 Major 2nd & Minor 7th - Ascending (no common tone)
18.2 Major 2nd & Minor 7th - Descending (no common tone)
18.3 Major 2nd & Minor 7th - Harmonic (no common tone)
18.4 Minor 2nd & Major 7th - Ascending (no common tone)
18.5 Minor 2nd & Major 7th - Descending (no common tone)
18.6 Minor 2nd & Major 7th - Harmonic (no common tone)
18.7 Major 2nd, Dim 5th & Minor 7th - Ascending (no common tone)
18.8 Major 2nd, Dim 5th & Minor 7th - Descending (no common tone)
18.9 Major 2nd, Dim 5th & Minor 7th - Harmonic (no common tone)
18.10 Minor 2nd, Dim 5th & Major 7th - Ascending (no common tone)
18.11 Minor 2nd, Dim 5th & Major 7th - Descending (no common tone)
18.12 Minor 2nd, Dim 5th & Major 7th - Harmonic (no common tone)
18.13 Minor 2nd & Major 2nd - Ascending (no common tone)
18.14 Minor 2nd & Major 2nd - Descending (no common tone)
18.15 Minor 2nd & Major 2nd - Harmonic (no common tone)
18.16 Minor 7th & Major 7th - Ascending (no common tone)
18.17 Minor 7th & Major 7th - Descending (no common tone)
18.18 Minor 7th & Major 7th - Harmonic (no common tone)
18.19 Test: Dissonant intervals without common tone

19: Compare All Simple Intervals - No common tones

19.1 All intervals from Minor 6th to Major 7th - Ascending (no common tone)
19.2 All intervals from Minor 6th to Major 7th - Descending (no common tone)
19.3 All intervals from Minor 6th to Major 7th - Harmonic (no common tone)
19.4 All intervals from Perfect 5th to Octave - Ascending (no common tone)
19.5 All intervals from Perfect 5th to Octave - Descending (no common tone)
19.6 All intervals from Perfect 5th to Octave - Harmonic (no common tone)
19.7 All intervals from Minor 2nd to Major 3rd - Ascending (no common tone)
19.8 All intervals from Minor 2nd to Major 3rd - Descending (no common tone)
19.9 All intervals from Minor 2nd to Major 3rd - Harmonic (no common tone)
19.10 All intervals from Minor 2nd to Dim 5th - Ascending (no common tone)
19.11 All intervals from Minor 2nd to Dim 5th - Descending (no common tone)
19.12 All intervals from Minor 2nd to Dim 5th - Harmonic (no common tone)
19.13 Test: Simple intervals without common tone

20: Compare Compound Intervals up to 2 octaves - No common tones

20.1 Perfect 11th, Perfect 12th & Two Octaves - Ascending (no common tone)
20.2 Perfect 11th, Perfect 12th & Two Octaves - Descending (no common tone)
20.3 Perfect 11th, Perfect 12th & Two Octaves - Harmonic (no common tone)
20.4 Minor 10th, Major 10th, Minor 13th & Major 13th - Ascending (no common tone)
20.5 Minor 10th, Major 10th, Minor 13th & Major 13th - Descending (no common tone)
20.6 Minor 10th, Major 10th, Minor 13th & Major 13th - Harmonic (no common tone)
20.7 Minor 9th, Major 9th, Perfect 12th, Minor 14th & Major 14th - Ascending (no common tone)
20.8 Minor 9th, Major 9th, Perfect 12th, Minor 14th & Major 14th - Descending (no common tone)
20.9 Minor 9th, Major 9th, Perfect 12th, Minor 14th & Major 14th - Harmonic (no common tone)
20.10 Test: Compound intervals without common tone

 General Workshops - Interval Identification

1: Identify the Minor & Major 2nd Intervals

1.1 Minor 2nd & Major 2nd - Ascending
1.2 Minor 2nd & Major 2nd - Descending
1.3 Minor 2nd & Major 2nd - Harmonic
1.4 Minor 2nd & Major 2nd - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending

2: Identify the Minor & Major 3rd Intervals

2.1 Minor 3rd & Major 3rd - Ascending
2.2 Minor 3rd & Major 3rd - Descending
2.3 Minor 3rd & Major 3rd - Harmonic
2.4 Minor 3rd & Major 3rd - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending

3: Identify the Minor & Major 2nds and 3rds

3.1 All intervals from Minor 2nd to Major 3rd - Ascending
3.2 All intervals from Minor 2nd to Major 3rd - Descending
3.3 All intervals from Minor 2nd to Major 3rd - Harmonic
3.4 All intervals from Minor 2nd to Major 3rd - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending

4: Identify the Perfect 4th & the Tritone

4.1 Perfect 4th & Dim 5th - Ascending
4.2 Perfect 4th & Dim 5th - Descending
4.3 Perfect 4th & Dim 5th - Harmonic
4.4 Perfect 4th & Dim 5th - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending

5: Identify the Tritone & Perfect 5th

5.1 Dim 5th & Perfect 5th - Ascending
5.2 Dim 5th & Perfect 5th - Descending
5.3 Dim 5th & Perfect 5th - Harmonic
5.4 Dim 5th & Perfect 5th - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending

6: Identify the Perfect 4th, Tritone and Perfect 5th

6.1 Perfect 4th, Dim 5th & Perfect 5th - Ascending
6.2 Perfect 4th, Dim 5th & Perfect 5th - Descending
6.3 Perfect 4th, Dim 5th & Perfect 5th - Harmonic
6.4 Perfect 4th, Dim 5th & Perfect 5th - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending

7: Identify All the Intervals from Minor 2nd to Perfect 5th

7.1 All intervals from Minor 2nd to Perfect 5th - Ascending
7.2 All intervals from Minor 2nd to Perfect 5th - Descending
7.3 All intervals from Minor 2nd to Perfect 5th - Harmonic
7.4 All intervals from Minor 2nd to Perfect 5th - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending

8: Identify the Minor & Major 6th

8.1 Minor 6th & Major 6th - Ascending
8.2 Minor 6th & Major 6th - Descending
8.3 Minor 6th & Major 6th - Harmonic
8.4 Minor 6th & Major 6th - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending

9: Identify the Minor & Major 7th

9.1 Minor 7th & Major 7th - Ascending
9.2 Minor 7th & Major 7th - Descending
9.3 Minor 7th & Major 7th - Harmonic
9.4 Minor 7th & Major 7th - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending

10: Identify the Minor & Major 6ths and 7ths

10.1 All intervals from Minor 6th to Major 7th - Ascending
10.2 All intervals from Minor 6th to Major 7th - Descending
10.3 All intervals from Minor 6th to Major 7th - Harmonic
10.4 All intervals from Minor 6th to Major 7th - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending

11: Identify All Intervals from Perfect 4th to Major 7th

11.1 All intervals from Perfect 4th to Major 7th - Ascending
11.2 All intervals from Perfect 4th to Major 7th - Descending
11.3 All intervals from Perfect 4th to Major 7th - Harmonic
11.4 All intervals from Perfect 4th to Major 7th - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending

12: Identify All the Intervals from Minor 2nd to Major 7th

12.1 All intervals from Minor 2nd to Major 7th - Ascending
12.2 All intervals from Minor 2nd to Major 7th - Descending
12.3 All intervals from Minor 2nd to Major 7th - Harmonic
12.4 All intervals from Minor 2nd to Major 7th - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending

13: Practice with the Perfect Intervals within an Octave

13.1 Unison & Octave - Harmonic
13.2 Unison & Octave - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending
13.3 Perfect 4th & Perfect 5th - Harmonic
13.4 Perfect 4th & Perfect 5th - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending
13.5 Unison, Perfect 4th, Perfect 5th & Octave - Ascending
13.6 Unison, Perfect 4th, Perfect 5th & Octave - Descending
13.7 Unison, Perfect 4th, Perfect 5th & Octave - Harmonic
13.8 Unison, Perfect 4th, Perfect 5th & Octave - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending

14: Practice with the Consonant Intervals within an Octave

14.1 Minor 3rd & Major 6th - Harmonic
14.2 Minor 3rd & Major 6th - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending
14.3 Major 3rd & Minor 6th - Harmonic
14.4 Major 3rd & Minor 6th - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending
14.5 Minor 3rd, Major 3rd, Minor 6th & Major 6th - Ascending
14.6 Minor 3rd, Major 3rd, Minor 6th & Major 6th - Descending
14.7 Minor 3rd, Major 3rd, Minor 6th & Major 6th - Harmonic
14.8 Minor 3rd, Major 3rd, Minor 6th & Major 6th - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending

15: Practice with the Dissonant Intervals within an Octave

15.1 Minor 2nd & Major 7th - Harmonic
15.2 Minor 2nd & Major 7th - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending
15.3 Major 2nd & Minor 7th - Harmonic
15.4 Major 2nd & Minor 7th - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending
15.5 Minor 2nd, Major 2nd, Minor 7th & Major 7th - Ascending
15.6 Minor 2nd, Major 2nd, Minor 7th & Major 7th - Descending
15.7 Minor 2nd, Major 2nd, Minor 7th & Major 7th - Harmonic
15.8 Minor 2nd, Major 2nd, Minor 7th & Major 7th - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending
15.9 Minor 2nd, Dim 5th & Major 7th - Ascending
15.10 Minor 2nd, Dim 5th & Major 7th - Descending
15.11 Minor 2nd, Dim 5th & Major 7th - Harmonic
15.12 Major 2nd, Dim 5th & Minor 7th - Ascending
15.13 Major 2nd, Dim 5th & Minor 7th - Descending
15.14 Major 2nd, Dim 5th & Minor 7th - Harmonic
15.15 Minor 2nd, Major 2nd, Dim 5th, Minor 7th & Major 7th - Ascending
15.16 Minor 2nd, Major 2nd, Dim 5th, Minor 7th & Major 7th - Descending
15.17 Minor 2nd, Major 2nd, Dim 5th, Minor 7th & Major 7th - Harmonic
15.18 Minor 2nd, Major 2nd, Dim 5th, Minor 7th & Major 7th - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending

16: Practice with All Intervals within an Octave

16.1 All intervals from Unison to Octave - Ascending
16.2 All intervals from Unison to Octave - Descending
16.3 All intervals from Unison to Octave - Harmonic
16.4 All intervals from Unison to Octave - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending

 General Workshops - Interval Singing

1: Ascending Intervals from Do

1.1 Do - Re (Major 2nd)
1.2 Do - Mi (Major 3rd)
1.3 Do - Re and Do - Mi
1.4 Do - Fa (Perfect 4th)
1.5 Do - So (Perfect 5th)
1.6 Do - Fa and Do - So
1.7 Do to Re, Mi, Fa and So
1.8 Do - La (Major 6th)
1.9 Do - Ti (Major 7th)
1.10 Do - Do (Octave)
1.11 Do to La, Ti and Do
1.12 All Ascending Intervals from Do

2: Descending Intervals from Do

2.1 Do - Ti (Minor 2nd)
2.2 Do - La (Minor 3rd)
2.3 Do - Ti and Do - La
2.4 Do - So (Perfect 4th)
2.5 Do - Fa (Perfect 5th)
2.6 Do - So and Do - Fa
2.7 Do to Ti, La, So and Fa
2.8 Do - Mi (Minor 6th)
2.9 Do - Re (Minor 7th)
2.10 Do - Do (Octave)
2.11 Do to Mi, Re and Do
2.12 All Descending Intervals from Do

3: Complementary intervals from Do - Ascending and Descending

3.1 Do - Re (Major 2nd up or Minor 7th down)
3.2 Do - Mi (Major 3rd up or Minor 6th down)
3.3 Do - Re and Do - Mi
3.4 Do - Fa (Perfect 4th up or Perfect 5th down)
3.5 Do - So (Perfect 5th up or Perfect 4th down)
3.6 Do - Fa and Do - So
3.7 Do to Re, Mi, Fa and So
3.8 Do - La (Major 6th up or Minor 3rd down)
3.9 Do - Ti (Major 7th up or Minor 2nd down)
3.10 Do - Do (Octave up or octave down)
3.11 Do to La, Ti and Do
3.12 All intervals from Do

 General Workshops - Melodic Dictation

1: 3 to 4 Tones from the C Major Scale

1.1 Do, Re - 3 tones
1.2 Do, Re, Mi
1.3 Do, Re, Mi, Fa
1.4 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So
1.5 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La
1.6 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti
1.7 Do, Re - 4 tones
1.8 Do, Re, Mi
1.9 Do, Re, Mi, Fa
1.10 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So
1.11 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La
1.12 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti

2: 5 to 6 Tones from the C Major Scale

2.1 Do, Re - 5 tones
2.2 Do, Re, Mi
2.3 Do, Re, Mi, Fa
2.4 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So
2.5 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La
2.6 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti
2.7 Do, Re - 6 tones
2.8 Do, Re, Mi
2.9 Do, Re, Mi, Fa
2.10 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So
2.11 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La
2.12 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti

3: 7 to 8 Tones from the C Major Scale

3.1 Do, Re, Mi - 7 tones
3.2 Do, Re, Mi, Fa
3.3 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So
3.4 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La
3.5 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti
3.6 Do, Re, Mi - 8 tones
3.7 Do, Re, Mi, Fa
3.8 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So
3.9 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La
3.10 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti

4: 5 Tones with Only Do Given

4.1 Do, Re
4.2 Do, Re, Mi
4.3 Do, Re, Mi, Fa
4.4 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So
4.5 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La
4.6 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti

5: Melodies with Rhythm. 4/4

5.1 Do, Re - 1 bar
5.2 Do, Re, Mi
5.3 Do, Re, Mi, Fa
5.4 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So
5.5 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La
5.6 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti
5.7 Do, Re, Mi - 2 bars
5.8 Do, Re, Mi, Fa
5.9 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So
5.10 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La
5.11 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti

