Download the free version of EarMaster


Ear training, sight-singing, and rhythm training for all musicians

Beginner's Course - first 4 modules
Interval Identification - Customized Exercise mode
Chord Identification - Customized Exercise mode
Call of the Notes - full course for call-response ear training
Greensleeves - Explore the Folk ballad with EarMaster exercises

Desktop computers

laptop box

Works with:
Windows 7, 8, 10 and 11
macOS 10.14 or newer

 Download on Windows or Mac

Phones and tablets

earmaster tablet phone

Works with:
iOS 10 or newer
Android 7 Nougat or newer

Download from App Store Download from the Google Play Store

If you enjoy the free version of EarMaster, you can unlock the rest of the app by subscribing or buying a license.

 5 tips to make solid progress faster

  • 1. Be consistent
    5-10 minutes of practice every day gives better results than one hour once a week.
  • 2. Sing as much as possible
    Singing the intervals, scales and melodies will help you progress much faster.
  • 3. Hang on!
    After only a few sessions, your aural skills will already start to improve.
  • 4. Diversity is key
    Use all the activities! They will add new dimensions to your musical ear in each their own way.
  • 5. Mark the pulse
    Mark the pulse with your feet when clapping rhythms or singing melodies. It will help your rhythmic accuracy.