Become an EarMaster affiliate

Earn commissions by sharing your enthusiasm about EarMaster

Help us spread the word about EarMaster and receive 30% of subscripton sales in commission for your work!

 How does it work?

  1. Sign up at to obtain your personal affiliate link
  2. Use your affiliate link on your website, your social media posts or any other way you see fit
  3. A cookie is set when a visitor comes to using your link. The cookie will live for 60 days.
  4. Receive 30% in commission each time a user signs up for a subscription plan. With the monthly plan, you receive commissions the first 6 months, and with the annual plan, you recevie 30% off the first yearly payment (i.e. you earn a bit more if a user chooses the annual plan)
  5. Commissions remain pending for 30 days and are ready for payout after that
  6. Payouts to affiliates are made via PayPal

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