6: Melodies with Rhythm. 3/4

6.1 Do, Re - 1 bar
6.2 Do, Re, Mi
6.3 Do, Re, Mi, Fa
6.4 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So
6.5 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La
6.6 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti
6.7 Do, Re, Mi - 2 bars
6.8 Do, Re, Mi, Fa
6.9 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So
6.10 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La
6.11 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti

7: Adding 8th Notes. 4/4

7.1 Do, Re - 1 bar
7.2 Do, Re, Mi
7.3 Do, Re, Mi, Fa
7.4 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So
7.5 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La
7.6 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti
7.7 Do, Re, Mi - 2 bars
7.8 Do, Re, Mi, Fa
7.9 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So
7.10 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La
7.11 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti

8: Adding 8th Notes. 3/4

8.1 Do, Re - 1 bar
8.2 Do, Re, Mi
8.3 Do, Re, Mi, Fa
8.4 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So
8.5 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La
8.6 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti
8.7 Do, Re, Mi - 2 bars
8.8 Do, Re, Mi, Fa
8.9 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So
8.10 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La
8.11 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti

9: Different Keys. 4/4

9.1 Do, Re - 1 bar
9.2 Do, Re, Mi
9.3 Do, Re, Mi, Fa
9.4 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So
9.5 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La
9.6 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti
9.7 Do, Re, Mi - 2 bars
9.8 Do, Re, Mi, Fa
9.9 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So
9.10 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La
9.11 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti

10: Different Keys. 3/4

10.1 Do, Re - 1 bar
10.2 Do, Re, Mi
10.3 Do, Re, Mi, Fa
10.4 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So
10.5 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La
10.6 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti
10.7 Do, Re, Mi - 2 bars
10.8 Do, Re, Mi, Fa
10.9 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So
10.10 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La
10.11 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti

11: Different Keys. Adding 8th Notes. 4/4

11.1 Do, Re - 1 bar
11.2 Do, Re, Mi
11.3 Do, Re, Mi, Fa
11.4 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So
11.5 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La
11.6 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti
11.7 Do, Re, Mi - 2 bars
11.8 Do, Re, Mi, Fa
11.9 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So
11.10 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La
11.11 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti

12: Different Keys. Adding 8th Notes. 3/4

12.1 Do, Re - 1 bar
12.2 Do, Re, Mi
12.3 Do, Re, Mi, Fa
12.4 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So
12.5 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La
12.6 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti
12.7 Do, Re, Mi - 2 bars
12.8 Do, Re, Mi, Fa
12.9 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So
12.10 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La
12.11 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti

13: Melodies in A minor. 4/4

13.1 Do, Re - 1 bar
13.2 Do, Re, Me
13.3 Do, Re, Me, Fa
13.4 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So
13.5 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le
13.6 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le, Te
13.7 Do, Re, Me - 2 bars
13.8 Do, Re, Me, Fa
13.9 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So
13.10 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le
13.11 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le, Te

14: Melodies in A Minor. 3/4

14.1 Do, Re - 1 bar
14.2 Do, Re, Me
14.3 Do, Re, Me, Fa
14.4 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So
14.5 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le
14.6 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le, Te
14.7 Do, Re, Me - 2 bars
14.8 Do, Re, Me, Fa
14.9 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So
14.10 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le
14.11 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le, Te

15: Melodies in A Minor. 4/4 Adding 8th Notes

15.1 Do, Re - 1 bar
15.2 Do, Re, Me
15.3 Do, Re, Me, Fa
15.4 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So
15.5 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le
15.6 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le, Te
15.7 Do, Re - 2 bars
15.8 Do, Re, Me - 2 bars
15.9 Do, Re, Me, Fa
15.10 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So
15.11 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le
15.12 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le, Te

16: Melodies in A Minor. 3/4 Adding 8th Notes

16.1 Do, Re, Me - 1 bar
16.2 Do, Re, Me, Fa
16.3 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So
16.4 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le
16.5 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le, Te
16.6 Do, Re, Me - 2 bars
16.7 Do, Re, Me, Fa
16.8 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So
16.9 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le
16.10 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le, Te

17: All Minor Keys. 4/4 with 8th Notes.

17.1 Do, Re, Me - 1 bar
17.2 Do, Re, Me, Fa
17.3 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So
17.4 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le
17.5 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le, Te
17.6 Do, Re, Me - 2 bars
17.7 Do, Re, Me, Fa
17.8 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So
17.9 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le
17.10 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le, Te

18: Harmonic Minor. 4/4 with 8th Notes.

18.1 A minor harmonic. 1 bar
18.2 A minor harmonic. 2 bars
18.3 A minor harmonic. 4 bars
18.4 Harmonic minor (all keys). 1 bar
18.5 Harmonic minor (all keys). 2 bars
18.6 Harmonic minor (all keys). 4 bars

 General Workshops - Melodic Sight-Singing

1: 3 to 4 Tones from the C Major Scale

1.1 Do, Re - 3 tones
1.2 Do, Re, Mi
1.3 Do, Re, Mi, Fa
1.4 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So
1.5 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La
1.6 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti
1.7 Do, Re - 4 tones
1.8 Do, Re, Mi
1.9 Do, Re, Mi, Fa
1.10 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So
1.11 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La
1.12 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti

2: 5 to 6 Tones from the C Major Scale

2.1 Do, Re - 5 tones
2.2 Do, Re, Mi
2.3 Do, Re, Mi, Fa
2.4 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So
2.5 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La
2.6 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti
2.7 Do, Re - 6 tones
2.8 Do, Re, Mi
2.9 Do, Re, Mi, Fa
2.10 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So
2.11 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La
2.12 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti

3: 7 to 8 Tones from the C Major Scale

3.1 Do, Re, Mi - 7 tones
3.2 Do, Re, Mi, Fa
3.3 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So
3.4 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La
3.5 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti
3.6 Do, Re, Mi - 8 tones
3.7 Do, Re, Mi, Fa
3.8 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So
3.9 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La
3.10 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti

4: 5 Tones with Only Do Given

4.1 Do, Re
4.2 Do, Re, Mi
4.3 Do, Re, Mi, Fa
4.4 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So
4.5 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La
4.6 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti

5: Melodies with Rhythm. 4/4 - 1, 2 and 4 Bars.

5.1 Do, Re - 1 bar
5.2 Do, Re, Mi
5.3 Do, Re, Mi, Fa
5.4 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So
5.5 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La
5.6 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti
5.7 Do, Re, Mi - 2 bars
5.8 Do, Re, Mi, Fa
5.9 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So
5.10 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La
5.11 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti
5.12 Do, Re, Mi - 4 bars
5.13 Do, Re, Mi, Fa
5.14 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So
5.15 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La
5.16 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti

6: Melodies with Rhythm. 3/4 - 1, 2 and 4 Bars.

6.1 Do, Re - 1 bar
6.2 Do, Re, Mi
6.3 Do, Re, Mi, Fa
6.4 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So
6.5 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La
6.6 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti
6.7 Do, Re, Mi - 2 bars
6.8 Do, Re, Mi, Fa
6.9 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So
6.10 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La
6.11 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti
6.12 Do, Re, Mi - 4 bars
6.13 Do, Re, Mi, Fa
6.14 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So
6.15 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La
6.16 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti

7: Adding 8th Notes. 4/4 - 1, 2 and 4 Bars.

7.1 Do, Re - 1 bar
7.2 Do, Re, Mi
7.3 Do, Re, Mi, Fa
7.4 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So
7.5 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La
7.6 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti
7.7 Do, Re, Mi - 2 bars
7.8 Do, Re, Mi, Fa
7.9 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So
7.10 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La
7.11 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti
7.12 Do, Re, Mi - 4 bars
7.13 Do, Re, Mi, Fa
7.14 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So
7.15 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La
7.16 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti

8: Adding 8th Notes. 3/4 - 1, 2 and 4 Bars.

8.1 Do, Re - 1 bar
8.2 Do, Re, Mi
8.3 Do, Re, Mi, Fa
8.4 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So
8.5 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La
8.6 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti
8.7 Do, Re, Mi - 2 bars
8.8 Do, Re, Mi, Fa
8.9 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So
8.10 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La
8.11 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti
8.12 Do, Re, Mi - 4 bars
8.13 Do, Re, Mi, Fa
8.14 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So
8.15 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La
8.16 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti

9: Different Keys. 4/4 - 1, 2 and 4 Bars.

9.1 Do, Re - 1 bar
9.2 Do, Re, Mi
9.3 Do, Re, Mi, Fa
9.4 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So
9.5 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La
9.6 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti
9.7 Do, Re, Mi - 2 bars
9.8 Do, Re, Mi, Fa
9.9 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So
9.10 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La
9.11 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti
9.12 Do, Re, Mi - 4 bars
9.13 Do, Re, Mi, Fa
9.14 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So
9.15 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La
9.16 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti

10: Different Keys. 3/4 - 1, 2 and 4 Bars.

10.1 Do, Re - 1 bar
10.2 Do, Re, Mi
10.3 Do, Re, Mi, Fa
10.4 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So
10.5 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La
10.6 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti
10.7 Do, Re, Mi - 2 bars
10.8 Do, Re, Mi, Fa
10.9 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So
10.10 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La
10.11 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti
10.12 Do, Re, Mi - 4 bars
10.13 Do, Re, Mi, Fa
10.14 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So
10.15 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La
10.16 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti

11: Different Keys. Adding 8th Notes. 4/4 - 1, 2 and 4 Bars.

11.1 Do, Re - 1 bar
11.2 Do, Re, Mi
11.3 Do, Re, Mi, Fa
11.4 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So
11.5 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La
11.6 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti
11.7 Do, Re, Mi - 2 bars
11.8 Do, Re, Mi, Fa
11.9 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So
11.10 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La
11.11 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti
11.12 Do, Re, Mi - 4 bars
11.13 Do, Re, Mi, Fa
11.14 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So
11.15 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La
11.16 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti

12: Different Keys. Adding 8th Notes. 3/4 - 1, 2 and 4 Bars.

12.1 Do, Re - 1 bar
12.2 Do, Re, Mi
12.3 Do, Re, Mi, Fa
12.4 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So
12.5 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La
12.6 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti
12.7 Do, Re, Mi - 2 bars
12.8 Do, Re, Mi, Fa
12.9 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So
12.10 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La
12.11 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti
12.12 Do, Re, Mi - 4 bars
12.13 Do, Re, Mi, Fa
12.14 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So
12.15 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La
12.16 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti

13: Melodies in A minor. 4/4 - 1, 2 and 4 Bars.

13.1 Do, Re - 1 bar
13.2 Do, Re, Me
13.3 Do, Re, Me, Fa
13.4 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So
13.5 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le
13.6 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le, Te
13.7 Do, Re, Me - 2 bars
13.8 Do, Re, Me, Fa
13.9 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So
13.10 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le
13.11 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le, Te
13.12 Do, Re, Me - 4 bars
13.13 Do, Re, Me, Fa
13.14 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So
13.15 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le
13.16 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le, Te

14: Melodies in A Minor. 3/4 - 1, 2 and 4 Bars.

14.1 Do, Re - 1 bar
14.2 Do, Re, Me
14.3 Do, Re, Me, Fa
14.4 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So
14.5 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le
14.6 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le, Te
14.7 Do, Re, Me - 2 bars
14.8 Do, Re, Me, Fa
14.9 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So
14.10 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le
14.11 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le, Te
14.12 Do, Re, Me - 4 bars
14.13 Do, Re, Me, Fa
14.14 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So
14.15 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le
14.16 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le, Te

15: Melodies in A Minor. 4/4 Adding 8th Notes

15.1 Do, Re - 1 bar
15.2 Do, Re, Me
15.3 Do, Re, Me, Fa
15.4 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So
15.5 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le
15.6 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le, Te
15.7 Do, Re - 2 bars
15.8 Do, Re, Me - 2 bars
15.9 Do, Re, Me, Fa
15.10 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So
15.11 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le
15.12 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le, Te
15.13 Do, Re, Me - 4 bars
15.14 Do, Re, Me, Fa
15.15 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So
15.16 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le
15.17 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le, Te

16: Melodies in A Minor. 3/4 Adding 8th Notes

16.1 Do, Re, Me - 1 bar
16.2 Do, Re, Me, Fa
16.3 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So
16.4 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le
16.5 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le, Te
16.6 Do, Re, Me - 2 bars
16.7 Do, Re, Me, Fa
16.8 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So
16.9 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le
16.10 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le, Te
16.11 Do, Re, Me - 4 bars
16.12 Do, Re, Me, Fa
16.13 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So
16.14 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le
16.15 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le, Te

17: All Minor Keys. 4/4 with 8th Notes.

17.1 Do, Re, Me - 1 bar
17.2 Do, Re, Me, Fa
17.3 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So
17.4 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le
17.5 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le, Te
17.6 Do, Re, Me - 2 bars
17.7 Do, Re, Me, Fa
17.8 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So
17.9 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le
17.10 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le, Te
17.11 Do, Re, Me - 4 bars
17.12 Do, Re, Me, Fa
17.13 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So
17.14 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le
17.15 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le, Te

18: Harmonic Minor. 4/4 with 8th Notes.

