About EarMaster

EarMaster is a music app development company founded in Denmark in 1994. Our mission is to develop the best music learning apps that may help musicians obtain better musical skills. What drives our company is a deep passion for music in all its shapes and colors. All of our employees are musicians and avid users of EarMaster on a personal basis.

Awards and Prizes 

2020: EarMaster was promoted by Apple as Best App of the Month upon release of the iPhone version.
2019: EarMaster was nominated as a finalist for the Music Teacher Awards for Excellence in the Outstanding Digital/Technological Resource category.
2017: EarMaster was nominated in the "Best educational tool" category at the prestigious NAMM TEC Awards in Los Angeles.
2012 and 2011: EarMaster was awarded 2 consecutive Gazelle Prizes by Danish financial newspaper Børsen for being one of Denmark's fastest-growing companies.

The EarMaster office

Egaa MarinaOur office is based in Aarhus, Denmark. Located in northern Europe, Denmark is a small country of 6 million people. Our office building is located at the beautiful yachting marina of Egå, where fresh air and a nice view of the Baltic sea inspires us everyday. Our work environment is quite relaxed. That means: no suits and ties, and a bit of fun and music is always welcome.

A bit of history

The EarMaster history goes back to 1992, where founder Hans Jakobsen was preparing for conservatory training. He seriously needed to develop his musical ear fast, but could not find any effective ear training tools. These circumstances paved the way for the foundation of EarMaster.

Hans came up with the idea of using computers for ear training, and by 1994 he had developed the first software program for ear training - a simple program primarily intended for music students. In 1996 the first edition of EarMaster saw the light of day. EarMaster not only addressed music students, who shared similar experiences, but now all musicians could benefit from our program - and from their own musical ear!

Starting up more than a decade ago with a DOS-based program and now having, in our opinion, the best ear training software in the world - translated into many languages and distributed globally - tells us that a lot of ears need us!