18.1 A minor harmonic. 1 bar
18.2 A minor harmonic. 2 bars
18.3 A minor harmonic. 4 bars
18.4 Harmonic minor (all keys). 1 bar
18.5 Harmonic minor (all keys). 2 bars
18.6 Harmonic minor (all keys). 4 bars

 General Workshops - Melody Singback

1: 3 to 4 Tones from the C Major Scale

1.1 Do, Re - 3 tones
1.2 Do, Re, Mi
1.3 Do, Re, Mi, Fa
1.4 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So
1.5 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La
1.6 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti
1.7 Do, Re - 4 tones
1.8 Do, Re, Mi
1.9 Do, Re, Mi, Fa
1.10 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So
1.11 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La
1.12 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti

2: 5 to 6 Tones from the C Major Scale

2.1 Do, Re - 5 tones
2.2 Do, Re, Mi
2.3 Do, Re, Mi, Fa
2.4 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So
2.5 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La
2.6 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti
2.7 Do, Re - 6 tones
2.8 Do, Re, Mi
2.9 Do, Re, Mi, Fa
2.10 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So
2.11 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La
2.12 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti

3: 7 to 8 Tones from the C Major Scale

3.1 Do, Re, Mi - 7 tones
3.2 Do, Re, Mi, Fa
3.3 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So
3.4 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La
3.5 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti
3.6 Do, Re, Mi - 8 tones
3.7 Do, Re, Mi, Fa
3.8 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So
3.9 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La
3.10 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti

4: Melodies in C Major with Rhythm. 4/4

4.1 Do, Re - 1 bar
4.2 Do, Re, Mi
4.3 Do, Re, Mi, Fa
4.4 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So
4.5 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La
4.6 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti
4.7 Do, Re, Mi - 2 bars
4.8 Do, Re, Mi, Fa
4.9 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So
4.10 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La
4.11 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti

5: Melodies in C Major with Rhythm. 3/4

5.1 Do, Re - 1 bar
5.2 Do, Re, Mi
5.3 Do, Re, Mi, Fa
5.4 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So
5.5 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La
5.6 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti
5.7 Do, Re, Mi - 2 bars
5.8 Do, Re, Mi, Fa
5.9 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So
5.10 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La
5.11 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti

6: Adding 8th Notes. 4/4

6.1 Do, Re - 1 bar
6.2 Do, Re, Mi
6.3 Do, Re, Mi, Fa
6.4 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So
6.5 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La
6.6 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti
6.7 Do, Re, Mi - 2 bars
6.8 Do, Re, Mi, Fa
6.9 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So
6.10 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La
6.11 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti

7: Adding 8th Notes. 3/4

7.1 Do, Re - 1 bar
7.2 Do, Re, Mi
7.3 Do, Re, Mi, Fa
7.4 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So
7.5 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La
7.6 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti
7.7 Do, Re, Mi - 2 bars
7.8 Do, Re, Mi, Fa
7.9 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So
7.10 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La
7.11 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti

8: Around the Circle of Fifths. 4/4

8.1 Do, Re - 1 bar
8.2 Do, Re, Mi
8.3 Do, Re, Mi, Fa
8.4 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So
8.5 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La
8.6 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti
8.7 Do, Re, Mi - 2 bars
8.8 Do, Re, Mi, Fa
8.9 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So
8.10 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La
8.11 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti

9: Around the Circle of Fifths. 3/4

9.1 Do, Re - 1 bar
9.2 Do, Re, Mi
9.3 Do, Re, Mi, Fa
9.4 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So
9.5 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La
9.6 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti
9.7 Do, Re, Mi - 2 bars
9.8 Do, Re, Mi, Fa
9.9 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So
9.10 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La
9.11 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti

10: Around the Circle of Fifths. 4/4 with 8th Notes.

10.1 Do, Re - 1 bar
10.2 Do, Re, Mi
10.3 Do, Re, Mi, Fa
10.4 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So
10.5 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La
10.6 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti
10.7 Do, Re, Mi - 2 bars
10.8 Do, Re, Mi, Fa
10.9 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So
10.10 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La
10.11 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti

11: Around the Circle of Fifths. 3/4 with 8th Notes.

11.1 Do, Re - 1 bar
11.2 Do, Re, Mi
11.3 Do, Re, Mi, Fa
11.4 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So
11.5 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La
11.6 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti
11.7 Do, Re, Mi - 2 bars
11.8 Do, Re, Mi, Fa
11.9 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So
11.10 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La
11.11 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti

12: Melodies in A minor. 4/4

12.1 Do, Re - 1 bar
12.2 Do, Re, Me
12.3 Do, Re, Me, Fa
12.4 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So
12.5 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le
12.6 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le, Te
12.7 Do, Re, Me - 2 bars
12.8 Do, Re, Me, Fa
12.9 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So
12.10 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le
12.11 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le, Te

13: Melodies in A minor. 3/4

13.1 Do, Re - 1 bar
13.2 Do, Re, Me
13.3 Do, Re, Me, Fa
13.4 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So
13.5 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le
13.6 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le, Te
13.7 Do, Re, Me - 2 bars
13.8 Do, Re, Me, Fa
13.9 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So
13.10 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le
13.11 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le, Te

14: Melodies in A minor. 4/4 with 8th Notes

14.1 Do, Re - 1 bar
14.2 Do, Re, Me
14.3 Do, Re, Me, Fa
14.4 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So
14.5 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le
14.6 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le, Te
14.7 Do, Re - 2 bars
14.8 Do, Re, Me - 2 bars
14.9 Do, Re, Me, Fa
14.10 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So
14.11 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le
14.12 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le, Te

15: Melodies in A minor. 3/4 with 8th Notes

15.1 Do, Re, Me - 1 bar
15.2 Do, Re, Me, Fa
15.3 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So
15.4 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le
15.5 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le, Te
15.6 Do, Re, Me - 2 bars
15.7 Do, Re, Me, Fa
15.8 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So
15.9 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le
15.10 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le, Te

16: All Minor Keys. 4/4 with 8th Notes.

16.1 Do, Re, Me - 1 bar
16.2 Do, Re, Me, Fa
16.3 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So
16.4 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le
16.5 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le, Te
16.6 Do, Re, Me - 2 bars
16.7 Do, Re, Me, Fa
16.8 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So
16.9 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le
16.10 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le, Te

17: Harmonic Minor. 4/4 with 8th Notes.

17.1 A minor harmonic. 1 bar
17.2 A minor harmonic. 2 bars
17.3 A minor harmonic. 4 bars
17.4 Harmonic minor (all keys). 1 bar
17.5 Harmonic minor (all keys). 2 bars
17.6 Harmonic minor (all keys). 4 bars

 General Workshops - Rhythm Clapback

1: 4/4 - 1 bar: Whole, Half, Quarter & Eighth Notes

1.1 4/4 - 1 bar: Quarter notes - including rests
1.2 4/4 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter notes
1.3 4/4 - 1 bar: 8th notes - including rests
1.4 4/4 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
1.5 4/4 - 1 bar: Quarter & Half notes - including rests
1.6 4/4 - 1 bar: Half & Whole notes - including rests
1.7 4/4 - 1 bar: Quarter, Half & Whole notes - including rests
1.8 4/4 - 1 bar: 8th, Quarter, Half & Whole notes - including rests

2: 3/4 - 1 bar: Half, Quarter & Eighth Notes

2.1 3/4 - 1 bar: Quarter notes - including rests
2.2 3/4 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter notes
2.3 3/4 - 1 bar: 8th notes - including rests
2.4 3/4 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
2.5 3/4 - 1 bar: Quarter & Half notes - including rests
2.6 3/4 - 1 bar: 8th, Quarter & Half notes - including rests

3: 2/4 - 1 bar: Half, Quarter & Eighth Notes

3.1 2/4 - 1 bar: Quarter notes - including rests
3.2 2/4 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter notes
3.3 2/4 - 1 bar: 8th notes - including rests
3.4 2/4 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
3.5 2/4 - 1 bar: Quarter & Half notes - including rests
3.6 2/4 - 1 bar: 8th, Quarter & Half notes - including rests

4: 4/4 - 2 bars: Whole, half, Quarter & Eighth Notes

4.1 4/4 - 2 bars: Quarter notes - including rests
4.2 4/4 - 2 bars: 8th & Quarter notes
4.3 4/4 - 2 bars: 8th notes - including rests
4.4 4/4 - 2 bars: 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
4.5 4/4 - 2 bars: Quarter & Half notes - including rests
4.6 4/4 - 2 bars: Half & Whole notes - including rests
4.7 4/4 - 2 bars: Quarter, Half & Whole notes - including rests
4.8 4/4 - 2 bars: 8th, Quarter, Half & Whole notes - including rests

5: 3/4 - 2 bars: Half, Quarter & Eighth Notes

5.1 3/4 - 2 bars: Quarter notes - including rests
5.2 3/4 - 2 bars: 8th & Quarter notes
5.3 3/4 - 2 bars: 8th notes - including rests
5.4 3/4 - 2 bars: 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
5.5 3/4 - 2 bars: Quarter & Half notes - including rests
5.6 3/4 - 2 bars: 8th, Quarter & Half notes - including rests

6: 2/4 - 2 bars: Half, Quarter & Eighth Notes

6.1 2/4 - 2 bars: Quarter notes - including rests
6.2 2/4 - 2 bars: 8th & Quarter notes
6.3 2/4 - 2 bars: 8th notes - including rests
6.4 2/4 - 2 bars: 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
6.5 2/4 - 2 bars: Quarter & Half notes - including rests
6.6 2/4 - 2 bars: 8th, Quarter & Half notes - including rests

7: 4/4: Introducing Sixteenth Note Groupings

7.1 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th & Quarter notes
7.2 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
7.3 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests

8: 3/4: Sixteenth Note Groupings

8.1 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th & Quarter notes
8.2 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
8.3 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests

9: 2/4: Sixteenth Note Groupings

9.1 2/4 - 1 bar: 16th & Quarter notes
9.2 2/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
9.3 2/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests

10: Advanced Sixteenth Note Groupings

10.1 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes
10.2 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes
10.3 2/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes
10.4 2/4, 3/4 & 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes
10.5 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes
10.6 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes
10.7 2/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes
10.8 2/4, 3/4 & 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes

11: Advanced Sixteenth Note Groupings with Rests

11.1 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
11.2 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
11.3 2/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
11.4 2/4, 3/4 & 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
11.5 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th & Quarter notes - including rests
11.6 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th & Quarter notes - including rests
11.7 2/4 - 1 bar: 16th & Quarter notes - including rests
11.8 2/4, 3/4 & 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th & Quarter notes - including rests

12: Advanced 16th and 8th Combinations with Rests

12.1 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
12.2 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
12.3 2/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
12.4 2/4, 3/4 & 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
12.5 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
12.6 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
12.7 2/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
12.8 2/4, 3/4 & 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests

13: All Note values from the Previous Lessons, Including Rests

13.1 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th, Quarter, Half & Whole notes - including rests
13.2 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th, Quarter & Half notes - including rests
13.3 2/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th, Quarter & Half notes - including rests
13.4 2/4, 3/4 & 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th, Quarter & Half notes - including rests

14: 4/4: Triplets

14.1 4/4 - 1 bar: Quarter notes, 8th triplets
14.2 4/4 - 1 bar: Quarter notes, 8th triplets - including rests
14.3 4/4 - 1 bar: Quarter & Half notes, 8th triplets - including rests
14.4 4/4 - 1 bar: Quarter notes, 8th triplets - including rests
14.5 4/4 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter triplets
14.6 4/4 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter triplets - including rests
14.7 4/4 - 1 bar: Quarter notes, 8th & Quarter triplets
14.8 4/4 - 1 bar: Quarter notes, 8th & Quarter triplets - including rests
14.9 4/4 - 1 bar: Half triplets
14.10 4/4 - 1 bar: Half triplets - including rests
14.11 4/4 - 1 bar: Quarter notes, 16th triplets
14.12 4/4 - 1 bar: Quarter notes, 16th triplets - including rests
14.13 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th triplets - including rests
14.14 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th & 8th triplets
14.15 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th & 8th triplets - including rests
14.16 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th, Quarter & Half triplets
14.17 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th, Quarter & Half triplets - including rests

15: Triplets, Now in 3/4

15.1 3/4 - 1 bar: Quarter notes, 8th triplets
15.2 3/4 - 1 bar: Quarter notes, 8th triplets - including rests
15.3 3/4 - 1 bar: Quarter & Half notes, 8th triplets - including rests
15.4 3/4 - 1 bar: Quarter notes, 8th triplets - including rests
15.5 3/4 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter triplets
15.6 3/4 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter triplets - including rests
15.7 3/4 - 1 bar: Quarter notes, 8th & Quarter triplets
15.8 3/4 - 1 bar: Quarter notes, 8th & Quarter triplets - including rests
15.9 3/4 - 1 bar: Quarter notes, 16th triplets
15.10 3/4 - 1 bar: Quarter notes, 16th triplets - including rests
15.11 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th triplets - including rests
15.12 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th & 8th triplets
15.13 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th & 8th triplets - including rests
15.14 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter triplets
15.15 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter triplets - including rests

16: Introducing a New Time Signature: 5/4

16.1 5/4 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
16.2 5/4 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
16.3 5/4 - 1 bar: 8th, Quarter & Half notes - including rests
16.4 5/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
16.5 5/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
16.6 5/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th, Quarter, Half & Whole notes - including rests
16.7 5/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th, Quarter, Half & Whole notes, 16th, 8th & Quarter triplets
16.8 5/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th, Quarter, Half & Whole notes, 16th, 8th & Quarter triplets - including rests

17: Introducing New Time Signatures: 3/8, 4/8 & 6/8

17.1 3/8, 4/8 & 6/8 - 1 bar: 16th & 8th notes
17.2 3/8, 4/8 & 6/8 - 1 bar: 16th & 8th notes - including rests
17.3 3/8, 4/8 & 6/8 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes
17.4 3/8, 4/8 & 6/8 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests

18: 6/8 with Dotted Subdivision

18.1 6/8 - 1 bar: 8th notes, Quarter dotted notes
18.2 6/8 - 1 bar: 8th notes, Quarter dotted notes - including rests
18.3 6/8 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter notes, Quarter dotted notes
18.4 6/8 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter notes, Quarter dotted notes - including rests
18.5 6/8 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes, Quarter dotted notes - including rests

19: Introducing the 9/8 Time Signature

19.1 9/8 - 1 bar: 16th & 8th notes
19.2 9/8 - 1 bar: 16th & 8th notes - including rests
19.3 9/8 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes
19.4 9/8 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
19.5 9/8 - 1 bar: 8th notes, Quarter dotted notes
19.6 9/8 - 1 bar: 8th notes, Quarter dotted notes - including rests
19.7 9/8 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter notes, Quarter dotted notes
19.8 9/8 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter notes, Quarter dotted notes - including rests
19.9 9/8 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes, Quarter dotted notes - including rests

20: Introducing the 12/8 Time Signature

20.1 12/8 - 1 bar: 16th & 8th notes
20.2 12/8 - 1 bar: 16th & 8th notes - including rests
20.3 12/8 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes
20.4 12/8 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
20.5 12/8 - 1 bar: 8th notes, Quarter dotted notes
20.6 12/8 - 1 bar: 8th notes, Quarter dotted notes - including rests
20.7 12/8 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter notes, Quarter dotted notes
20.8 12/8 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter notes, Quarter dotted notes - including rests
20.9 12/8 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes, Quarter dotted notes - including rests

21: Introducing New Time Signatures: 5/8 & 7/8

21.1 5/8 & 7/8 - 1 bar: 16th & 8th notes
21.2 5/8 & 7/8 - 1 bar: 16th & 8th notes - including rests
21.3 5/8 & 7/8 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes
21.4 5/8 & 7/8 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests

22: Introducing New Time Signatures: 2/2, 3/2 & 4/2

22.1 2/2, 3/2 & 4/2 - 1 bar: Half & Whole notes
22.2 2/2, 3/2 & 4/2 - 1 bar: Half & Whole notes - including rests
22.3 2/2, 3/2 & 4/2 - 1 bar: Quarter, Half & Whole notes
22.4 2/2, 3/2 & 4/2 - 1 bar: Quarter, Half & Whole notes - including rests
22.5 2/2, 3/2 & 4/2 - 1 bar: 8th, Quarter & Half notes - including rests
22.6 2/2, 3/2 & 4/2 - 1 bar: 8th, Quarter & Half notes - including rests

23: 4/4: Mixed Note Groupings

23.1 4/4 - 1 bar: 8th notes, 8th triplets
23.2 4/4 - 1 bar: 8th notes, 8th triplets - including rests
23.3 4/4 - 1 bar: Quarter notes, Quarter triplets
23.4 4/4 - 1 bar: Quarter notes, Quarter triplets - including rests
23.5 4/4 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter notes, 8th & Quarter triplets
23.6 4/4 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter notes, 8th & Quarter triplets - including rests
23.7 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th notes, 16th triplets
23.8 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th notes, 16th triplets - including rests
23.9 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th & 8th notes, 16th & 8th triplets
23.10 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th & 8th notes, 16th & 8th triplets - including rests
23.11 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes, 16th, 8th & Quarter triplets
23.12 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes, 16th, 8th & Quarter triplets - including rests

24: 3/4: Mixed Note Groupings

24.1 3/4 - 1 bar: 8th notes, 8th triplets
24.2 3/4 - 1 bar: 8th notes, 8th triplets - including rests
24.3 3/4 - 1 bar: Quarter notes, Quarter triplets
24.4 3/4 - 1 bar: Quarter notes, Quarter triplets - including rests
24.5 3/4 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter notes, 8th & Quarter triplets
24.6 3/4 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter notes, 8th & Quarter triplets - including rests
24.7 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th notes, 16th triplets
24.8 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th notes, 16th triplets - including rests
24.9 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th & 8th notes, 16th & 8th triplets
24.10 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th & 8th notes, 16th & 8th triplets - including rests
24.11 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes, 16th, 8th & Quarter triplets
24.12 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes, 16th, 8th & Quarter triplets - including rests

25: 4/4: Introducing 32nd Notes

25.1 4/4 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
25.2 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th & 8th notes - including rests
25.3 4/4 - 1 bar: 32nd & 16th notes
25.4 4/4 - 1 bar: 32nd & 16th notes - including rests
25.5 4/4 - 1 bar: 32nd & 16th notes - including rests
25.6 4/4 - 1 bar: 32nd notes - including rests
25.7 4/4 - 1 bar: 32nd, 16th, 8th & Quarter notes
25.8 4/4 - 1 bar: 32nd, 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests

26: 3/4: 32nd Notes

26.1 3/4 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
26.2 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th & 8th notes - including rests
26.3 3/4 - 1 bar: 32nd & 16th notes
26.4 3/4 - 1 bar: 32nd & 16th notes - including rests
26.5 3/4 - 1 bar: 32nd & 16th notes - including rests
26.6 3/4 - 1 bar: 32nd notes - including rests
26.7 3/4 - 1 bar: 32nd, 16th, 8th & Quarter notes
26.8 3/4 - 1 bar: 32nd, 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests

27: Final roundup

27.1 Simple meters
27.2 Simple meters with rests
27.3 Compound meters
27.4 Compound meters with rests
27.5 Asymmetrical meters I
27.6 Asymmetrical meters II

 General Workshops - Rhythm Error Detection

1: 4/4 - 2 bars: Whole, Half, Quarter & Eighth Notes

1.1 4/4 - 2 bars: Quarter notes - including rests
1.2 4/4 - 2 bars: 8th & Quarter notes
1.3 4/4 - 2 bars: 8th notes - including rests
1.4 4/4 - 2 bars: 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
1.5 4/4 - 2 bars: Quarter & Half notes - including rests
1.6 4/4 - 2 bars: Half & Whole notes - including rests
1.7 4/4 - 2 bars: Quarter, Half & Whole notes - including rests
1.8 4/4 - 2 bars: 8th, Quarter, Half & Whole notes - including rests

2: 3/4 - 2 bars: Half, Quarter & Eighth Notes

2.1 3/4 - 2 bars: Quarter notes - including rests
2.2 3/4 - 2 bars: 8th & Quarter notes
2.3 3/4 - 2 bars: 8th notes - including rests
2.4 3/4 - 2 bars: 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
2.5 3/4 - 2 bars: Quarter & Half notes - including rests
2.6 3/4 - 2 bars: 8th, Quarter & Half notes - including rests

3: 2/4 - 2 bars: Half, Quarter & Eighth Notes

3.1 2/4 - 2 bars: Quarter notes - including rests
3.2 2/4 - 2 bars: 8th & Quarter notes
3.3 2/4 - 2 bars: 8th notes - including rests
3.4 2/4 - 2 bars: 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
3.5 2/4 - 2 bars: Quarter & Half notes - including rests
3.6 2/4 - 2 bars: 8th, Quarter & Half notes - including rests

4: 4/4 - 4 bars: Whole, half, Quarter & Eighth Notes

4.1 4/4 - 4 bars: Quarter notes - including rests
4.2 4/4 - 4 bars: 8th & Quarter notes
4.3 4/4 - 4 bars: 8th notes - including rests
4.4 4/4 - 4 bars: 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
4.5 4/4 - 4 bars: Quarter & Half notes - including rests
4.6 4/4 - 4 bars: Half & Whole notes - including rests
4.7 4/4 - 4 bars: Quarter, Half & Whole notes - including rests
4.8 4/4 - 4 bars: 8th, Quarter, Half & Whole notes - including rests

5: 3/4 - 4 bars: Half, Quarter & Eighth Notes

5.1 3/4 - 4 bars: Quarter notes - including rests
5.2 3/4 - 4 bars: 8th & Quarter notes
5.3 3/4 - 4 bars: 8th notes - including rests
5.4 3/4 - 4 bars: 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
5.5 3/4 - 4 bars: Quarter & Half notes - including rests
5.6 3/4 - 4 bars: 8th, Quarter & Half notes - including rests

6: 2/4 - 4 bars: Half, Quarter & Eighth Notes

6.1 2/4 - 4 bars: Quarter notes - including rests
6.2 2/4 - 4 bars: 8th & Quarter notes
6.3 2/4 - 4 bars: 8th notes - including rests
6.4 2/4 - 4 bars: 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
6.5 2/4 - 4 bars: Quarter & Half notes - including rests
6.6 2/4 - 4 bars: 8th, Quarter & Half notes - including rests

7: 4/4 - 8 bars: Whole, Half, Quarter & Eighth Notes

7.1 4/4 - 8 bars: Quarter notes - including rests
7.2 4/4 - 8 bars: 8th & Quarter notes
7.3 4/4 - 8 bars: 8th notes - including rests
7.4 4/4 - 8 bars: 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
7.5 4/4 - 8 bars: Quarter & Half notes - including rests
7.6 4/4 - 8 bars: Half & Whole notes - including rests
7.7 4/4 - 8 bars: Quarter, Half & Whole notes - including rests
7.8 4/4 - 8 bars: 8th, Quarter, Half & Whole notes - including rests

8: 4/4: Introducing Sixteenth Note Groupings

8.1 4/4 - 2 bars: 16th & Quarter notes
8.2 4/4 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
8.3 4/4 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests

9: 3/4: Sixteenth Note Groupings

9.1 3/4 - 2 bars: 16th & Quarter notes
9.2 3/4 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
9.3 3/4 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests

10: 2/4: Sixteenth Note Groupings

10.1 2/4 - 2 bars: 16th & Quarter notes
10.2 2/4 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
10.3 2/4 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests

11: Advanced Sixteenth Note Groupings

11.1 4/4 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes
11.2 3/4 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes
11.3 2/4 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes
11.4 2/4, 3/4 & 4/4 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes
11.5 4/4 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes
11.6 3/4 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes
11.7 2/4 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes
11.8 2/4, 3/4 & 4/4 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes

12: Advanced Sixteenth Note Groupings with Rests

12.1 4/4 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
12.2 3/4 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
12.3 2/4 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
12.4 2/4, 3/4 & 4/4 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
12.5 4/4 - 2 bars: 16th & Quarter notes - including rests
12.6 3/4 - 2 bars: 16th & Quarter notes - including rests
12.7 2/4 - 2 bars: 16th & Quarter notes - including rests
12.8 2/4, 3/4 & 4/4 - 2 bars: 16th & Quarter notes - including rests

13: Advanced 16th and 8th Combinations with Rests

13.1 4/4 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
13.2 3/4 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
13.3 2/4 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
13.4 2/4, 3/4 & 4/4 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
13.5 4/4 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
13.6 3/4 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
13.7 2/4 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
13.8 2/4, 3/4 & 4/4 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests

14: All Note values from the Previous Lessons, Including Rests

14.1 4/4 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th, Quarter, Half & Whole notes - including rests
14.2 3/4 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th, Quarter & Half notes - including rests
14.3 2/4 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th, Quarter & Half notes - including rests
14.4 2/4, 3/4 & 4/4 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th, Quarter & Half notes - including rests

15: 4/4: Triplets

15.1 4/4 - 2 bars: Quarter notes, 8th triplets
15.2 4/4 - 2 bars: Quarter notes, 8th triplets - including rests
15.3 4/4 - 2 bars: Quarter & Half notes, 8th triplets - including rests
15.4 4/4 - 2 bars: Quarter notes, 8th triplets - including rests
15.5 4/4 - 2 bars: 8th & Quarter triplets
15.6 4/4 - 2 bars: 8th & Quarter triplets - including rests
15.7 4/4 - 2 bars: Quarter notes, 8th & Quarter triplets
15.8 4/4 - 2 bars: Quarter notes, 8th & Quarter triplets - including rests
15.9 4/4 - 2 bars: Half triplets
15.10 4/4 - 2 bars: Half triplets - including rests
15.11 4/4 - 2 bars: Quarter notes, 16th triplets
15.12 4/4 - 2 bars: Quarter notes, 16th triplets - including rests
15.13 4/4 - 2 bars: 16th triplets - including rests
15.14 4/4 - 2 bars: 16th & 8th triplets
15.15 4/4 - 2 bars: 16th & 8th triplets - including rests
15.16 4/4 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th, Quarter & Half triplets
15.17 4/4 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th, Quarter & Half triplets - including rests

16: Triplets, Now in 3/4

16.1 3/4 - 2 bars: Quarter notes, 8th triplets
16.2 3/4 - 2 bars: Quarter notes, 8th triplets - including rests
16.3 3/4 - 2 bars: Quarter & Half notes, 8th triplets - including rests
16.4 3/4 - 2 bars: Quarter notes, 8th triplets - including rests
16.5 3/4 - 2 bars: 8th & Quarter triplets
16.6 3/4 - 2 bars: 8th & Quarter triplets - including rests
16.7 3/4 - 2 bars: Quarter notes, 8th & Quarter triplets
16.8 3/4 - 2 bars: Quarter notes, 8th & Quarter triplets - including rests
16.9 3/4 - 2 bars: Quarter notes, 16th triplets
16.10 3/4 - 2 bars: Quarter notes, 16th triplets - including rests
16.11 3/4 - 2 bars: 16th triplets - including rests
16.12 3/4 - 2 bars: 16th & 8th triplets
16.13 3/4 - 2 bars: 16th & 8th triplets - including rests
16.14 3/4 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter triplets
16.15 3/4 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter triplets - including rests

17: Introducing a New Time Signature: 5/4

17.1 5/4 - 2 bars: 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
17.2 5/4 - 2 bars: 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
17.3 5/4 - 2 bars: 8th, Quarter & Half notes - including rests
17.4 5/4 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
17.5 5/4 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
17.6 5/4 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th, Quarter, Half & Whole notes - including rests
17.7 5/4 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th, Quarter, Half & Whole notes, 16th, 8th & Quarter triplets
17.8 5/4 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th, Quarter, Half & Whole notes, 16th, 8th & Quarter triplets - including rests

18: Introducing New Time Signatures: 3/8, 4/8 & 6/8

18.1 3/8, 4/8 & 6/8 - 2 bars: 16th & 8th notes
18.2 3/8, 4/8 & 6/8 - 2 bars: 16th & 8th notes - including rests
18.3 3/8, 4/8 & 6/8 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes
18.4 3/8, 4/8 & 6/8 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests

19: 6/8 with Dotted Subdivision

19.1 6/8 - 2 bars: 8th notes, Quarter dotted notes
19.2 6/8 - 2 bars: 8th notes, Quarter dotted notes - including rests
19.3 6/8 - 2 bars: 8th & Quarter notes, Quarter dotted notes
19.4 6/8 - 2 bars: 8th & Quarter notes, Quarter dotted notes - including rests
19.5 6/8 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes, Quarter dotted notes - including rests

20: Introducing the 9/8 Time Signature

20.1 9/8 - 2 bars: 16th & 8th notes
20.2 9/8 - 2 bars: 16th & 8th notes - including rests
20.3 9/8 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes
20.4 9/8 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
20.5 9/8 - 2 bars: 8th notes, Quarter dotted notes
20.6 9/8 - 2 bars: 8th notes, Quarter dotted notes - including rests
20.7 9/8 - 2 bars: 8th & Quarter notes, Quarter dotted notes
20.8 9/8 - 2 bars: 8th & Quarter notes, Quarter dotted notes - including rests
20.9 9/8 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes, Quarter dotted notes - including rests

21: Introducing the 12/8 Time Signature

21.1 12/8 - 2 bars: 16th & 8th notes
21.2 12/8 - 2 bars: 16th & 8th notes - including rests
21.3 12/8 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes
21.4 12/8 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
21.5 12/8 - 2 bars: 8th notes, Quarter dotted notes
21.6 12/8 - 2 bars: 8th notes, Quarter dotted notes - including rests
21.7 12/8 - 2 bars: 8th & Quarter notes, Quarter dotted notes
21.8 12/8 - 2 bars: 8th & Quarter notes, Quarter dotted notes - including rests
21.9 12/8 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes, Quarter dotted notes - including rests

22: Introducing New Time Signatures: 5/8 & 7/8

22.1 5/8 & 7/8 - 2 bars: 16th & 8th notes
22.2 5/8 & 7/8 - 2 bars: 16th & 8th notes - including rests
22.3 5/8 & 7/8 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes
22.4 5/8 & 7/8 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests

23: Introducing New Time Signatures: 2/2, 3/2 & 4/2

23.1 2/2, 3/2 & 4/2 - 2 bars: Half & Whole notes
23.2 2/2, 3/2 & 4/2 - 2 bars: Half & Whole notes - including rests
23.3 2/2, 3/2 & 4/2 - 2 bars: Quarter, Half & Whole notes
23.4 2/2, 3/2 & 4/2 - 2 bars: Quarter, Half & Whole notes - including rests
23.5 2/2, 3/2 & 4/2 - 2 bars: 8th, Quarter & Half notes - including rests
23.6 2/2, 3/2 & 4/2 - 2 bars: 8th, Quarter & Half notes - including rests

24: 4/4: Mixed Note Groupings

24.1 4/4 - 2 bars: 8th notes, 8th triplets
24.2 4/4 - 2 bars: 8th notes, 8th triplets - including rests
24.3 4/4 - 2 bars: Quarter notes, Quarter triplets
24.4 4/4 - 2 bars: Quarter notes, Quarter triplets - including rests
24.5 4/4 - 2 bars: 8th & Quarter notes, 8th & Quarter triplets
24.6 4/4 - 2 bars: 8th & Quarter notes, 8th & Quarter triplets - including rests
24.7 4/4 - 2 bars: 16th notes, 16th triplets
24.8 4/4 - 2 bars: 16th notes, 16th triplets - including rests
24.9 4/4 - 2 bars: 16th & 8th notes, 16th & 8th triplets
24.10 4/4 - 2 bars: 16th & 8th notes, 16th & 8th triplets - including rests
24.11 4/4 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes, 16th, 8th & Quarter triplets
24.12 4/4 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes, 16th, 8th & Quarter triplets - including rests

25: 3/4: Mixed Note Groupings

25.1 3/4 - 2 bars: 8th notes, 8th triplets
25.2 3/4 - 2 bars: 8th notes, 8th triplets - including rests
25.3 3/4 - 2 bars: Quarter notes, Quarter triplets
25.4 3/4 - 2 bars: Quarter notes, Quarter triplets - including rests
25.5 3/4 - 2 bars: 8th & Quarter notes, 8th & Quarter triplets
25.6 3/4 - 2 bars: 8th & Quarter notes, 8th & Quarter triplets - including rests
25.7 3/4 - 2 bars: 16th notes, 16th triplets
25.8 3/4 - 2 bars: 16th notes, 16th triplets - including rests
25.9 3/4 - 2 bars: 16th & 8th notes, 16th & 8th triplets
25.10 3/4 - 2 bars: 16th & 8th notes, 16th & 8th triplets - including rests
25.11 3/4 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes, 16th, 8th & Quarter triplets
25.12 3/4 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes, 16th, 8th & Quarter triplets - including rests

26: 4/4: Introducing 32nd Notes

26.1 4/4 - 2 bars: 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
26.2 4/4 - 2 bars: 16th & 8th notes - including rests
26.3 4/4 - 2 bars: 32nd & 16th notes
26.4 4/4 - 2 bars: 32nd & 16th notes - including rests
26.5 4/4 - 2 bars: 32nd & 16th notes - including rests
26.6 4/4 - 2 bars: 32nd notes - including rests
26.7 4/4 - 2 bars: 32nd, 16th, 8th & Quarter notes
26.8 4/4 - 2 bars: 32nd, 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests

27: 3/4: 32nd Notes

27.1 3/4 - 2 bars: 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
27.2 3/4 - 2 bars: 16th & 8th notes - including rests
27.3 3/4 - 2 bars: 32nd & 16th notes
27.4 3/4 - 2 bars: 32nd & 16th notes - including rests
27.5 3/4 - 2 bars: 32nd & 16th notes - including rests
27.6 3/4 - 2 bars: 32nd notes - including rests
27.7 3/4 - 2 bars: 32nd, 16th, 8th & Quarter notes
27.8 3/4 - 2 bars: 32nd, 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests

28: All the Time Signatures from the Previous Lessons

28.1 Mixed Time Signatures with 32nd, 16th, 8th & Quarter Notes
28.2 Mixed Time Signatures with 32nd, 16th, 8th & Quarter Notes + Rests

 General Workshops - Rhythm Sight-Reading

1: 4/4 - 4 bars: Whole, Half, Quarter & Eighth Notes

1.1 4/4 - 4 bars: Quarter notes - including rests
1.2 4/4 - 4 bars: 8th & Quarter notes
1.3 4/4 - 4 bars: 8th notes - including rests
1.4 4/4 - 4 bars: 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
1.5 4/4 - 4 bars: Quarter & Half notes - including rests
1.6 4/4 - 4 bars: Half & Whole notes - including rests
1.7 4/4 - 4 bars: Quarter, Half & Whole notes - including rests
1.8 4/4 - 4 bars: 8th, Quarter, Half & Whole notes - including rests

2: 3/4 - 4 bars: Half, Quarter & Eighth Notes

2.1 3/4 - 4 bars: Quarter notes - including rests
2.2 3/4 - 4 bars: 8th & Quarter notes
2.3 3/4 - 4 bars: 8th notes - including rests
2.4 3/4 - 4 bars: 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
2.5 3/4 - 4 bars: Quarter & Half notes - including rests
2.6 3/4 - 4 bars: 8th, Quarter & Half notes - including rests

3: 2/4 - 4 bars: Half, Quarter & Eighth Notes

3.1 2/4 - 4 bars: Quarter notes - including rests
3.2 2/4 - 4 bars: 8th & Quarter notes
3.3 2/4 - 4 bars: 8th notes - including rests
3.4 2/4 - 4 bars: 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
3.5 2/4 - 4 bars: Quarter & Half notes - including rests
3.6 2/4 - 4 bars: 8th, Quarter & Half notes - including rests

4: 4/4 - 8 bars: Whole, half, Quarter & Eighth Notes

4.1 4/4 - 8 bars: Quarter notes - including rests
4.2 4/4 - 8 bars: 8th & Quarter notes
4.3 4/4 - 8 bars: 8th notes - including rests
4.4 4/4 - 8 bars: 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
4.5 4/4 - 8 bars: Quarter & Half notes - including rests
4.6 4/4 - 8 bars: Half & Whole notes - including rests
4.7 4/4 - 8 bars: Quarter, Half & Whole notes - including rests
4.8 4/4 - 8 bars: 8th, Quarter, Half & Whole notes - including rests

5: 3/4 - 8 bars: Half, Quarter & Eighth Notes

5.1 3/4 - 8 bars: Quarter notes - including rests
5.2 3/4 - 8 bars: 8th & Quarter notes
5.3 3/4 - 8 bars: 8th notes - including rests
5.4 3/4 - 8 bars: 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
5.5 3/4 - 8 bars: Quarter & Half notes - including rests
5.6 3/4 - 8 bars: 8th, Quarter & Half notes - including rests

6: 2/4 - 8 bars: Half, Quarter & Eighth Notes

6.1 2/4 - 8 bars: Quarter notes - including rests
6.2 2/4 - 8 bars: 8th & Quarter notes
6.3 2/4 - 8 bars: 8th notes - including rests
6.4 2/4 - 8 bars: 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
6.5 2/4 - 8 bars: Quarter & Half notes - including rests
6.6 2/4 - 8 bars: 8th, Quarter & Half notes - including rests

7: 4/4: Introducing Sixteenth Note Groupings

7.1 4/4 - 4 bars: 16th & Quarter notes
7.2 4/4 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
7.3 4/4 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests

8: 3/4: Sixteenth Note Groupings

8.1 3/4 - 4 bars: 16th & Quarter notes
8.2 3/4 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
8.3 3/4 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests

9: 2/4: Sixteenth Note Groupings

9.1 2/4 - 4 bars: 16th & Quarter notes
9.2 2/4 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
9.3 2/4 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests

10: Advanced Sixteenth Note Groupings

10.1 4/4 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes
10.2 3/4 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes
10.3 2/4 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes
10.4 2/4, 3/4 & 4/4 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes
10.5 4/4 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes
10.6 3/4 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes
10.7 2/4 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes
10.8 2/4, 3/4 & 4/4 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes

11: Advanced Sixteenth Note Groupings with Rests

11.1 4/4 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
11.2 3/4 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
11.3 2/4 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
11.4 2/4, 3/4 & 4/4 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
11.5 4/4 - 4 bars: 16th & Quarter notes - including rests
11.6 3/4 - 4 bars: 16th & Quarter notes - including rests
11.7 2/4 - 4 bars: 16th & Quarter notes - including rests
11.8 2/4, 3/4 & 4/4 - 4 bars: 16th & Quarter notes - including rests

12: Advanced 16th and 8th Combinations with Rests

12.1 4/4 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
12.2 3/4 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
12.3 2/4 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
12.4 2/4, 3/4 & 4/4 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
12.5 4/4 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
12.6 3/4 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
12.7 2/4 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
12.8 2/4, 3/4 & 4/4 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests

13: All Note values from the Previous Lessons, Including Rests

13.1 4/4 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th, Quarter, Half & Whole notes - including rests
13.2 3/4 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th, Quarter & Half notes - including rests
13.3 2/4 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th, Quarter & Half notes - including rests
13.4 2/4, 3/4 & 4/4 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th, Quarter & Half notes - including rests

14: 4/4: Triplets

14.1 4/4 - 4 bars: Quarter notes, 8th triplets
14.2 4/4 - 4 bars: Quarter notes, 8th triplets - including rests
14.3 4/4 - 4 bars: Quarter & Half notes, 8th triplets - including rests
14.4 4/4 - 4 bars: Quarter notes, 8th triplets - including rests
14.5 4/4 - 4 bars: 8th & Quarter triplets
14.6 4/4 - 4 bars: 8th & Quarter triplets - including rests
14.7 4/4 - 4 bars: Quarter notes, 8th & Quarter triplets
14.8 4/4 - 4 bars: Quarter notes, 8th & Quarter triplets - including rests
14.9 4/4 - 4 bars: Half triplets
14.10 4/4 - 4 bars: Half triplets - including rests
14.11 4/4 - 4 bars: Quarter notes, 16th triplets
14.12 4/4 - 4 bars: Quarter notes, 16th triplets - including rests
14.13 4/4 - 4 bars: 16th triplets - including rests
14.14 4/4 - 4 bars: 16th & 8th triplets
14.15 4/4 - 4 bars: 16th & 8th triplets - including rests
14.16 4/4 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th, Quarter & Half triplets
14.17 4/4 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th, Quarter & Half triplets - including rests

15: Triplets, Now in 3/4

15.1 3/4 - 4 bars: Quarter notes, 8th triplets
15.2 3/4 - 4 bars: Quarter notes, 8th triplets - including rests
15.3 3/4 - 4 bars: Quarter & Half notes, 8th triplets - including rests
15.4 3/4 - 4 bars: Quarter notes, 8th triplets - including rests
15.5 3/4 - 4 bars: 8th & Quarter triplets
15.6 3/4 - 4 bars: 8th & Quarter triplets - including rests
15.7 3/4 - 4 bars: Quarter notes, 8th & Quarter triplets
15.8 3/4 - 4 bars: Quarter notes, 8th & Quarter triplets - including rests
15.9 3/4 - 4 bars: Quarter notes, 16th triplets
15.10 3/4 - 4 bars: Quarter notes, 16th triplets - including rests
15.11 3/4 - 4 bars: 16th triplets - including rests
15.12 3/4 - 4 bars: 16th & 8th triplets
15.13 3/4 - 4 bars: 16th & 8th triplets - including rests
15.14 3/4 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter triplets
15.15 3/4 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter triplets - including rests

16: Introducing a New Time Signature: 5/4

16.1 5/4 - 4 bars: 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
16.2 5/4 - 4 bars: 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
16.3 5/4 - 4 bars: 8th, Quarter & Half notes - including rests
16.4 5/4 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
16.5 5/4 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
16.6 5/4 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th, Quarter, Half & Whole notes - including rests
16.7 5/4 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th, Quarter, Half & Whole notes, 16th, 8th & Quarter triplets
16.8 5/4 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th, Quarter, Half & Whole notes, 16th, 8th & Quarter triplets - including rests

17: Introducing New Time Signatures: 3/8, 4/8 & 6/8

17.1 3/8, 4/8 & 6/8 - 4 bars: 16th & 8th notes
17.2 3/8, 4/8 & 6/8 - 4 bars: 16th & 8th notes - including rests
17.3 3/8, 4/8 & 6/8 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes
17.4 3/8, 4/8 & 6/8 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests

18: 6/8 with Dotted Subdivision

18.1 6/8 - 4 bars: 8th notes, Quarter dotted notes
18.2 6/8 - 4 bars: 8th notes, Quarter dotted notes - including rests
18.3 6/8 - 4 bars: 8th & Quarter notes, Quarter dotted notes
18.4 6/8 - 4 bars: 8th & Quarter notes, Quarter dotted notes - including rests
18.5 6/8 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes, Quarter dotted notes - including rests

19: Introducing the 9/8 Time Signature

19.1 9/8 - 4 bars: 16th & 8th notes
19.2 9/8 - 4 bars: 16th & 8th notes - including rests
19.3 9/8 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes
19.4 9/8 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
19.5 9/8 - 4 bars: 8th notes, Quarter dotted notes
19.6 9/8 - 4 bars: 8th notes, Quarter dotted notes - including rests
19.7 9/8 - 4 bars: 8th & Quarter notes, Quarter dotted notes
19.8 9/8 - 4 bars: 8th & Quarter notes, Quarter dotted notes - including rests
19.9 9/8 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes, Quarter dotted notes - including rests

20: Introducing the 12/8 Time Signature

20.1 12/8 - 4 bars: 16th & 8th notes
20.2 12/8 - 4 bars: 16th & 8th notes - including rests
20.3 12/8 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes
20.4 12/8 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
20.5 12/8 - 4 bars: 8th notes, Quarter dotted notes
20.6 12/8 - 4 bars: 8th notes, Quarter dotted notes - including rests
20.7 12/8 - 4 bars: 8th & Quarter notes, Quarter dotted notes
20.8 12/8 - 4 bars: 8th & Quarter notes, Quarter dotted notes - including rests
20.9 12/8 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes, Quarter dotted notes - including rests

21: Introducing New Time Signatures: 5/8 & 7/8

21.1 5/8 & 7/8 - 4 bars: 16th & 8th notes
21.2 5/8 & 7/8 - 4 bars: 16th & 8th notes - including rests
21.3 5/8 & 7/8 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes
21.4 5/8 & 7/8 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests

22: Introducing New Time Signatures: 2/2, 3/2 & 4/2

22.1 2/2, 3/2 & 4/2 - 4 bars: Half & Whole notes
22.2 2/2, 3/2 & 4/2 - 4 bars: Half & Whole notes - including rests
22.3 2/2, 3/2 & 4/2 - 4 bars: Quarter, Half & Whole notes
22.4 2/2, 3/2 & 4/2 - 4 bars: Quarter, Half & Whole notes - including rests
22.5 2/2, 3/2 & 4/2 - 4 bars: 8th, Quarter & Half notes - including rests
22.6 2/2, 3/2 & 4/2 - 4 bars: 8th, Quarter & Half notes - including rests

23: 4/4: Mixed Note Groupings

23.1 4/4 - 4 bars: 8th notes, 8th triplets
23.2 4/4 - 4 bars: 8th notes, 8th triplets - including rests
23.3 4/4 - 4 bars: Quarter notes, Quarter triplets
23.4 4/4 - 4 bars: Quarter notes, Quarter triplets - including rests
23.5 4/4 - 4 bars: 8th & Quarter notes, 8th & Quarter triplets
23.6 4/4 - 4 bars: 8th & Quarter notes, 8th & Quarter triplets - including rests
23.7 4/4 - 4 bars: 16th notes, 16th triplets
23.8 4/4 - 4 bars: 16th notes, 16th triplets - including rests
23.9 4/4 - 4 bars: 16th & 8th notes, 16th & 8th triplets
23.10 4/4 - 4 bars: 16th & 8th notes, 16th & 8th triplets - including rests
23.11 4/4 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes, 16th, 8th & Quarter triplets
23.12 4/4 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes, 16th, 8th & Quarter triplets - including rests

24: 3/4: Mixed Note Groupings

24.1 3/4 - 4 bars: 8th notes, 8th triplets
24.2 3/4 - 4 bars: 8th notes, 8th triplets - including rests
24.3 3/4 - 4 bars: Quarter notes, Quarter triplets
24.4 3/4 - 4 bars: Quarter notes, Quarter triplets - including rests
24.5 3/4 - 4 bars: 8th & Quarter notes, 8th & Quarter triplets
24.6 3/4 - 4 bars: 8th & Quarter notes, 8th & Quarter triplets - including rests
24.7 3/4 - 4 bars: 16th notes, 16th triplets
24.8 3/4 - 4 bars: 16th notes, 16th triplets - including rests
24.9 3/4 - 4 bars: 16th & 8th notes, 16th & 8th triplets
24.10 3/4 - 4 bars: 16th & 8th notes, 16th & 8th triplets - including rests
24.11 3/4 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes, 16th, 8th & Quarter triplets
24.12 3/4 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes, 16th, 8th & Quarter triplets - including rests

25: 4/4: Introducing 32nd Notes

25.1 4/4 - 4 bars: 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
25.2 4/4 - 4 bars: 16th & 8th notes - including rests
25.3 4/4 - 4 bars: 32nd & 16th notes
25.4 4/4 - 4 bars: 32nd & 16th notes - including rests
25.5 4/4 - 4 bars: 32nd & 16th notes - including rests
25.6 4/4 - 4 bars: 32nd notes - including rests
25.7 4/4 - 4 bars: 32nd, 16th, 8th & Quarter notes
25.8 4/4 - 4 bars: 32nd, 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests

26: 3/4: 32nd Notes

26.1 3/4 - 4 bars: 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
26.2 3/4 - 4 bars: 16th & 8th notes - including rests
26.3 3/4 - 4 bars: 32nd & 16th notes
26.4 3/4 - 4 bars: 32nd & 16th notes - including rests
26.5 3/4 - 4 bars: 32nd & 16th notes - including rests
26.6 3/4 - 4 bars: 32nd notes - including rests
26.7 3/4 - 4 bars: 32nd, 16th, 8th & Quarter notes
26.8 3/4 - 4 bars: 32nd, 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests

27: Final roundup

27.1 Simple meters
27.2 Simple meters with rests
27.3 Compound meters
27.4 Compound meters with rests
27.5 Asymmetrical meters I
27.6 Asymmetrical meters II

 General Workshops - Rhythmic Dictation

1: 4/4 - 1 bar: Whole, Half, Quarter & Eighth Notes

1.1 4/4 - 1 bar: Quarter notes - including rests
1.2 4/4 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter notes
1.3 4/4 - 1 bar: 8th notes - including rests
1.4 4/4 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
1.5 4/4 - 1 bar: Quarter & Half notes - including rests
1.6 4/4 - 1 bar: Half & Whole notes - including rests
1.7 4/4 - 1 bar: Quarter, Half & Whole notes - including rests
1.8 4/4 - 1 bar: 8th, Quarter, Half & Whole notes - including rests

2: 3/4 - 1 bar: Half, Quarter & Eighth Notes

2.1 3/4 - 1 bar: Quarter notes - including rests
2.2 3/4 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter notes
2.3 3/4 - 1 bar: 8th notes - including rests
2.4 3/4 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
2.5 3/4 - 1 bar: Quarter & Half notes - including rests
2.6 3/4 - 1 bar: 8th, Quarter & Half notes - including rests

3: 2/4 - 1 bar: Half, Quarter & Eighth Notes

3.1 2/4 - 1 bar: Quarter notes - including rests
3.2 2/4 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter notes
3.3 2/4 - 1 bar: 8th notes - including rests
3.4 2/4 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
3.5 2/4 - 1 bar: Quarter & Half notes - including rests
3.6 2/4 - 1 bar: 8th, Quarter & Half notes - including rests

4: 4/4 - 2 bars: Whole, half, Quarter & Eighth Notes

4.1 4/4 - 2 bars: Quarter notes - including rests
4.2 4/4 - 2 bars: 8th & Quarter notes
4.3 4/4 - 2 bars: 8th notes - including rests
4.4 4/4 - 2 bars: 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
4.5 4/4 - 2 bars: Quarter & Half notes - including rests
4.6 4/4 - 2 bars: Half & Whole notes - including rests
4.7 4/4 - 2 bars: Quarter, Half & Whole notes - including rests
4.8 4/4 - 2 bars: 8th, Quarter, Half & Whole notes - including rests

5: 3/4 - 2 bars: Half, Quarter & Eighth Notes

5.1 3/4 - 2 bars: Quarter notes - including rests
5.2 3/4 - 2 bars: 8th & Quarter notes
5.3 3/4 - 2 bars: 8th notes - including rests
5.4 3/4 - 2 bars: 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
5.5 3/4 - 2 bars: Quarter & Half notes - including rests
5.6 3/4 - 2 bars: 8th, Quarter & Half notes - including rests

6: 2/4 - 2 bars: Half, Quarter & Eighth Notes

6.1 2/4 - 2 bars: Quarter notes - including rests
6.2 2/4 - 2 bars: 8th & Quarter notes
6.3 2/4 - 2 bars: 8th notes - including rests
6.4 2/4 - 2 bars: 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
6.5 2/4 - 2 bars: Quarter & Half notes - including rests
6.6 2/4 - 2 bars: 8th, Quarter & Half notes - including rests

7: 4/4: Introducing Sixteenth Note Groupings

7.1 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th & Quarter notes
7.2 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
7.3 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests

8: 3/4: Sixteenth Note Groupings

8.1 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th & Quarter notes
8.2 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
8.3 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests

9: 2/4: Sixteenth Note Groupings

9.1 2/4 - 1 bar: 16th & Quarter notes
9.2 2/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
9.3 2/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests

10: Advanced Sixteenth Note Groupings

10.1 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes
10.2 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes
10.3 2/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes
10.4 2/4, 3/4 & 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes
10.5 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes
10.6 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes
10.7 2/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes
10.8 2/4, 3/4 & 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes

11: Advanced Sixteenth Note Groupings with Rests

11.1 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
11.2 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
11.3 2/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
11.4 2/4, 3/4 & 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
11.5 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th & Quarter notes - including rests
11.6 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th & Quarter notes - including rests
11.7 2/4 - 1 bar: 16th & Quarter notes - including rests
11.8 2/4, 3/4 & 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th & Quarter notes - including rests

12: Advanced 16th and 8th Combinations with Rests

12.1 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
12.2 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
12.3 2/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
12.4 2/4, 3/4 & 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
12.5 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
12.6 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
12.7 2/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
12.8 2/4, 3/4 & 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests

13: All Note values from the Previous Lessons, Including Rests

13.1 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th, Quarter, Half & Whole notes - including rests
13.2 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th, Quarter & Half notes - including rests
13.3 2/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th, Quarter & Half notes - including rests
13.4 2/4, 3/4 & 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th, Quarter & Half notes - including rests

14: 4/4: Triplets

14.1 4/4 - 1 bar: Quarter notes, 8th triplets
14.2 4/4 - 1 bar: Quarter notes, 8th triplets - including rests
14.3 4/4 - 1 bar: Quarter & Half notes, 8th triplets - including rests
14.4 4/4 - 1 bar: Quarter notes, 8th triplets - including rests
14.5 4/4 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter triplets
14.6 4/4 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter triplets - including rests
14.7 4/4 - 1 bar: Quarter notes, 8th & Quarter triplets
14.8 4/4 - 1 bar: Quarter notes, 8th & Quarter triplets - including rests
14.9 4/4 - 1 bar: Half triplets
14.10 4/4 - 1 bar: Half triplets - including rests
14.11 4/4 - 1 bar: Quarter notes, 16th triplets
14.12 4/4 - 1 bar: Quarter notes, 16th triplets - including rests
14.13 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th triplets - including rests
14.14 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th & 8th triplets
14.15 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th & 8th triplets - including rests
14.16 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th, Quarter & Half triplets
14.17 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th, Quarter & Half triplets - including rests

15: Triplets, Now in 3/4

15.1 3/4 - 1 bar: Quarter notes, 8th triplets
15.2 3/4 - 1 bar: Quarter notes, 8th triplets - including rests
15.3 3/4 - 1 bar: Quarter & Half notes, 8th triplets - including rests
15.4 3/4 - 1 bar: Quarter notes, 8th triplets - including rests
15.5 3/4 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter triplets
15.6 3/4 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter triplets - including rests
15.7 3/4 - 1 bar: Quarter notes, 8th & Quarter triplets
15.8 3/4 - 1 bar: Quarter notes, 8th & Quarter triplets - including rests
15.9 3/4 - 1 bar: Quarter notes, 16th triplets
15.10 3/4 - 1 bar: Quarter notes, 16th triplets - including rests
15.11 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th triplets - including rests
15.12 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th & 8th triplets
15.13 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th & 8th triplets - including rests
15.14 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter triplets
15.15 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter triplets - including rests

16: Introducing a New Time Signature: 5/4

16.1 5/4 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
16.2 5/4 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
16.3 5/4 - 1 bar: 8th, Quarter & Half notes - including rests
16.4 5/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
16.5 5/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
16.6 5/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th, Quarter, Half & Whole notes - including rests
16.7 5/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th, Quarter, Half & Whole notes, 16th, 8th & Quarter triplets
16.8 5/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th, Quarter, Half & Whole notes, 16th, 8th & Quarter triplets - including rests

17: Introducing New Time Signatures: 3/8, 4/8 & 6/8

17.1 3/8, 4/8 & 6/8 - 1 bar: 16th & 8th notes
17.2 3/8, 4/8 & 6/8 - 1 bar: 16th & 8th notes - including rests
17.3 3/8, 4/8 & 6/8 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes
17.4 3/8, 4/8 & 6/8 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests

18: 6/8 with Dotted Subdivision

18.1 6/8 - 1 bar: 8th notes, Quarter dotted notes
18.2 6/8 - 1 bar: 8th notes, Quarter dotted notes - including rests
18.3 6/8 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter notes, Quarter dotted notes
18.4 6/8 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter notes, Quarter dotted notes - including rests
18.5 6/8 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes, Quarter dotted notes - including rests

19: Introducing the 9/8 Time Signature

19.1 9/8 - 1 bar: 16th & 8th notes
19.2 9/8 - 1 bar: 16th & 8th notes - including rests
19.3 9/8 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes
19.4 9/8 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
19.5 9/8 - 1 bar: 8th notes, Quarter dotted notes
19.6 9/8 - 1 bar: 8th notes, Quarter dotted notes - including rests
19.7 9/8 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter notes, Quarter dotted notes
19.8 9/8 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter notes, Quarter dotted notes - including rests
19.9 9/8 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes, Quarter dotted notes - including rests

20: Introducing the 12/8 Time Signature

20.1 12/8 - 1 bar: 16th & 8th notes
20.2 12/8 - 1 bar: 16th & 8th notes - including rests
20.3 12/8 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes
20.4 12/8 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
20.5 12/8 - 1 bar: 8th notes, Quarter dotted notes
20.6 12/8 - 1 bar: 8th notes, Quarter dotted notes - including rests
20.7 12/8 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter notes, Quarter dotted notes
20.8 12/8 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter notes, Quarter dotted notes - including rests
20.9 12/8 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes, Quarter dotted notes - including rests

21: Introducing New Time Signatures: 5/8 & 7/8

21.1 5/8 & 7/8 - 1 bar: 16th & 8th notes
21.2 5/8 & 7/8 - 1 bar: 16th & 8th notes - including rests
21.3 5/8 & 7/8 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes
21.4 5/8 & 7/8 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests

22: Introducing New Time Signatures: 2/2, 3/2 & 4/2

22.1 2/2, 3/2 & 4/2 - 1 bar: Half & Whole notes
22.2 2/2, 3/2 & 4/2 - 1 bar: Half & Whole notes - including rests
22.3 2/2, 3/2 & 4/2 - 1 bar: Quarter, Half & Whole notes
22.4 2/2, 3/2 & 4/2 - 1 bar: Quarter, Half & Whole notes - including rests
22.5 2/2, 3/2 & 4/2 - 1 bar: 8th, Quarter & Half notes - including rests
22.6 2/2, 3/2 & 4/2 - 1 bar: 8th, Quarter & Half notes - including rests

23: 4/4: Mixed Note Groupings

23.1 4/4 - 1 bar: 8th notes, 8th triplets
23.2 4/4 - 1 bar: 8th notes, 8th triplets - including rests
23.3 4/4 - 1 bar: Quarter notes, Quarter triplets
23.4 4/4 - 1 bar: Quarter notes, Quarter triplets - including rests
23.5 4/4 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter notes, 8th & Quarter triplets
23.6 4/4 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter notes, 8th & Quarter triplets - including rests
23.7 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th notes, 16th triplets
23.8 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th notes, 16th triplets - including rests
23.9 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th & 8th notes, 16th & 8th triplets
23.10 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th & 8th notes, 16th & 8th triplets - including rests
23.11 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes, 16th, 8th & Quarter triplets
23.12 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes, 16th, 8th & Quarter triplets - including rests

24: 3/4: Mixed Note Groupings

24.1 3/4 - 1 bar: 8th notes, 8th triplets
24.2 3/4 - 1 bar: 8th notes, 8th triplets - including rests
24.3 3/4 - 1 bar: Quarter notes, Quarter triplets
24.4 3/4 - 1 bar: Quarter notes, Quarter triplets - including rests
24.5 3/4 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter notes, 8th & Quarter triplets
24.6 3/4 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter notes, 8th & Quarter triplets - including rests
24.7 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th notes, 16th triplets
24.8 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th notes, 16th triplets - including rests
24.9 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th & 8th notes, 16th & 8th triplets
24.10 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th & 8th notes, 16th & 8th triplets - including rests
24.11 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes, 16th, 8th & Quarter triplets
24.12 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes, 16th, 8th & Quarter triplets - including rests

25: 4/4: Introducing 32nd Notes

25.1 4/4 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
25.2 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th & 8th notes - including rests
25.3 4/4 - 1 bar: 32nd & 16th notes
25.4 4/4 - 1 bar: 32nd & 16th notes - including rests
25.5 4/4 - 1 bar: 32nd & 16th notes - including rests
25.6 4/4 - 1 bar: 32nd notes - including rests
25.7 4/4 - 1 bar: 32nd, 16th, 8th & Quarter notes
25.8 4/4 - 1 bar: 32nd, 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests

26: 3/4: 32nd Notes

26.1 3/4 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter notes - including rests
26.2 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th & 8th notes - including rests
26.3 3/4 - 1 bar: 32nd & 16th notes
26.4 3/4 - 1 bar: 32nd & 16th notes - including rests
26.5 3/4 - 1 bar: 32nd & 16th notes - including rests
26.6 3/4 - 1 bar: 32nd notes - including rests
26.7 3/4 - 1 bar: 32nd, 16th, 8th & Quarter notes
26.8 3/4 - 1 bar: 32nd, 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests

27: All the Time Signatures from the Previous Lessons

27.1 Mixed Time Signatures with 32nd, 16th, 8th & Quarter Notes
27.2 Mixed Time Signatures with 32nd, 16th, 8th & Quarter Notes + Rests

 General Workshops - Scale Identification

1: Module 1

1.1 Major, Lydian and Mixolydian (begin with 1-1)
1.2 Scales with minor sound (begin with 1-½)
1.3 Phrygian and Locrian (begin with ½-1)
1.4 All modes and harmonic and melodic minor
1.5 Whole tone and variants of Lydian and Mixolydian
1.6 Melodic minor, Locrian (#2) and Dim (1-½)
1.7 Phrygian (#6), Altered and Dim (½-1)
1.8 Derivatives of melodic minor, Whole tone and Dim
1.9 All scales and modes from lessons 1-8
1.10 Derivatives of harmonic minor
1.11 The two pentatonic scales
1.12 All modes - descending
1.13 Derivatives of harmonic minor - descending

 Jazz Workshops - Chord Identification

1: Module 1

1.1 Four note chords #1: major
1.2 Four note chords #2: minor
1.3 Four note chords #3: dim7, mi7(b5)
1.4 Four note chords #4
1.5 Four note chords #5: maj7 dissonant
1.6 Four note chords #6: major7 dissonant
1.7 Four note chords #7: minor dissonant
1.8 Four note chords #8: the six most dissonant
1.9 Four note chords #9: all
1.10 Tonic major: Five and six note chords
1.11 Tonic major: 4 to 7 note chords, Lydian scale
1.12 Tonic major, mixed
1.13 Tonic minor: 5 and 6 note chords
1.14 Tonic minor: Dorian and melodic scales
1.15 mi7(b5) chords
1.16 Minor chords, mixed
1.17 Dominants, Mixolydian scale
1.18 Dominants, Mixolydian #11 mode
1.19 Dominants, altered scale
1.20 Dominants, diminished scale
1.21 Dominants, mixed
1.22 All chords, mixed

 Jazz Workshops - Chord Identification

1: Module 1

1.1 Four note chords #1: major
1.2 Four note chords #2: minor
1.3 Four note chords #3: dim7, mi7(b5)
1.4 Four note chords #4
1.5 Four note chords #5: maj7 dissonant
1.6 Four note chords #6: major7 dissonant
1.7 Four note chords #7: minor dissonant
1.8 Four note chords #8: the six most dissonant
1.9 Four note chords #9: all
1.10 Tonic major: Five and six note chords
1.11 Tonic major: 4 to 7 note chords, Lydian scale
1.12 Tonic major, mixed
1.13 Tonic minor: 5 and 6 note chords
1.14 Tonic minor: Dorian and melodic scales
1.15 mi7(b5) chords
1.16 Minor chords, mixed
1.17 Dominants, Mixolydian scale
1.18 Dominants, Mixolydian #11 mode
1.19 Dominants, altered scale
1.20 Dominants, diminished scale
1.21 Dominants, mixed
1.22 All chords, mixed

 Jazz Workshops - Chord Progressions

1: Module 1

1.1 Diatonic progressions, major
1.2 Diatonic progressions, major
1.3 Diatonic progressions, major
1.4 Diatonic progressions, minor
1.5 Diatonic progressions, minor, with Dominant 7
1.6 Diatonic progressions, major, with Dominant V7/IV
1.7 Diatonic major, with Dominant V7/V
1.8 Diatonic major, with Dominant V7/II
1.9 Diatonic major, with Dominant V7/VI
1.10 Diatonic major, with Dominant V7/III
1.11 Major with all 5 secondary dominants
1.12 Major with tritone substituted dominants #1
1.13 Major with tritone substituted dominants #2
1.14 Major with tritone substituted dominants #3
1.15 Major with a modal interchange chord
1.16 Major with at least 2 modal interchange chords
1.17 Major, various number of modal interchange chords
1.18 All themes mixed!

 Jazz Workshops - Melodic Dictation

1: Blues Scales and Songs

1.1 Blues “licks:” 3 to 4 tones in the Key of C (1 bar)
1.2 Blues “licks:” 3 to 4 tones in the Key of F (1 bar)
1.3 Blues “licks:” 3 to 4 tones in Key of G (1 bar)
1.4 Blues “licks:” 5 to 6 tones in the Key of C (2 bars)
1.5 Melodies on the Blues Scale-7 to 8 tones in the Keys of C, F, and G, (2 bars)
1.6 Melodic Dictation: "St. Louis Blues"
1.7 Melodic Dictation: "Beale Street Blues"
1.8 Exam: Blues "Licks" and "St. Louis Blues"

2: 1920's American Swing Hits

2.1 Review of Melodic Patterns: Keys of Bb, Eb, A and D (5 to 6 tones)
2.2 Melodic Dictation: "By the Light of the Silvery Moon"
2.3 Melodic Dictation: "Swanee"
2.4 Melodic Dictation: "Rock-a-bye Your Baby"
2.5 Melodic Dictation: "T'ain't Nobody's Business If I Do"
2.6 Exam: American Swing Hits of the 1920's

3: Ballads and Blues in Minor

3.1 Natural Minor Patterns: 3 to 4 tones
3.2 Natural Minor Patterns: 5 to 6 tones
3.3 Melodic Dictation: "St. James Infirmary Blues"
3.4 Melodic Dictation: "Flee as a Bird"
3.5 Melodic Dictation: "King Chanticleer"
3.6 Melodic Dictation: "Some of these Days"
3.7 Exam: Ballads and Blues in Minor Keys

4: Novelty Songs & Rhythms

4.1 Blues Scale: 5 to 6 tones in 3/4 meter with swing 8ths
4.2 Blues Scale: 5 to 6 tones in 3/4 meter with octave leaps
4.3 Melodic Dictation: "Missouri Waltz"
4.4 Melodic Dictation: "Sheik of Araby"
4.5 Melodic Dictation: "Ja Da"
4.6 Melodic Dictation: "Ain't We Got Fun"
4.7 Exam: Novelty Songs and Rhythms

5: Irish Ballads & Folk Music

5.1 Major Scales: Two-Measure Melodies with 7th leaps
5.2 Melodic Dictation: "Too Ra Loo Ra Loo Ral"
5.3 Melodic Dictation: "When Irish Eyes are Smiling"
5.4 Melodic Dictation: "Careless Love"
5.5 Melodic Dictation: "The Bells of St. Mary's"
5.6 Exam: Irish Ballads and Folk Music

6: Fun with Irving Berlin

6.1 Melodic Dictation: "Alexander's Ragtime Band"
6.2 Melodic Dictation: "When the Midnight Choo Choo Leaves for Alabam"
6.3 Melodic Dictation: "At the Devil's Ball"
6.4 Melodic Dictation: "Mandy"
6.5 Melodic Dictation: "I Never Knew"
6.6 Exam: Fun with Irving Berlin

7: Transcribe “After You've Gone”

7.1 After You've Gone

 Jazz Workshops - Melodic Sight-Singing

1: Blues Scales and Blues Songs

1.1 Blues “licks:” 3 to 4 tones in the Key of C (1 bar)
1.2 Blues “licks:” 3 to 4 tones in the Key of F (1 bar)
1.3 Blues “licks:” 3 to 4 tones in Key of G (1 bar)
1.4 Blues “licks:” 5 to 6 tones in the Key of C (2 bars)
1.5 Melodies on the Blues Scale-7 to 8 tones in the Keys of C, F, and G, (2 bars)
1.6 Listening Activity: "St. Louis Blues" by W.C. Handy
1.7 Sight-Singing: "St. Louis Blues"
1.8 Listening Activity: "Beale Street Blues"
1.9 Sight-Singing: "Beale Street Blues"
1.10 Exam: Blues "Licks" and "The Blues"

2: 1920's American Swing Hits

2.1 Review of Melodic Patterns: Keys of Bb, Eb, A and D (5 to 6 tones)
2.2 Listening Activity: "By the Light of the Silvery Moon"
2.3 Sight-Singing: "By the Light of the Silvery Moon"
2.4 Listening Activity: "Swanee" by George Gershwin
2.5 Sight-Singing: "Swanee"
2.6 Listening Activity: "Rock-a-bye Your Baby (With a Dixie Melody)"
2.7 Sight-Singing: "Rock-a-bye Your Baby"
2.8 Listening Activity: "T'ain't Nobody's Business If I Do"
2.9 Sight-Singing: "Taint Nobody's Business..."
2.10 Exam: American Swing Hits of the 1920's

3: Ballads and Blues in Minor

3.1 Natural Minor Patterns: 3 to 4 tones
3.2 Natural Minor Patterns: 5 to 6 tones
3.3 Listening Activity: "St. James Infirmary Blues"
3.4 Sight-Singing: "St. James Infirmary Blues"
3.5 Listening Activity: "Flee as a Bird"
3.6 Sight-Singing: "Flee as a Bird"
3.7 Listening Activity: "King Chanticleer"
3.8 Sight-Singing: "King Chanticleer"
3.9 Listening Activity: "Some of These Days"
3.10 Sight-Singing: "Some of these Days"
3.11 Exam: Ballads and Blues in Minor Keys

4: Novelty Songs & Rhythms

4.1 Blues Scale: 5 to 6 tones in 3/4 meter with swing 8ths
4.2 Blues Scale: 5 to 6 tones in 3/4 meter with octave leaps
4.3 Listening Activity: "Missouri Waltz"
4.4 Sight-Singing: "Missouri Waltz"
4.5 Listening Activity: "The Sheik of Araby"
4.6 Sight-Singing: "Sheik of Araby"
4.7 Listening Activity: "Ja Da"
4.8 Sight-Singing: "Ja Da"
4.9 Listening Activity: "Ain't We Got Fun
4.10 Sight-Singing: "Ain't We Got Fun"
4.11 Exam: Novelty songs and Rhythms

5: Irish Ballads & Folk Music

5.1 Major Scales: Two-measure melodies with 7th interval leaps
5.2 Listening Activity: "Too-ra-loo-ra-loo-ra"
5.3 Sight-Singing: "Too Ra Loo"
5.4 Listening Activity: "When Irish Eyes are Smiling"
5.5 Sight-Singing: "When Irish Eyes are Smiling"
5.6 Listening Activity: "Careless Love"
5.7 Sight-Singing: "Careless Love"
5.8 Listening Activity: "The Bells of St. Mary's"
5.9 Sight-Singing: "The Bells of St. Mary's"
5.10 Exam: Irish Ballads and Folk Music

6: Fun with Irving Berlin

6.1 Listening Activity: "Alexander's Ragtime Band"
6.2 Sight-Singing: "Alexander's Ragtime Band"
6.3 Listening Activity: "Midnight Choo Choo"
6.4 Sight-Singing: "When the Midnight Choo Choo"
6.5 Listening Activity: "At the Devil's Ball"
6.6 Sight-Singing: "At the Devil's Ball"
6.7 Listening Activity: "Mandy"
6.8 Sight-Singing: "Mandy"
6.9 Listening Activity: "I Never Knew"
6.10 Sight-Singing: "I Never Knew"
6.11 Exam: Fun with Irving Berlin

7: Sight-Sing “After You've Gone”

7.1 After You've Gone

 Jazz Workshops - Melody Singback

1: Blues Scales and Blues Songs

1.1 Blues “licks:” 3 to 4 tones in the Key of C (1 bar)
1.2 Blues “licks:” 3 to 4 tones in the Key of F (1 bar)
1.3 Blues “licks:” 3 to 4 tones in Key of G (1 bar)
1.4 Blues “licks:” 5 to 6 tones in the Key of C (2 bars)
1.5 Melodies on the Blues Scale-7 to 8 tones in the Keys of C, F, and G, (2 bars)
1.6 Sing or play back: "St. Louis Blues"
1.7 Sing or play back: "Beale Street Blues"
1.8 Exam: Blues "Licks" and "The Blues"

2: 1920's American Swing Hits

2.1 Review of Melodic Patterns: Keys of Bb, Eb, A and D (5 to 6 tones)
2.2 Sing or play back: "By the Light of the Silvery Moon"
2.3 Sing or play back: "Swanee"
2.4 Sing or play back: "Rock-a-bye Your Baby"
2.5 Sing or play back: "Taint Nobody's Business..."
2.6 Exam: American Swing Hits of the 1920's

3: Ballads and Blues in Minor

3.1 Natural Minor Patterns: 3 to 4 tones
3.2 Natural Minor Patterns: 5 to 6 tones
3.3 Sing or play back: "St. James Infirmary Blues"
3.4 Sing or play back: "Flee as a Bird"
3.5 Sing or play back: "King Chanticleer"
3.6 Sing or play back: "Some of these Days"
3.7 Exam: Ballads and Blues in Minor Keys

4: Novelty Songs & Rhythms

4.1 Blues Scale: 5 to 6 tones in 3/4 meter with swing 8ths
4.2 Blues Scale: 5 to 6 tones in 3/4 meter with octave leaps
4.3 Sing or play back: "Missouri Waltz"
4.4 Sing or play back: "Sheik of Araby"
4.5 Sing or play back: "Ja Da"
4.6 Sing or play back: "Ain't We Got Fun"
4.7 Exam: Novelty Songs and Rhythms

5: Irish Ballads & Folk Music

5.1 Major Scales: Two-measure melodies with 7th interval leaps
5.2 Sing or play back: "Too Ra Loo"
5.3 Sing or play back: "When Irish Eyes are Smiling"
5.4 Sing or play back: "Careless Love"
5.5 Sing or play back: "The Bells of St. Mary's"
5.6 Exam: Irish Ballads and Folk Music

6: Fun with Irving Berlin

6.1 Sing or play back: "Alexander's Ragtime Band"
6.2 Sing or play back: "When the Midnight Choo Choo"
6.3 Sing or play back: "At the Devil's Ball"
6.4 Sing or play back: "Mandy"
6.5 Sing or play back: "I Never Knew"
6.6 Exam: Fun with Irving Berlin

7: Play “After You've Gone” by ear

7.1 After You've Gone

 Jazz Workshops - Rhythm Clapback

1: Module 1

1.1 4/4 swing, half-, quarter- and eighth notes
1.2 4/4 swing with rests
1.3 4/4 swing, quarter notes and eighths, faster tempo
1.4 3/4 swing, quarter notes, eighths and rests
1.5 3/4 and 4/4 swing - two bars!
1.6 4/4 swing with eighth note triplets
1.7 4/4 swing with triplets
1.8 4/4 swing with triplets and rests
1.9 3/4 swing with triplets
1.10 3/4 and 4/4 swing, triplets and rest
1.11 6/8
1.12 6/8 with rests
1.13 6/8, with rests and ties
1.14 4/4 straight with eighths and sixteenths.
1.15 3/4 and 4/4 straight with rests
1.16 6/8 with sixteenths
1.17 6/8 with sixteenths and ties
1.18 6/8 with sixteenths, rests and ties
1.19 6/8 with sixteenths. 2 bars.
1.20 6/8 with sixteenths and ties. 2 bars.
1.21 6/8 with sixteenths, rests and ties
1.22 Medium upswing, quarter notes, eighths and rests
1.23 Up-tempo swing, quarter notes, eighths and rests
1.24 Medium upswing, with rests and ties
1.25 Up-tempo swing, with rests and ties
1.26 Medium upswing, quarter notes, eighths and rests.
1.27 Up-tempo swing, tempo 200. Two bars
1.28 Medium upswing, with rests and ties. Two bars
1.29 Medium upswing, 2 bars, with quarter note triplets
1.30 Up-tempo swing, rests and ties.
1.31 Up-tempo swing, with quarter note triplets
1.32 Sixteenths swing. One bar
1.33 Sixteenths swing with sixteenth note triplets
1.34 Sixteenths swing with triplets and ties
1.35 Sixteenths swing with sixteenth note triplets
1.36 Straight rhythms with 16th and 32nd notes
1.37 Rhythms with 16th and 32nd notes and ties
1.38 Up-tempo swing with quarter note triplets. Two bars
1.39 Up-tempo swing with rests. Two bars
1.40 Up-tempo swing with more eighths. Two bars.
1.41 Up-tempo swing with quarter note triplets. 3 bars!
1.42 Up-tempo swing with rests. 3 bars.
1.43 Swing eighths with straight sixteenths.
1.44 Swing eighths with straight sixteenths and rests.
1.45 Sixteenths swing. 2 bars.
1.46 Sixteenths swing with triplets and ties. 2 bars.
1.47 Up-tempo swing with more eighths.
1.48 Swinging eighths and straight sixteenths.
1.49 Swinging eighths, straight sixteenths and rests.

 Jazz Workshops - Rhythm Error Detection

1: Module 1

1.1 4/4 swing, one bar, one error
1.2 4/4 swing, 2 bars, 2 errors
1.3 4/4 swing with rests
1.4 4/4 swing with rests, 2 bars, 2 errors
1.5 4/4 swing, faster tempo
1.6 4/4 swing, 2 bars, 2 errors
1.7 3/4 swing, 2 bars, 2 errors
1.8 3/4 and 4/4 swing, 2 errors
1.9 4/4 swing with eighth note triplets, 2 errors
1.10 4/4 swing with triplets, 2 errors
1.11 4/4 swing with triplets, 3 errors
1.12 4/4 swing with triplets and rests, 2 errors
1.13 4/4 swing with triplets and rests, 3 errors
1.14 3/4 swing with triplets, 2 bars, 2 errors
1.15 3/4 and 4/4 swing, triplets and rests, 4 errors
1.16 6/8, 2 errors
1.17 6/8, 2 errors
1.18 6/8 with rests, 2 errors
1.19 6/8 with rests, 3 errors
1.20 6/8 with rests and more eighths, 2 errors
1.21 6/8 with rests, 4 errors
1.22 4/4 with straight eighths and sixteenths, 2 errors
1.23 4/4 with straight eighths and sixteenths, 4 errors
1.24 3/4 and 4/4 straight, with rests, 2 errors
1.25 3/4 and 4/4 straight, with rests, 4 errors
1.26 6/8 with sixteenths, 2 errors
1.27 6/8 with sixteenths, 3 errors
1.28 6/8 with sixteenths, 2 errors
1.29 6/8 with triplets, 3 errors
1.30 Medium upswing
1.31 Medium upswing
1.32 Sixteenths swing
1.33 Sixteenths swing
1.34 Sixteenths swing with sixteenth note triplets
1.35 Sixteenths swing with sixteenth note triplets
1.36 Straight rhythms with 16th and 32nd notes #1
1.37 Straight rhythms with 16th and 32nd notes #2
1.38 Straight rhythms with 16th and 32nd notes #3
1.39 Up-tempo swing #1
1.40 Up-tempo swing #2
1.41 Up-tempo swing #3
1.42 Swing eighths with straight sixteenths
1.43 Swing eighths with straight sixteenths

 Jazz Workshops - Rhythmic Dictation

1: Module 1

1.1 4/4 swing, half-, quarter- and eighth notes
1.2 4/4 swing with rests
1.3 4/4 swing, quarter notes and eighths, faster tempo
1.4 3/4 swing, quarter notes, eighths and rests
1.5 3/4 and 4/4 swing - two bars!
1.6 4/4 swing with eighth note triplets
1.7 4/4 swing with triplets
1.8 4/4 swing with triplets and rests
1.9 3/4 swing with triplets
1.10 3/4 and 4/4 swing, triplets and rest
1.11 6/8
1.12 6/8 with rests
1.13 6/8, with rests and ties
1.14 4/4 straight with eighths and sixteenths.
1.15 3/4 and 4/4 straight with rests
1.16 6/8 with sixteenths
1.17 6/8 with sixteenths and ties
1.18 6/8 with sixteenths, rests and ties
1.19 6/8 with sixteenths. 2 bars.
1.20 6/8 with sixteenths and ties. 2 bars.
1.21 6/8 with sixteenths, rests and ties
1.22 Medium upswing, quarter notes, eighths and rests
1.23 Up-tempo swing, quarter notes, eighths and rests
1.24 Medium upswing, with rests and ties
1.25 Up-tempo swing, with rests and ties
1.26 Medium upswing, quarter notes, eighths and rests.
1.27 Up-tempo swing, tempo 200. Two bars
1.28 Medium upswing, with rests and ties. Two bars
1.29 Medium upswing, 2 bars, with quarter note triplets
1.30 Up-tempo swing, rests and ties.
1.31 Up-tempo swing, with quarter note triplets
1.32 Sixteenths swing. One bar
1.33 Sixteenths swing with sixteenth note triplets
1.34 Sixteenths swing with triplets and ties
1.35 Sixteenths swing with sixteenth note triplets.
1.36 Straight rhythms with 16th and 32nd notes
1.37 Rhythms with 16th and 32nd notes and ties
1.38 Up-tempo swing with quarter note triplets. Two bars
1.39 Up-tempo swing with rests. Two bars
1.40 Up-tempo swing with more eighths. Two bars.
1.41 Up-tempo swing with quarter note triplets. 3 bars!
1.42 Up-tempo swing with rests. 3 bars.
1.43 Swing eighths with straight sixteenths.
1.44 Swing eighths with straight sixteenths and rests.
1.45 Sixteenths swing. 2 bars.
1.46 Sixteenths swing with triplets and ties. 2 bars.
1.47 Up-tempo swing with more eighths.
1.48 Swinging eighths and straight sixteenths.
1.49 Swinging eighths, straight sixteenths and rests.

 Jazz Workshops - Rhythmic Sight-Reading

1: Module 1

1.1 4/4 swing, half-, quarter- and eighth notes
1.2 4/4 swing with rests
1.3 4/4 swing, quarter notes and eighths, faster tempo
1.4 3/4 swing, quarter notes, eighths and rests
1.5 3/4 and 4/4 swing - two bars!
1.6 4/4 swing with eighth note triplets
1.7 4/4 swing with triplets
1.8 4/4 swing with triplets and rests
1.9 3/4 swing with triplets
1.10 3/4 and 4/4 swing, triplets and rest
1.11 6/8
1.12 6/8 with rests
1.13 6/8, with rests and ties
1.14 4/4 straight with eighths and sixteenths.
1.15 3/4 and 4/4 straight with rests
1.16 6/8 with sixteenths
1.17 6/8 with sixteenths and ties
1.18 6/8 with sixteenths, rests and ties
1.19 Medium upswing, quarter notes, eighths and rests
1.20 Medium upswing with rests and ties
1.21 Sixteenths swing
1.22 Sixteenths swing with sixteenth note triplets
1.23 Sixteenths swing with triplets and ties
1.24 Straight rhythms with 16th and 32nd notes
1.25 Rhythms with 16th and 32nd notes and ties
1.26 Up-tempo swing
1.27 Up-tempo swing with rests
1.28 Up-tempo swing with more eighths
1.29 Swing eighths with straight sixteenths.
1.30 Swing eighths with straight sixteenths and rests.